  • Compliance
  • Compliance Configuration
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Configuring, Editing, Exporting, Running Analysis and Scheduling compliances.

Configure Source

To configure the source for the first time for compliance/risk posture, click Configure Source button in the respective box. It will open the Edit Compliance page where you can edit the required sources.


Edit Source

Go to edit compliance also by clicking the Edit Edit button in the compliance/risk posture box. It will open the Edit Compliance page where you can edit the required sources for that compliance/risk posture.

Run Analysis

Start the analysis for the required Risk posture by clicking the Run Run Analysis button in the respective compliance widget.


Enabling and disabling compliances

To enable/disable a particular compliance,

  • In the Compliance Tab, Click Manage Compliance button at the top-right corner.
  • You will see the list of enabled compliances in the Manage Compliance page. Enable/disable the required compliances by clicking the toggle.

Configure Analysis Schedules

  • You can get the fresh analysis results by clicking the Run Now link at the top left corner of the Risk Posture
  • The frequency can be set by clicking the Schedule Schedule button next to the Run Now link. (By default, the schedule will run once per day. You can also change the frequency of the analysis.)
  • Click the Schedule Schedule button to see the time when the next analysis is scheduled to run.
  • You can also see the time when the last analysis has been completed.

Exporting Compliance/Risk Posture

Log360 allows you to export compliance policy reports in either the PDF or CSV format. The exported data mirrors the information displayed in the user interface, ensuring accuracy and consistency. This PDF or CSV export can be valuable for audit purposes, providing a comprehensive and easily shareable record of your compliance policies.

To export the risk posture reports

  1. Navigate to the risk posture you want to export.
  2. Locate the Export As option in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Select export type:
    • In the Export menu, choose the type of export that suits your requirements. Options include:
      • Summary
      • Summary and Details
  4. Run a fresh analysis (Optional):
    • If you require up-to-date data, check the Run Analysis Before Export checkbox to ensure a fresh analysis is performed.
  5. Choose output format:
    • Under the Export As section, select the desired output file format. Options include:
      • PDF
      • CSV
  6. Initiate the export:
    • To begin the export process, click the Export button.
  7. Downloading the export:
    • Click on the icon-export Export History icon, and click the download link.

To export the compliance reports

  1. Navigate to the compliance you want to export.
  2. Click on Comprehensive Audit Reports.
  3. Select Export Type:
    • In the Export menu, choose the type of export that suits your requirements. Options include:
      • All reports
      • Currently viewed reports
      • Select reports
  4. Choose output format:
    • Under the Export As section, select the desired output file format. Options include:
      • PDF
      • CSV
  5. Initiate the export:
    • To begin the export process, click the Export button.
  6. Downloading the export:
    • Click on the icon-export Export History Icon, and click the download link.

Scheduling compliance/risk posture:

You can create compliance report schedules in Log360 which will deliver the selected compliance reports for a specified duration directly to your email. This helps avoid repeated logging in to the product for report viewing.


Add compliance/risk posture schedule

To add a new compliance/risk posture schedule,

  • In the Compliance tab, click Schedule Compliance at the top-right corner.
  • Click Create New Scheduler.
  • Enter a name for the scheduler and select the compliance/risk posture that you want to schedule.
  • Select the frequency at which the reports need to be sent, the duration that should be covered in the reports, and the format of the reports.
  • Enter the email IDs to which the reports need to be sent and the subject of the email.
  • After entering all the information, click Save.

Edit compliance/risk posture schedule

To update an already created compliance/risk posture schedule

  • In the Compliance tab, click Schedule Compliance at the top-right corner.
  • Click the Edit icon corresponding to the schedule you want to edit.
  • Make the necessary changes and click Save.

Delete compliance/risk posture schedule

To delete an already created compliance/risk posture schedule

  • In the Compliance tab, click Schedule Compliance at the top-right corner.
  • Click the Delete icon corresponding to the schedule you want to delete.
  • In the pop-up box that appears, click Yes.

Disable compliance/risk posture schedule

You can also temporarily disable an Compliance/Risk posture schedule with the steps below.

  • In the Compliance tab, click Schedule Compliance at the top-right corner.
  • Click the Disable icon corresponding to the schedule you want to delete.

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