Help Document

Agent Settings

Log360 Cloud's agent configuration includes setting a maximum limit for log collection when the agent is disconnected from the network, or the logs upload failed or when the storage capacity is exhausted. Once this limit is reached, the agent will cease collecting additional logs until the connection is re-established. This ensures that critical logs are securely stored within the agent during communication gaps with the server.

Configuration Default value Description
Maximum size of data directory, when agent is unable to send data to server or storage is full 0 When an agent is disconnected from the network, log collection will be stopped. If the toggle is enabled and the value is configured, It collects and stores logs up to a configured limit. These logs are then uploaded when the connection is re-established.

To access and configure agent settings:

  • Navigate to Settings → Log Source Configuration → Manage Agents → icon-settings Agent Settings.
  • Click on the Toggle to enable offline Log collection and set the maximum data folder size in GB.
  • After configuring the necessary changes, click Save.

Agent settings