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Terminal Services
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Active Directory Terminal Services Management & Reporting

ADManager Plus gives you the ability to manage the terminal service properties of Active Directory users in bulk, making it an ideal option for efficient terminal services administration. You can create home directories, profile paths/roaming profiles with reliable security controls; specify and modify terminal service profile, environment, sessions, and remote control attributes with its bulk terminal services management capability.

Without an efficient terminal services manager, Active Directory user management and streamlining all terminal service attributes is tedious when using PowerShell or native Active Directory tools as it does not allow bulk operations. ADManager Plus completely eliminates the bottlenecks in terminal services management by easing the process through its exclusive terminal services-related features, mass user management capability, and the ability to manage AD easily from anywhere, without having to depend on a remote desktop connection.

Active Directory Terminal Services Management

ADManager Plus is an efficient terminal services manager with the following predefined features to manage users terminal services settings:

Manage Active Directory users' dial-in or VPN properties

Allow or deny dial-in or VPN access for Active Directory users to logon remotely to the organization's network. If you do not wish to allow or deny terminal server logon access to users explicitly, you can also choose to provision or control access through the remote access policy, based on your organization's needs.

Modify Terminal Services Home Folder and Profile Path for users

Enable administrators to set, change, or clear the home folder and profile path of users for whom terminal services access has been enabled.

Modify start programs for users logging via terminal services

Make it easy for administrators to specify the program that should start when users log on via terminal services, for multiple users at once via CSV. Also set the drives and printers that users should connect to at login.

Modify terminal server session time limits such as active session and idle session limits.

Set or edit terminal services sessions limits such as the active session limit or session timeout, idle session limit, and the end disconnected session limit for users in bulk. Also specify whether users' sessions must be disconnected or ended when the session limit is reached or the connection is lost; set the time after which a broken terminal connection must be ended.

Enable or disable terminal services remote control properties

Configure Active Directory users remote control properties to allow them to join other users' sessions, specify if they must get users' permission before joining their session, and also if they can just view users sessions, or interact with users during remote sessions.

Prepackaged terminal services reports

Besides being an efficient terminal services management tool, ADManager Plus also offers the following built-in reports to turn terminal services reporting into simple point and click operations.

Users with terminal server access

View all users for whom terminal server logon has been turned on. Also view the values of other terminal services settings such as the profile path, home directory, and session limits; and also other general details such as the users' logon names, and sAMAccount names.

Users terminal services properties

Displays all the terminal services properties of users for whom terminal server access is enabled. This report also displays the values configured for all terminal services settings such as the home drive, profile path, active and idle session limits, working directory, startup program and more.

Featured links

Configure terminal services of Active Directory users in bulk.

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Other features

Active Directory Password Management

Reset password and set password propertied from a single web-based console, without compromising on the security of your AD! Delegate your password-reset powers to the helpdesk technicians too!

Active Directory Reports

A catalog of almost every report that you will need from your Active Directory! Comprehensive and Reliable reporting. Schedule reports to run periodically. Manage your AD right from within the reports.

Active Directory Logon Reports

Monitor logon activities of Active Directory users on your AD environment. Filter out Inactive Users. Reporting on hourly level. Generate reports for true last logon time & recently logged on users.

Office 365 Reports

Pre-defined O365 user-specific reports: all users & inactive users, license based reports: licensed / unlicensed users, license details, and group-based reports: distribution lists, security groups, etc.

Microsoft Exchange Management

Create and manage Exchange mailboxes and configure mailbox rights using ADManager Plus's Exchange Management system. Now with support for Microsoft Exchange 2010!!

Active Directory Automation

A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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