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Microsoft Teams Monitoring

Microsoft Teams - An Overview

Microsoft Teams is a proprietary business communication platform developed by Microsoft, as part of the Microsoft 365 family of products. Teams primarily competes with the similar service Slack, offering workspace chat and video conferencing, file storage, and application integration. Also, it helps you to replace other Microsoft-operated business messaging and collaboration platforms, including Skype for Business and Microsoft Classroom.

Monitoring Microsoft Teams - What we do

Applications Manager's Microsoft Teams monitoring helps you to keep track of the key performance metrics such as the health status of services, connectivity status and response time of various endpoints. Obtain useful insights about the number of members and channels of all the teams in your organization, and get complete information on the usage statistics based on various devices and activity types.

Note: Microsoft 365 monitoring is supported only on Windows installations of Applications Manager Versions till 16300. While, versions from 16310 supports Microsoft 365 monitoring in both Windows and Linux. Also, Powershell mode is supported in Windows, but not in Linux.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on the MS Teams monitors under the Cloud Apps table. Displayed is the Microsoft Teams bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab displays the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab displays the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view tab enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

You can also navigate to the Microsoft Teams bulk configuration view through the Microsoft Teams tab in the Microsoft 365 monitor page.

Note: Existing Configured Alarms / Reports will not be accessible once you upgrade to Applications Manager versions from 16310.

Click on the monitor name to see all the server details listed under the following tabs:


Parameter Description
Microsoft Teams Service Health Details
Service ID ID of the Microsoft Teams service.
Service Name Name of the service.
Service Status Overall status of the service. Possible values are serviceOperational, investigating, restoringService, verifyingService, serviceRestored, postIncidentReviewPublished, serviceDegradation, serviceInterruption, extendedRecovery, falsePositive, investigationSuspended, resolved, mitigatedExternal, mitigated, resolvedExternal, confirmed, reported, or unknownFutureValue.
Microsoft Teams Issue Details
Feature Group - Feature - Issue ID Indicates the Feature Group, Feature, and Issue ID of the Microsoft Teams service issue.
Issue Status Status of the service issue. Possible values are serviceOperational, investigating, restoringService, verifyingService, serviceRestored, postIncidentReviewPublished, serviceDegradation, serviceInterruption, extendedRecovery, falsePositive, investigationSuspended, resolved, mitigatedExternal, mitigated, resolvedExternal, confirmed, reported, and unknownFutureValue.
Issue Type Type of the service issue. Possible values are advisory, incident, or unknownFutureValue.
Issue Origin Origin of the service issue. Possible values are microsoft, thirdParty, customer, or unknownFutureValue.
Issue Description Indicates the description for the service issue.
Hour(s) since issue occurred Amount of time (in hours) elapsed since the issue has occurred.
Issue Start Time Timestamp at which the service issue was started.
Last Modified Time Timestamp at which service issue was last modified.
Endpoints Connectivity
Endpoint The Microsoft Teams endpoint / URL.
Port The port on which endpoint / URL is accessible.
Status The status of endpoint / URL.
Reason (Supported from Applications Manager version 16310) The reason for the Status of the endpoint
Response Time The time taken for connecting to endpoint / URL (in milliseconds).

Teams and Channels

Note: Teams and Channels monitoring is supported only on Applications Manager Versions till 16300

Parameter Description
Team Details
Team Name Name of the team.
Team ID Unique identifier assigned for the team.
Description Gives the description about the team.
Channel Count Number of channels created in the team.
Member Count Number of members added to the team.
Channel Details
Channel Name Name of the channel.
Team Name The team in which the channel is present.
Channel ID Unique identifier assigned for the channel.
Description Gives the description about the channel.
Member Count Number of members added to the channel.

Note: While monitoring Channel Details, there are instances where data might not be shown for Member Count attribute. To resolve this, refer here.


Parameter Description
Collected Date
Collected date for usage data Date from which the usage data is collected.
Web (Users Per Day) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Web per day.
Windows Phone (Users Per Day) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Windows Phone per day.
Android Phone (Users Per Day) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Android Phone per day.
iOS (Users Per Day) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the iOS per day.
Mac (Users Per Day) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Mac per day.
Windows (Users Per Day) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Windows per day.
Linux (Users Per Day) (Supported by Applications Manager versions 16310 onwards) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Linux per day.
Chrome OS (Users Per Day) (Supported by Applications Manager versions 16310 onwards) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Chrome OS per day.
Web (Users Per Month) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Web in the last 30 days.
Windows Phone (Users Per Month) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Windows Phone in the last 30 days.
Android Phone (Users Per Month) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Android Phone in the last 30 days.
iOS (Users Per Month) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the iOS in the last 30 days.
Mac (Users Per Month) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Mac in the last 30 days.
Windows (Users Per Month) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Windows in the last 30 days.
Linux (Users Per Month) (Supported by Applications Manager versions 16310 onwards) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Linux in the last 30 days.
Chrome OS (Users Per Month) (Supported by Applications Manager versions 16310 onwards) Number of users using Microsoft Teams from the Chrome OS in the last 30 days.
Team Chat Messages (Users Per Day) Number of users doing team chat messages per day.
Private Chat Messages (Users Per Day) Number of users doing private chat messages per day.
Calls (Users Per Day) Number of users doing calls per day.
Meetings (Users Per Day) Number of users doing meetings per day.
Team Chat Messages (Activity Count Per Day) Total number of team chat messages done by all users per day.
Private Chat Messages (Activity Count Per Day) Total number of private chat messages done by all users per day.
Calls (Activity Count Per Day) Total number of calls done by all users per day.
Meetings (Activity Count Per Day) Total number of meetings done by all users per day.

Note: Teams Usage statistics is mapped under performance polling. To change the polling interval, click here and choose Microsoft Teams for the Monitor Type & Teams Usage Statistics for the Metric Name and change the Default Polling Status.(Default and preferred time interval is 12 hours). These are Microsoft Graph API reports (archive) data.


For further troubleshooting details regarding issues in powershell refer here.

For troubleshooting graph api errors in exchange online from Applications Manager version 16310 refer here.

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