Getting Started With Key Manager


ManageEngine Key Manager is a web-based SSH Key Management & SSL Certificate Life-Cycle Management Solution and this section provides basic details on getting started with the product.

SSH Management

Discover Keys:

SSH management starts with the discovery of the SSH systems in the network. You can initiate this from the "Discovery" tab in the GUI.

Provide Credentials, Enumerate Users:

After discovering the SSH systems, you need to provide credentials to enable Key Manager to connect with the systems and enumerate users. You can do this from "Resources" tab.

Once you complete the above steps, the Key Manager will discover the existing private keys from the users and list them under SSH Management.

Associate Keys with Passphrases:

The keys discovered can be associated directly with users if the keys have not been protected with passphrases. If the keys have been protected, passphrase can be provided manually.

Create News Keys:

You can create a SSH private key and associate the respective public key with a user from SSH Management » Create Key section in the GUI.

Associate New Keys With Users:

The newly created key can be associated with specific users from SSH Management » Associate section.

Rotate Keys On-Demand and Periodically:

You can change the SSH key pair anytime as needed or rotate automatically at periodic intervals. You can change the keys anytime from SSH Management » Rotate or create scheduled task from Schedule » New Schedule » Key Rotation (Schedule Type).

Connect to Respective User Accounts

You can connect to the respective user account in remote systems from SSH Resources » SSH Details » User Name

Audit & Reports

All operations performed by the users are audited and trails can be viewed from Audit tab. SSH specific reports are available under Reports tab.

SSL Certificates Management

Discover Certificates

Discover SSL certificates in your network. You can do this from the "Discovery" tab in the GUI. (Any reachable x509 certificate applied to web-server - for example, etc ).

You can also create a scheduled task to periodically discover the SSL certificates. This can be done from Schedule » SSL Discovery (as schedule type) » SSL Discovery.

Track Expiry Dates

Track expiry dates of certificates. You can do this from "Resources" tab by clicking the "details" view of the respective host name

Create New SSL Certificates

You can centrally create new SSL certificates / CSR (self signed) from SSL Management » Create Certificate

Import SSL Certificates

You can import SSL Certificates from SSL Management » Import Certificates tab

Add Custom Domains

You can add custom domains to exiting certificates from Complete Request Process » Certificate Request

Audit & Reports

All operations performed by the users are audited and trails can be viewed from Audit tab. SSL specific reports are available under Reports tab.

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