Help Document

Account Setup

Signing up for Log360 Cloud

You can create a Log360 Cloud account for free by visiting the Log360 Cloud website. (No credit card details required)

Signing up for Log360 Cloud

To sign-up for Log360 Cloud,

  • Click the Sign Up button in the top right corner of the web page.
  • Enter Your Business Email in Password in the given fields.
  • Enter a password.
    • Password cannot be the same as your username.
    • Password should contain both uppercase and lowercase characters.
    • Password should contain at least 1 numeric character.
    • Password length should not be greater than 60 characters.
    • Password length should not be less than 8 characters.
  • Click the Sign Up button.

Your Log360 Cloud account will be created.

You can also use the other signup options provided on the page.

Note: Datacenter will be automatically selected based on the user location during signup. (Available datacenters for Log360Cloud are US, EU, AU, IN, JP)

Signing in to Log360 Cloud

You can sign in or log into your Log360 Cloud account by clicking the Sign In button available in the Log360 Cloud website.

  • Enter the business email id with which you have registered.
  • Enter your password.
  • Click Sign in.
Signing in to Log360 Cloud