SupportCenter Plus

Hosting SupportCenter Plus


SupportCenter Plus can be accessed within your network by typing the url, provided the IP address of the installed software server is registered. This url can be made available to users over the internet on exposing the url to the public. On hosting the product over the internet, SupportCenter Plus can be accessed directly by typing the url.


Requirements for hosting SupportCenter Plus  

  • Optimum Server Configuration: 2 GHz Processor, 2GB RAM, 20GB HDD

  • Operating System: Windows XP, Windows 2000/2003/2008 R2 (32 bit, 64 bit) Server, Windows 2002 Professional, Redhat Linux 7.2 & above, SuSE Linux, Redhat Enterprise/Advanced Server

  • Database: PostgreSQL 9.2, MY SQL (out-of-the-box), MS SQL 2000/2005/2008

  • Network: Internet (WAN) or Intranet (LAN)

  • Browser Requirements: IE 7.0 and above, Mozilla Firefox 2.0 & above, Mozilla.


Hosting Procedure


a) Intranet:

  1. Install Supportcenter Plus on a box. Configure the hostname and IP address for this box, so that it can be accessed across the LAN. This hostname needs to be configured in your DNS against the IP address of the box.

  2. The SupportCenter Plus application can be accessed through


where, <servername-or-ipaddress> is the name of the server where SupportCenter Plus is installed and <portnumber> is the port where the application is running. The default port on which Supportcenter Plus installs is 8080.

  1. In case you do not wish to change the port but still access Supportcenter Plus on port 80 then, you should follow the port forwarding rule as given below,

    Request on 80 be forwarded to 8080 on the host "servername-or-ipaddress"  

Port forwarding can be achieved through,

    1. Firewall

    2. Apache (Redirection rule)

    3. IIS (Redirection rule)


b) Internet:


On the DMZ:

    1. Install SupportCenter Plus on a box in the DMZ zone.

    2. If mobile users need to access SupportCenter Plus through a hostname then, you may need to register this hostname on the DNS. (Service Providers can help you register the DNS against its IP address)

    3. If SupportCenter Plus is installed on the default port 8080 but you want the users to access it as http://hostname/ (ie., on Port 80) then, a port forwarding rule should be configured in the firewall as stated below,  

      Request on 80 be forwarded to 8080 on the hostname.

    4. In case, you have a NAT, then rule for port forwarding is given below,

      Requests on Port 80 on IP Address a.b.c.d should be forwarded to port 8080 on IPAddress x.y.z.w

On the WAN:

    1. Install SupportCenter Plus on a box in the WAN.

    2. Register the hostname of this box against its IP address. (Service Providers can help you do this)

    3. If SupportCenter Plus is installed on port 8080, you should follow the port forwarding rule as given below,

      Request on 80 be forwarded to 8080 on the hostname.


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