Monitoring CPU, Memory, Disk Using SNMP

OpManager MSP helps you monitor the performance metrics of any device that supports SNMP. The monitors for CPU, Memory, and Disk Utilization are automatically associated for the SNMP devices based on the device template definitions.

For example, consider you've associated SNMP-based monitors to the default template for a server type (say Linux) in OpManager. So from then on, all Linux servers discovered into OpManager will have those SNMP-based resource monitors associated by default. This doesn't apply only for just one device category, but these definitions can be used to associate related monitors to any SNMP-enabled device.

If you do not see these monitors associated to the devices, it could be due to any or all of the following reasons:

  • These monitors are not present in the device template.
  • SNMP is not enabled on the device. In such case, enable SNMP and add the monitors to the device once again.
  • Incorrect SNMP credentials are associated. Check the credential details like the SNMP version, community string etc.

Steps to add the monitors to the device once again

Monitors can be associated to the devices in the following ways.

1. From Performance monitor settings page

    • Navigate to Settings -> Monitoring -> Performance Monitors.
    • You can find all the SNMP monitors listed down.
    • To associate a monitor to device(s), go to the respective monitor and click on the associate button that is found under the actions column. You can also click on the "Associate" option on the top right corner and then select the monitors and devices in subsequent steps to associate monitors with devices.
    • Now, select the devices from the "Available Devices" column and then move them to the "Selected Devices" column.
    • Click on "Apply" or "Apply & Overwrite" based on your preference. The monitor will now be successfully associated with the respective device(s).

It is recommended to use WMI or CLI to monitor Windows or Linux devices respectively. But if both these protocols aren't available or if you want to monitor additional metrics using SNMP, you can also do that in OpManager MSP.

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