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Bulk User
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Active Directory bulk user management

Bulk managing AD users can be a challenge in a large and complex Windows network. Moreover, using native tools and PowerShell scripts requires in-depth knowledge of AD and scripting to accomplish bulk user management in AD.

ADManager Plus is an AD management and reporting software that allows you to create and manage multiple AD users using CSV. Also, using the reactive user account management feature, you can manage multiple attributes of user accounts in just a single step.

During AD bulk user creation and modification, you can use customizable templates that contain standard user attribute values based on the department or role. Besides these, you can also delegate user management actions to help desk technicians or non-administrators.

Using ADManager Plus, you can modify AD attributes in bulk; attributes in Exchange Server 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016; Exchange policies; Microsoft 365 accounts, licenes, Exchange Online mailboxes, etc.; as well as Skype for Business and Terminal Services attributes. The Active Directory bulk user update tool simplifies all AD user management operations including:

ADManager Plus also offers iOS and Android mobile apps, which facilitate on-the-go AD management.

Bulk User Management Flow

Ad Bulk user creation
I would not be able to perform my role as Microsoft Sharepoint Portal server administrator if I didn't get to know about ADManager Plus by ManageEngine. A right tool to manage Windows server Active Directory.

-Sona. Sharepoint Admin More...

Bulk user creation

ADManager Plus simplifies the process of creating users in bulk in just a few clicks. The tool offers:

  • One-step user creation in AD, Microsoft 365, Exchange, Skype for Business, and Google Workspace with customized settings for each platform via user provisioning templates.
  • Customizable templates to streamline creation of AD objects. It also includes rule-based methods to auto-populate attributes if certain conditions are met Learn more...

Bulk user modification

Using ADManager Plus, you can modify users in bulk in AD, Exchange, Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and more using a CSV file. You can modify settings of multiple user accounts at once, using this solution.

  • Active Directory attributes

    Some common and frequently performed AD user management actions that can be easily performed using ADManager Plus' purpose-built features include:

    • Resetting passwords.
    • Modifing the name, display name, logon name, and SAM account name formats.
    • Enabling or disabling users, unlocking users, and setting user account expiration dates.
    • Setting home folder, profile, and script paths for users.
    • Moving users to a different container.
    • Updating group and distribution list memberships.
    Learn more...
  • Exchange Server attributes

    ADManager Plus enables administrators to perform AD and Exchange-related operations from a single console, without toggling between Exchange Management Console (EMC) and Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC). Using ADManager Plus, you can perform the following operations in bulk, with just point and click operations:

    • Create Exchange Server 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 mailboxes for users.
    • Disable, delete, archive, or migrate mailboxes.
    • Set sending and receiving message sizes and message restrictions for users.
    • Set mailbox storage limits, mailbox rights, and the delivery options.
    • Restrict forwarding addresses for users.
    • Modify the deleted item retention policy.
    • Configure auto reply settings and Exchange policies.
    • Enable or disable Outlook mobile access, Outlook Web access, IMAP4, and POP3 protocols.
  • Terminal Service attributes

    ADManager Plus offers the capability to manage Terminal Service properties of bulk Active Directory users for efficient terminal service administration. Using ADManager Plus, you can:

    • Modify the Terminal Services home folder and profile path for users.
    • Modify startup programs for users logging in from Terminal Services.
    • Modify session durations, active session limits, idle session limits, and more.
    • Enable or disable remote control properties.
    Learn more...

Other popular AD bulk management actions include:

  • AD photo management - Add, edit, or delete photos to user accounts, in bulk, in a single operation.
  • Manage user workstations and restrict users from logging in from specific computers.
  • Allow or restrict users from inheriting permissions from their parent object, and so on.

Locate and manage AD objects with the built-in search capability

ADManager Plus has a search feature that allows you to locate any AD object and perform the desired management actions right from the search results. Using the tool, you can:

  • Search for users, groups, and computers in the domain.
  • Restrict search options to specific OUs and domains.
  • Simplify the search by including names and descriptions in the search criteria.

Simplified and easy AD management through ADManager Plus' completely GUI-based features is a great relief from the draining task of AD management. In fact, this tool goes even further and helps you automatically execute repetitive tasks through its automation feature. The best part? It does all this without having to write or use even a single line of script or PowerShell. This is as easy as AD management gets!

Start a free, 30-day trial of ADManager Plus, and see this AD user management software in action.

Painless bulk user management

  • Automated AD, Office 365 and Exchange user creation
  • Bulk manage multiple AD users via CSV
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Template and CSV-based Advanced AD User Provisioning Techniques

Other features
  • Active Directory Management

    Manage AD, Office 365, Exchange, Skype for Business, and Google Workspace accounts of users, single or bulk, using CSV files or smart templates.

  • Active Directory Password Management

    No more password-related woes. Reset passwords of user accounts whose passwords are about to expire, single or bulk

  • Automated AD User Creation

    Simplify user provisioning by automating user creation by integrating ADManager Plus with MS SQL, Oracle databases, and HRMS applications, or by using CSV files.

  • Active Directory User Reporting

    Get instant information on Active Directory user accounts such as locked-out users, disabled users, account expired users, and users' logon data without using PowerShell scripts.

  • NTFS Permissions Management

    Get instant reports on access permissions of all NTFS and Shared folders for Windows file servers and NetApp servers.

  • Office 365 User Management

    Create Office 365 accounts, assign, revoke or remove their licenses, reset the password of accounts, and more.

A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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