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Monitoring supernets with OpUtils' IP Address Manager

Creating a more simpler view of your network, you can use supernets with OpUtils to better organize your IP addresses, and efficiently monitor them with a precise tree view of your network addresses.

Creating supernets with OpUtils

To start monitoring supernets with OpUtils' IP Address Manager, add the supernets by following the steps given below.

  1. Under IP Address Manager, click on Add and select the Add Supernet option.
  2. Under Supernet Details, specify the network address, mask, and supernet name.

    Create Supernet
  3. If needed, add a description about the supernet in the respective field under Supernet Details.
  4. Click on Next, which takes you to the Select Subnets tab.

    Added Supernet
  5. In the Select Subnets tab, under Group Name, select or add a new group under which you want to add the subnet.
  6. Select the desired Subnet Mask from the dropdown.
  7. Select the subnets to be associated with the supernet. Click on Next.
  8. In the Previewtab, check the details of the new supernet.
    1. Note: You can remove the subnets selected in the Select Subnets tab, by clicking the 'X' icon next to the subnet, in the Preview tab.

      Parent Supernet
  9. Click on Add.


  • Once a supernet is created, newly added subnets that are in the range of that supernet, are automatically associated to the supernet.
  • Supernets will be displayed under the parent group, and will not be associated with any other group.
  • When a supernet is deleted the subnets under the supernet will not be deleted.

Editing a supernet

You can edit the name and description of the supernet by following the steps given below.

  1. In the Tree View under IP Address Manager, right click on the supernet to be edited.
  2. Select the Edit Supernet option. 
    Editing Supernet
  3. Specify the new name and description of the supernet.
  4. Clicking on Save, saves the changes mad e to the supernet
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