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Exchange Server
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Active Directory Exchange Server Reporting Tool

Microsoft Exchange server is one of the sensitive areas where all the changes, attributes and user properties deserve a scrutinised monitoring to prevent any adverse effect on the information exchange and email communication process. You can’t let the changes to attributes and properties impact their availability, message security or compliance. So a proactive monitoring of all the Exchange attributes and users is recommended to keep your Exchange environment trouble free. That's what the 'Exchange Reports' in ADManager Plus exactly do while the native tools, PowerShell, etc. do not offer much help in this area.

This tool's Microsoft Exchange Reports, which can be scheduled to be generated and exported automatically or on demand, are grouped into multiple categories like Distribution List Reports, Exchange Feature Based Reports, etc., to provide a quick insight into the Exchange attributes of the users and members of the distribution and non-distribution lists. This helps the administrators to validate the members and update members to or from the distribution list; view the proxy addresses, email addresses, mailbox store, recipient settings, POP3 etc. Another huge advantage is the fact that all these reports can be generated for multiple versions of, that is, Exchange 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

You can get a free download of this Exchange reporting software's free trial version to get a firsthand experience of its reporting capabilities.

Distribution List Members

This feature gives the contacts and user details of the distribution lists of the Exchange Server.

Distribution List

Non-Distribution List Members

Report to identify the contacts and user details, which are not part of any distribution list in the selected domain(s). This also includes the details of users who do not belong to any group.

Mail enabled users Report

It provides the list of all mail-enabled users. Mail enabled users can receive messages only at an external mail address, they have no mail boxes in exchange server but still their names will be populated in the global address list.

Mailbox enabled users Report

It provides the list of all mailbox-enabled users. All mailbox-enabled users have a mailbox in microsoft exchange server.

Mail-Enabled Groups

This report lists out all the mail-enabled groups. If a group is mail-enabled, emails can be sent to all the members the group.

Users with Email Proxy Enabled

This report will give you the list of all the users who have proxy email address. The specified search string is compared to the values in the 'proxyAddresses' LDAP attribute to fetch the list of users with proxy email address.

Groups with Email Proxy Enabled

This report will list down all the groups with proxy Email address. The value in 'proxyAddresses' LDAP attribute is compared to the search string to identify and list the groups with proxy email address.

Users without Mailbox

This report provides the list of all the users without any mailbox. These users do not have any mailbox created or assigned for them in Exchange.

Exchange Feature Based Reports

OMA Enabled Users

This report lists out all the users who for whom Outlook Mobile Access has been enabled. OMA enabled users can access their Outlook accounts and all its features like email, calendar, tasks and contacts, from the browsers on their mobile devices.

OMA Disabled Users

This report lists out all the users for whom Outlook Mobile Access has been disabled. OMA disabled users will not be able to access their outlook accounts from mobile devices.

OWA Enabled Users

This report lists out all the users who have Outlook Web Access enabled for them. OWA enabled users can access their Outlook accounts and all its features like email, calendar, tasks and contacts, from any web browser via internet.

OWA Disabled Users

This report will give the list of all the users who have Outlook Web Access disabled. OWA disabled users cannot access their Outlook accounts via internet through a browser.

POP3 Enabled Users

This report gives the list of all the POP3 enabled users. ADManager Plus retrieves the corresponding value of the 'protocolSettings' LDAP attribute of the POP3 enabled users and lists them in this report.

POP3 Disabled Report

This provides the list of POP3 disabled users. For the attribute “protocolSettings” LDAP contains different values, ADManager Plus retrieves the respective value for POP3 disabled users and provides the list.

IMAP4 Enabled Users

This report lists all the IMAP4 enabled users. ADManager Plus retrieves the corresponding value of the 'protocolSettings' attribute for the IMAP4 enabled users and lists them.

IMAP4 Disabled Report

This provides the list of IMAP4 disabled users For the attribute “protocolSettings” LDAP contains different values, ADManager Plus retrieves the respective values for IMAP4 disabled users and provides the list.

