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Evaluation Clients in Log360 Cloud MSSP

The Evaluation client feature in Log360 Cloud MSSP allows MSSPs the provision to add potential clients on trial period alongside normal clients. The feature enhances the MSSP's capability to manage their client portfolio more effectively, offering flexibility in client onboarding and management.

With this feature, MSSPs can leverage evaluation clients to showcase their services and seamlessly transition them to regular clients, optimizing their service offerings and client satisfaction.

Listed below are some of the specifications for Evaluation clients:

1. Trial Duration: The Evaluation clients are granted a 30-day trial period. Post-trial, these clients are automatically disabled and require a license to be re-enabled.

2. Storage Considerations: The storage utilized by the Evaluation clients will not be included in the Storage Summary widget or reflected in the total storage and allocated storage metrics on the MSSP License page.

3. Evaluation Client Limitation: At any given time, only two Evaluation clients can be active. To add a new Evaluation client beyond this limit, an existing Evaluation client can be disabled/deleted or a client add-on can be requested via support.

4. Eligibility: The option to add Evaluation clients is exclusively available to paid MSSP customers.

Managing Evaluation clients

MSSPs can effectively manage Evaluation clients alongside their multiple regular clients, allowing potential customers to experience the capabilities of Log360 Cloud MSSP before committing to a full license. They can add Evaluation clients, convert them to regular clients, and manage their license and storage allocation effectively.

Adding an Evaluation client

MSSPs can add Evaluation clients to their Log360 Cloud MSSP account with the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud MSSP account.
  2. Go to Settings → Configuration → General → Manage Clients.
  3. Managing Teams
  4. On the Clients page, click on Add New Client.
  5. On the Add New Client page, fill in your client's company name, email ID, and upload their logo.
  6. Managing Teams
  7. You can choose the Associate MSSP Operators from the drop-down, if needed.
  8. In the Client Type field, you can choose between adding a regular client or an Evaluation client. By clicking on the checkbox, you can enable the addition of an Evaluation client.
  9. Managing Teams
  10. Type the Captcha and click Add to add the new Evaluation client. Your client has been added.

Enabling an Evaluation client

MSSPs can enable an Evaluation client account in Log360 Cloud MSSP with the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud MSSP account.
  2. Go to Settings → Configuration → General → Manage Clients.
  3. Managing Teams
  4. On the Clients page, choose the Evaluation client account you want to enable.
  5. Click on the Disable icon under the Actions tab to enable the Evaluation client account.
  6. Managing Teams
  7. The Evaluation client has been enabled successfully.
  8. Managing Teams

Disabling an Evaluation client

MSSPs can disable an Evaluation client account in Log360 Cloud MSSP with the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud MSSP account.
  2. Go to Settings → Configuration → General → Manage Clients.
  3. Managing Teams
  4. On the Clients page, choose the Evaluation client account you want to disable.
  5. Click on the Enable icon under the Actions tab to disable the evaluation client account.
  6. Managing Teams
  7. In the pop-up that appears, click Yes to disable the evaluation client.
  8. Managing Teams

    Note: By confirming to proceed, you forfeit access to the Evaluation client and all other services, including log upload temporarily, until you manually enable the client.

  9. The Evaluation client has been disabled successfully.
  10. Managing Teams

Deleting an Evaluation client

MSSPs can delete Evaluation clients from their Log360 Cloud MSSP account with the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud MSSP account.
  2. Go to Settings → Configuration → General → Manage Clients.
  3. Managing Teams
  4. Choose the Evaluation client you want to delete and click on the Delete icon under the Actions tab.
  5. Managing Teams
  6. In the pop-up that appears, click Yes to delete the Evaluation client.
  7. Managing Teams
    Note: By confirming to proceed, you will lose all log data, reports, threat feed services, and the product subscription in this client.
  8. The Evaluation client has been deleted successfully.
  9. Managing Teams

Managing Evaluation Client Licenses

Evaluation clients in Log360 Cloud MSSP are provided with the following features during their 30-day trial period, upon account creation.

Feature Per Evaluation client
Storage 50GB
Storage Retention Customizable
Search Retention 90 days
Correlation 10
Alert Profiles 50
Advanced Threat Analytics Enabled

Note: The storage allotted for Evaluation clients does not reflect in dashboards.

Converting Evaluation clients

MSSPs can convert Evaluation clients to regular clients in the Settings page with the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud MSSP account.
  2. Go to Settings → Configuration → General → Manage Clients.
  3. Managing Teams
  4. Choose the Evaluation client you want to convert.


  1. The Evaluation clients are indicated with a icon and the regular clients are indicated with a icon.
  2. You can differentiate Evaluation clients from regular clients with their License Status. The license status is displayed as Manage License for regular clients and Apply License for Evaluation clients.
  3. You can also use the filter option to view the Evaluation clients and regular clients separately. Select License Applied to view regular clients, Apply License for Evaluation clients, and All to view both regular clients and Evaluation clients.
  4. Managing Teams
  5. Click on Apply License under the license status of the particular Evaluation client you want to convert.

Note: At any given time, only three regular clients can be active. To convert an Evaluation client to a new client beyond this limit, an existing client must be disabled/deleted or the MSSP can purchase a client add-on.

Evaluation clients can also be converted to regular clients in the License page with the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud MSSP account.
  2. Click on License in the header.
  3. On the License page, choose the Evaluation client you want to convert.
  4. Managing Teams
  5. Click Apply License.

Note: Upon license conversion, a storage check will be conducted to ensure availability. If the MSSP's total storage meets or exceeds the Evaluation client's used storage, the used storage will be allocated from the MSSP's total storage pool. If the MSSP's total storage is insufficient, the conversion request is rejected.