Rebranding OpManager

Rebranding helps you customize OpManager by replacing the OpManager Logo that is displayed in the OpManager web client as well as in the downloaded reports, with your company's logo.

OpManager gives you the flexibility to change the product name, company name and copyright details and also allows you to customize the appearence of your OpManager login page.

To replace OpManager logo with your Company's logo in the OpManager web client and reports, follow the steps given below.

  • Go to Settings > General Settings > Rebranding.
  • Enter the new name in the Product Name field.
  • Import the new logo under the Report Header field.
  • Under Login Page Customization, customize the appearance of your OpManagerlogin page.
    1. To change the Background Image or Background Color, click on the respective options and upload an image of your choice.
    2. Use the toggle buttons to enable/disable the display of copyright information and login page message.
  • When the required changes are done, click on Save.
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