  • System Settings
  • Install EventLog Analyzer as a service
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Install EventLog Analyzer as a service

The steps to install EventLog Analyzer as a service for Windows and Linux machines are given below.


  1. Establish a remote connection with the server where EventLog Analyzer is installed.
  2. Open the command prompt with Admin privileges.
  3. Navigate to <Eventlog Analyzer>\bin
  4. Execute the following commands sequentially to ensure that the instance is not running:
    • shutdown.bat
    • stopDB.bat
    • stopSEC.bat
  5. Execute the following command to install EventLog Analyzer as a service.
    • service.bat -i
  6. Go to services.msc and start the ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer service.
Note: Commands related to ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer service:
  • Install the service: service.bat -i
  • Start the service: service.bat -t
  • Stop the service: service.bat -p
  • Remove the service: service.bat -r


  1. Establish a remote connection with the server where EventLog Analyzer is installed.
  2. Navigate to <Eventlog>\bin
  3. Execute the following commands sequentially with Admin privileges to ensure that the instance is not running:
    • sudo sh shutdown.sh
    • sudo sh stopDB.sh
    • sudo sh stopSEC.sh
  4. Execute the command "sudo sh ConfigureAsService.sh -i"
  5. Execute the command "service eventloganalyzer status" to verify the service installation.

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