Wireless Traffic Monitor

Wi-Fi traffic monitoring

A Wi-Fi traffic monitor enables you to monitor and manage your organization's wireless network and devices in real time. Wi-Fi traffic monitoring in organizations involves discovering, monitoring, and troubleshooting the wireless devices on your network. With the increasing use of wireless devices and BYOD culture, Wi-Fi traffic monitoring is critical to ensure the performance and security of your wireless network.

Wi-Fi traffic monitoring challenges

Effective enterprise Wi-Fi traffic monitoring can be challenging given the different types of data that needs to be monitored and rapid growth of networks. This involves:

  1. Identifying and mapping the network data sources
  2. Overcoming a lack of networks visibility
  3. Monitoring remotely
  4. Analyzing network traffic patterns and deriving useful performance insights

Alerts and network traffic monitoring bandwidth reports are critical for gaining an overview of the Wi-Fi traffic in your organization's network. These reports deliver a comprehensive, customizable view from a single console, and enable you to detect potential problems quickly so you can troubleshoot them before they impact your network.

Monitor Wi-Fi traffic with ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer

NetFlow Analyzer's multi-vendor wireless LAN controller (WLC) monitoring module simplifies Wi-Fi traffic monitoring software. It gives you in-depth visibility and control over WLCs, its associated service set identifiers (SSIDs), QoS, and access points (APs). It enables you to monitor clients or users in your network in detail so you are assured your wireless bandwidth is leveraged efficiently.

Click here view the list of wireless LAN controller models/vendors supported by NetFlow Analyzer.

Monitor the Wi-Fi traffic of your organization's networks

Cisco's WLC monitoring module in our wireless traffic monitor allows direct discovery of Cisco WLCs, their SSIDs, APs and enables you to monitor the performance of your Wi-Fi traffic. The customizable WLC dashboard allows network admins to add widgets such as top SSIDs, applications, APs, Client IPs/MACs, and a WLC health map.

WiFi Traffic Monitoring - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer  

NetFlow Analyzer offers a multitude of reports, including Compare, Forensics, Capacity Planning, Forecast, and Billing reports that give insights into your overall wireless network health. They help you keep track of Wi-Fi traffic activity, and in turn identity and troubleshoot network incidents faster.

Wi-Fi Traffic - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer  

Analyze Wi-Fi traffic patterns

The WLC snapshot page in traffic monitoring software's Inventory provides information on the device type, flow count, IN and OUT traffic, alerts associated with the devices, and other similar parameters. The wireless bandwidth monitoring tool gives the visibility you need to see which devices are utilizing your network's wireless bandwidth.

Wi-Fi Traffic Monitoring Tool - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer  

It enables you to drill down to the individual network element to monitor Wi-Fi traffic patterns to identify and prevent potentially recurring bandwidth issues. The WiFi traffic monitor also allows you to create and monitor the wireless bandwidth usage of custom AP groups and SSID groups, providing a comprehensive view of your wireless network for efficient management.

Wireless Traffic Monitor - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer  

Identify Wi-Fi traffic top talkers

The WLC monitoring module identifies the top talkers and conversations in your WLC environment, and displays information on various parameters, including usage, IP/MAC information, traffic, and associated applications. This helps pinpoint the source of bandwidth bottlenecks and enables the network admin to take the necessary action in case of excessive usage or anomalies.

Monitor Wireless Network Traffic - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer  

NetFlow Analyzer is a full-featured bandwidth monitoring and network traffic analysis solution that acts as an advanced Wi-Fi network traffic monitor for organizations. It is a flow-based software that runs on both Windows and Linux machines and supports a wide range of flow formats and devices. Download a free trial of NetFlow Analyzer now!

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