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Group Reports
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Active Directory Group Reports

The Active Directory Group reports enables the administrators to get a quick view of the Security Groups, Distribution Groups, Top big groups in terms of objects, and so on, in just a few clicks. These reports ensure that you are free from the taxing task of writing scripts for Active Directory reporting. With this tool's GUI based, schedulable reports Active Directory reporting becomes simplified. Moreover, this tool simplifies even Active Directory management with its capability to perform management actions right from reports.

Unlike the native Exchange tools, PowerShell, etc. ADManager Plus provides the following out-of-the-box group-based reports including, recently created, modified or deleted groups, which you can generate and export automatically or whenever you need them:

Security Groups

Provides the details of the security groups available in the selected domains. A security group is used to group users, computers, and other groups to assign permissions to resources.

Distribution Groups

Provides the details of the distribution groups available in the selected domains. The distribution groups are used to create e-mail distribution lists.

Group Types and Scopes

Groups Report

Provides the details of the groups based on the type and scope of the groups. In other words, it reports on the group type details such as whether a group is security or distribution group, and also the group scope information such as Global, Domain Local, or Universal. This tool also offers reports to keep track of the groups that are created, modified or deleted from the Active Directory.

To explore this Active Directory reporting tool's capabilities in detail, get the free download of its trial version.

Groups without Members

Report to get the list of groups in the domains that do not have any members. This helps the administrators to get the groups that are empty and are no longer used.

Detailed Group Members

Detailed Group Members

Report to fetch the complete list of all the objects that are members of the specified Active Directory group as well as its nested groups. The highlights of this report includes:

  • Fetches information about all the members - Users, Groups, Computer and Contacts - of any Active Directory group including its nested groups.
  • Has powerful filters that allow you to:
    • Select only the required Active Directory objects.
    • Include/exclude specific attributes or choose only those attributes that you need in the reports, for all the selected objects.
  • Option to view the fetched data in table format or as an object wise summary that can be drilled down to view specific details.

Top N Big Group

Report to determine the big groups in the domain based on the number of objects they contain.

Groups with Managers

Report to view the groups with managers. A group manager will have a complete control over the users in that group.

Groups without Managers

Report to view the groups without managers. Get the free download of this tool's trial version to explore its 150 and more pre-built reports.

Users not in groups

In case the administrator wants to take stock of the group memberships of the users, this report will identify the users who are not members of selected group(s).

Nested Groups

Nested Groups Report

Report to identify the groups in which a specific user is a member. This only lists the users in nested groups. For example, user John is a member of Users group, which itself is a member of Domain User Group. Hence John is also a member of Domain User Group.

Apart from pre-built group reports, this tool also provides user reports, computer reports, group policy objects (GPO) reports, etc. for simplified and quick Active Directory reporting. Further, with its Exchange Server specific reports, this tool helps in Exchange reporting too.

Manage Active Directory groups with script-free reports from ADManager Plus.

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Other features

Active Directory Group Management

Manage your Active Directory Security Groups. Create, Delete and Modify Groups...all in a few clicks. Configure Exchange attributes of AD Groups and effect bulk group changes to your AD security groups.

Terminal Services management

Configure Active Directory Terminal Services attributes from a much simpler interface than AD native tools. Exercise complete control over technicians accessing other domain users' computers.

Active Directory User Reports

Exhaustive reporting on Active Directory Users and user-attributes. Generate reports in user-activity in your Active Directory. Perform user-management actions right from the report interface!

Active Directory Workflow

A mini Active Directory ticket-management and compliance toolkit right within ADManager Plus! Define a rigid yet flexible constitution for every task in your AD. Tighten the reins of your AD Security.

Active Directory Cleanup

Get rid of the inactive, obsolete and unwanted objects in your Active Directory to make it more secure and efficient...assisted by ADManager Plus's AD Cleanup capabilities.

Active Directory Automation

A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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