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Network Monitor Tool

Ping utility of OpUtils software continuously monitors the response time and packet loss of multiple devices, and generates email alerts, based on the severity.

Adding Devices for Availability Monitoring

  1. Click on Toolset -> Ping.

  2. Enter the IP Address or the Host Name to be monitored and click Add. To add multiple IP Addresses or Host Names follow the same procedure. The Host Data table gets updated simultaneously. The Host Data table displays details of the Host such as IP Address, DNS Name, Status, Response Time, Added Time, Last Update Time, Alias Name, Sys Name, Sys Description, Sys Location, and the Community. The three status displayed are Healthy,Critical, and Warning. You can select to choose the columns to view. The value for the columns Alias Name, Sys Name, Sys Description, Sys Location, and Community is based on the results obtained during the IP Address Manager scans.

  3. Specify the monitoring interval by selecting the appropriate option from the Monitor every combo box.

Viewing Alert History of a Device

Alerts are generated whenever there is a change in severity for a particular device. While the top 20 Alerts are displayed at the bottom of the Host Data table, the complete alert history of the devices are stored in the database. To view the alert history of the Host click the IP Address link from the Host Data table.

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