Copying Reports

OpManager allows you to copy a generated report in order to retain the already configured parameters as template and do some minor changes on them and save as a new report. To copy and save a report follow the steps given below: 

  1. Navigate to Reports -> OpManager.
  2. Choose the report that you want to copy.
  3. After choosing the report, click on More Actions on the top right corner. 
  4. Click Copy As icon available on the top of the report that is generated. A small window opens.


Copy reports in OpManager: Add report details


  1. Enter a unique Name and a brief Description.
  2. Change the required fields. The various fields that can be altered are Category, Period, Business Views, Time Window and Show all or Top N or Bottom N devices.
  3. After modifying the required fields, click Save button to save the new report.
  4. Once the report is generated, it will be notified as a banner message on the top in the OpManager UI (user interface).

Copy reports in OpManager: Health and performance parameters of listed reports

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