Download Password Manager Pro 13.1

Important: The latest PMP version is 13.1 (Build 13100). If you are using earlier versions, you need to apply upgrade pack. See What's New in PMP 13.1?

More Download Option

Version 13.1 (Build 13100)

Windows(SHA256 Checksum hash value)

Password Manager Pro.exe 64-bit 3034a8e07c3516605702fc653d3edc2210c9f632d31333030b6b44699f6248b1
Linux(SHA256 Checksum hash value)

Password Manager Pro.bin 64-bit c63cec195a79a325a4b83b30544a2b230bca221ebb8538ba269ff6182e3823e6
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Licensing Details

Password Manager Pro licensing is based on three factors:

  1. Number of Administrators
  2. Type of Edition - Standard, Premium or Enterprise
  3. Number of Keys (Optional Add-on)


Know the difference

Standard Edition
Premium Edition
Enterprise Edition
User / User Group Management tick tick tick
AD / Azure AD / LDAP Integration tick tick tick
AD / Azure AD Sync - User Groups & OUs tick tick tick
Local Authentication tick tick tick
Two-Factor Authentication tick tick tick
SAML SSO 2.0 (Okta, Azure AD, ADFS, G Suite and Others) tick tick tick
Federated Identity Management tick tick tick
Centralized Password Vault tick tick tick
Manual Resource Addition tick tick tick
Import Resources from Files tick tick tick
Import Resources from KeePass tick tick tick
Import Resources from AD tick tick tick
Password Policies tick tick tick
Password Sharing and Management tick tick tick
Time-based One-Time Passwords tick tick tick
Remote Sessions - RDP, SSH and Telnet tick tick tick
VNC Support for Collaboration tick tick tick
Password Reset Listener tick tick tick
Password Protected Exports tick tick tick
Export Passwords for Offline Access tick tick tick
Transfer Approver Privileges tick tick tick
IIS Web.Config Discovery tick tick tick
Folder Management tick tick tick
UI Personalization tick tick tick
Audit and Notifications tick tick tick
Email Notifications tick tick tick
IP Restrictions - Web Access tick tick tick
Backup File Encryption tick tick tick
Disaster Backup and Recovery Provisions tick tick tick
Emergency Measures tick tick tick
Rebranding tick tick tick
Mobile Application Access (Android, iOS) tick tick tick
Browser Extension Access (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) tick tick tick
Secure Cloud Storage Options tick tick tick
Auto Logon Helper tick tick tick
Password Access Control Workflow tick tick tick
Administrators Dashboard (Live Feeds, Reports and Graphs) tick tick tick
Password Action Notifications (Resource Group-Specific) tick tick tick
Remote Password Reset (On-Demand, Scheduled, and Action-Based) tick tick tick
Agent-Based Password Reset tick tick tick
IIS AppPool Password Reset tick tick tick
Canned Reports tick tick tick
High Availability - Bundled PostgresSQL Database tick tick tick
Privileged Session Recording tick tick tick
Password Reset Plugin tick tick tick
User Sessions tick tick tick
Trash Users tick tick tick
Disable Password Resets for Privileged Accounts tick tick tick
Password Reset using SSH Command Sets tick tick tick
IP Restrictions - API Access and Agent Access tick tick tick
Privacy Settings tick tick tick
Password Management APIs (XML RPC, SSH CLI) tick tick tick
Custom Database Resource Types tick tick tick
Purge Selective Session Recordings tick tick tick
Read-Only Server - PostgreSQL tick tick tick
Encryption Key Rotation tick tick tick
AD Resource Sync tick tick tick
LDAP Sync - User and User Groups tick tick tick
Role Customization tick tick tick
MS SQL Server as Backend Database tick tick tick
Smart Card / PKI / Certificate Authentication tick tick tick
Privileged Accounts Discovery for Linux, SNMP, and VMware ESXi tick tick tick
Remote Sessions with Auto Logon tick tick tick
Custom Password Reset Listeners tick tick tick
Landing Server Configuration tick tick tick
Scheduled Export of Encrypted HTML Files tick tick tick
Privileged Session Shadowing and Termination tick tick tick
File Transfer over Remote Desktop Sessions tick tick tick
SQL Server Failover Clustering tick tick tick
EAR support while using MS SQL as backend database tick tick tick
Data Encryption and Protection with SafeNet HSM tick tick tick
Data Encryption and Protection with Entrust nShield HSM tick tick tick
Ticketing System Integration - ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand, ServiceDesk Plus MSP, ServiceDesk Plus, ServiceNow, JIRA Service Desk tick tick tick
Custom Reports tick tick tick
Out-of-Box Compliance Reports (PCI DSS, NERC-CIP, ISO/IEC 27001, GDPR) tick tick tick
SQL Query Reports tick tick tick
SIEM integration - SNMP Traps & Syslog Messages Generation tick tick tick
CI/CD Platform Integration - Jenkins, Ansible, Chef and Puppet tick tick tick
RESTful API tick tick tick
Email Templates for Notifications tick tick tick

Password Manager Pro Add-on Features:

Standard Edition
Premium and Enterprise Edition
SSL/TLS Certificate Management tick tick
On-Demand SSL Discovery tick tick
Scheduled SSL Discovery tick tick
SSL Discovery from SMTP servers tick tick
SSL Discovery from Shared Directory Path tick tick
SSL Discovery from Subnet Discovery tick tick
Agent-Based SSL Discovery tick tick
SSL Discovery from Load Balancer tick tick
SSL Discovery from AWS (ACM & IAM) tick tick
Active Directory User Certificates Discovery tick tick
CSR Process Management tick tick
CSR Import tick tick
Microsoft CA Certificate Signing tick tick
Sign Certificates using Custom Root CA tick tick
End-to-End Certificate Lifecycle Management with Let's Encrypt, Buypass Go SSL, and ZeroSSL tick tick
Integration with Public Certificate Authorities: Sectigo (formerly Comodo), GoDaddy, Digicert, GlobalSign SSL, Symantec, Thawte, Geotrust, and RapidSSL tick tick
SSL Certificate Deployment and Tracking tick tick
SSL Vulnerability Scanning tick tick
SSL Certificate Expiration Alerts tick tick
SSL Certificate Groups tick tick
SSL Certificate Sharing tick tick
SSL Certificate Renewal tick tick
Agent-Based SSL Deployment tick tick
Track Domain Expiration tick tick
Integration with ManageEngine MDM tick tick
SSH Key Pair Lifecycle Management tick tick
Periodic SSH Key Rotation tick tick
Periodic SSH Key Rotation tick tick
Automated SSH Discovery tick tick
Microsoft CA Auto renewal tick tick
CMDB Integration for SSL Certificate Synchronization tick tick
Ticketing System Integration for SSL tick tick

Password Manager Pro - Enterprise Password Management Software trusted by

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