Active Sync Enabled Report

With this report, administrators can get to know all the users who can automatically synchronize the Outlook data between their Microsoft Exchange Server and their mobile devices. ADManager Plus checks the 'Active Sync' settings specific bit in the 'msExchOMAAdminWirelessEnable' attribute and displays all the users for whom this setting has been enabled.

Active Sync Disabled Report

This report provides administrators with the list of all the users who will not be able to automatically synchronize the Outlook data with their Microsoft Exchange Server and mobile devices. ADManager Plus checks the 'Active Sync' settings specific bit in the 'msExchOMAAdminWirelessEnable' attribute and fetches all the users for whom this setting has been disabled.

Get the free download of this tool's trial version to explore its Exchange specific reports and also the 150+ pre-built reports in this tool.

Delivery Receipient Settings Reports

Default Sending Size

This report will list all the users who have been assigned a default size for the emails that they send.

Restricted Sending Size

This report lists down all the users who have restrictions on the size of emails that they can send.

Default Recipient Size

This report lists down all the users who have a default limit on the number of recipients they can send emails to.

Restricted Recipient Size

This report will list down all the users who have restrictions on the number of recipients they can send emails to.

Default Receiving Size

This report lists down all the users who have a default size limit on the emails that they can receive.

Restricted Receiving Size

This report will fetch all the users who have restrictions on the size of email that they can receive.

Default Storage Limit

This report will give the list of users who have the default limit as the storage limit for their Exchange mailbox. When a mailbox is created, if no specific storage limit specified, the default storage limit will be applied for the mailbox.

Mailbox Size Limits

This report list down all the users who have limits set for their Exchange mailbox storage.

Users hidden from exchange address lists Report

In organizations with large networks some mail addresses are kept confidential and would not be populated in the Global Address List. This report provides the list of all users whose mail addresses are hidden from exchange address list.

Accept Messages from Everyone

This report will give the list of all the users who have no restrictions in receiving emails from and these users can receive emails from anyone.

Accept Messages Restricted

This report lists down all the users who have restrictions in receiving emails. These users can receive emails only from a specified set of users.

Users Mail Forwarded To

This report will fetch all the users whose emails are forwarded to any specific user.

Beloe is the complete list of Exchange Server based reports, all these reports can be generated and also exported in multiple formats:

General Reports
  • Mail-Box Enabled Users
  • Mail Enabled Users
  • Mail Enabled Groups
  • Users with Email Proxy Enabled
  • Groups with Email Proxy Enabled
Distribution Lists
  • Distribution List Members
  • Non-Distribution List Members
  • Distribution Groups
Feature Based Reports
  • OMA Enabled
  • OWA Disabled
  • POP3 Disabled
  • IMAP4 Disabled
Delivery Receipient Settings Reports
  • Default Sending Size
  • Restricted Sending Size
  • Default Recipient Size
  • Restricted Recipient Size
  • Default Receiving Size
  • Restricted Receiving Size
  • Default Storage Limit
  • MailBox Size Limits
  • Users Hidden from Exchange Address Lists
  • Accept Messages from Everyone
  • Accept Messages Restricted
  • Users Mail Forwarded To

Script-free Exchange server reporting solution with actionable reports that can be scheduled and exported

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Other features

Microsoft Exchange Management

Create and manage Exchange mailboxes and configure mailbox rights using ADManager Plus's Exchange Management system. Now with support for Microsoft Exchange 2010!!

Active Directory Management

Make your everyday Active Directory management tasks easy and light with ADManager Plus's AD Management features. Create, modify and delete users in a few clicks!

Active Directory Password Management

Reset password and set password propertied from a single web-based console, without compromising on the security of your AD! Delegate your password-reset powers to the helpdesk technicians too!

Active Directory Reports

A catalog of almost every report that you will need from your Active Directory! Comprehensive and Reliable reporting. Schedule reports to run periodically. Manage your AD right from within the reports.

Active Directory Delegation

Unload some of your workload without losing your hold. Secure & non-invasive helpdesk delegation and management from ADManager Plus! Delegate powers for technician on specific tasks in specific OUs.

Active Directory Automation

A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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