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Delete Monitor API

This API is used to delete a monitor in Applications Manager.



Supported HTTP methods: POST

Allowed roles: Administrator

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in executing this API request are:

Field Description
apikey The key generated using the Generate API Key option in the Settings tab.
resourceid The resource ID of the monitor that needs to be deleted. You may also add multiple resource IDs to delete multiple monitors.

Sample Request


Multiple resource IDs can be given as comma-separated values. To delete multiple monitors:


Sample Response

<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/DeleteMonitor">
      <response method="DeleteMonitor">
         <message>The monitor deleted successfully.</message>

If the API is not executed correctly, the request will fail and errors will be shown as given below:

<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/DeleteMonitor">
      <response response-code="4004">
         <message>The specified apikey [ "+apiKey+" ] in the request is invalid. Kindly login to Applications Manager and check for the key in generate key in Settings tab.</message>

Refer this page for a list of common error conditions.

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