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Database Backup and Restore

Periodically backing up the database is very essential, as it helps you restore OpUtils' service back during planned maintenance as well as unplanned mishaps.


  • Open command prompt with administrative privileges and go to < OpUtils Home>/bin/backup directory.
  • Execute BackupDB.bat (use for Linux) from the command prompt as shown:< OpUtils Home>/bin/backup>BackupDB.bat
  • Enter the password as per the given instructions (backup passwords will not be stored anywhere, so users must ensure they remember the passwords).
  • Provide the password hint (optional).
  • The backup process will begin.
  • The backup file created will be stored in < OpUtils Home>\backup directory.
  • To store in a different destination use the command given here: BackupDB.bat -destination "" (Eg : BackupDB.bat -destination "C:\Backup").
  • Please ensure to store the backup file in a different directory and not in OpUtils' home or sub directories. However, you can use /backup directory to store the backup file.

Note: This utility does a backup of the complete database.


Please note that starting from version 12.8.510, the supported backup file extension has been changed from .zip to .7z.

To restore the backed up data,

  1. Open command prompt with administrative privileges and go to < OpUtils Home>/bin/backup directory.
  2. Execute RestoreDB.bat (use for Linux) with the backup file name as argument from the command prompt as shown below:
    • < OpUtils Home>/bin/backup>RestoreDB.bat "<backup file name with path>"
      (Eg: RestoreDB.bat "C:\backup\Backup_Pgsql_Mar8_125128_123313.7z" )
  3. Enter the password for the backup 7z file.
  4. The restoration process will begin.


1. Steps to restore data for MSSQL database,
  • In Windows: Find the files bcp.exe and bcp.rll in MSSQL server and ensure to copy it to OpUtilsHome\bin folder. If the MSSQL server is installed on a 64-bit OS, and OpUtils is installed on 32-bit server, the bcp.exe and bcp.rll copied from the MSSQL server will not work on the OpUtils machine. You'll need a 32-bit bcp.exe and bcp.rll
  • In Linux: Copy the 'bcp' and 'bcp.rll' files from the subfolders of /opt/mssql-tools/ directory. If the files are missing in the mssql-tools folder, or the folder itself is missing, please refer this link for more details.

2. The backup files taken during the upgrade process cannot be restored.


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