Release Notes
This section contains a summary of the updates in EventLog Analyzer version 12.5.3 (Build 12537).
12.5.3 Build 12537 - Distributed Edition
- During the process of adding new devices for log collection, the device status now displays " Logs are yet to be collected" instead of "Success". This will provide a more accurate reflection of the device status to users.
Issue Fixes:
- An issue where decommissioned devices were affecting the license count has been fixed.
- An issue in historic log collection where logs were collected from the time the device was added instead of the start of the selected time range has been fixed.
- An issue where the newly added devices were assigned to the "Windows Group" by default will now be automatically updated to the relevant log source group, after identifying the appropriate OS.
- Parsing issues for the event IDs 301, 401, 4688, and 8003 have been fixed.
Distributed Edition
- The updates for the Distributed Edition - Managed Server are the same as those of the Standalone edition.
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