Changing User Passwords

OpManager's user management feature helps network admins create specific user roles and associate them with the respective user profiles. You can also change their passwords. Kindly note that only an admin user or a user with full control privilege can carry out this operation. You can change password using any one of the following three ways.

  1. From the user management page
  2. From the quicklinks
  3. From the login page

From the user management page

  1. Go to Settings → General Settings → User Management.
  2. Click on the name of the user whose password you want to change. The Configure User Details tab will pop-up, where you can change the following.
    • Password Details:

      Password- A new password for the above user
      Re-type Password- Retype the password for confirmation

    • Contact Details:

      Phone number: The user's phone number
      Mobile number: The user's mobile number

    • Access Details:

      For users with only partial permission, the business views assigned to that user is displayed. Remove selection for the view if you want to remove the views from the user's purview. For users with full control, this option is not displayed.

Alternatively, in the User Management, the administrator user can also assign new passwords by clicking "Assign New" under Change Password in the Users section.

Changing password in OpManager: User management page

From the quicklinks

Click on the 'Settings' icon in the top band and go to the 'Change Password' tab.

Changing password in OpManager: Quick links to change password

From the login page

You can change the password on the login page itself by clicking 'forgot password' option.

Changing password in OpManager: Login page

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