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MIB Module Viewer

The MIB Module Viewer provides a snapshot of a given MIB. It provides some general information on the MIB and also provides the defined attributes, total number of nodes, defined TCs, and the defined traps. It also provides the SMIv2 specific details.

To view the details of a MIB

  1. Click the Toolset tab.

  2. Choose MIB Viewer available under the SNMP Tools category.

  3. Select the MIB Module Viewer tab.

  4. Check if the MIB to be viewed is available for selection in the MIB Name combo box. All the MIB's loaded by default are listed.

  5. If you want to view the snapshot of a MIB that is not loaded by default, click the Add MIB button. In the Add MIB dialog that appears, use the Browse button to choose the MIB, and click the Load button. If a MIB has any dependent MIBs ensure that all the dependent MIBs are also loaded to avoid errors. Click Close to close the dialog. Check if the MIB that is loaded is displayed in the MIB Name combo box. Based on whether OpUtils is run in database or in non-database mode, the mibs will get added to the MIBs database or to/Application/mibs directory respectively.

  6. Choose the MIB from the combo box.

  7. Click the Show button.

  8. Check the results. The details are categorized as

    1. General Info : Displays the basic information of the MIB. The details include, the MIB Module Name, the MIB Version details, the name of the MIB if the MIB file has been imported, and the Root Node name.

    2. SMI v2 MIB Details : Displays the MIB version details. The details include, the Organization details (vendor details), the Last Update information, the Revisiondetails (the revision timestamp in the UTC format) and the Description. The information is applicable only to certain MIB's.

    3. Total Number of Nodes Present : Displays the total number of attributes in the MIB.

    4. Defined TCs : Displays the Textual Conventions followed in the MIB.

    5. Defined Traps : Displays the traps already defined in the MIB.

    6. MIB Node Details: Displays the details of the nodes defined in the MIB. The details include the MIB Node, Syntax, and MIB Type.

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