Global Search
The global search capability can be used to search across all sections of Log360 including Reports, Compliances, Administrative settings, and Help documentation. This helps in finding particular sections of the product faster and improves productivity of the SOC team.
- Open global search by clicking on the search bar in the top right corner of the screen.
Note: To open Global Search, you can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Space.

- Type the setting/report/compliance/help document that you're searching for and click on the desired result.
(For instance, to search for reports related to file modifications, type "file modifications" in the search bar. All relevant reports, help documents, and settings will be displayed. You can directly navigate to the required page by clicking on the search results.)
Note: If you click Enter, Global Search will open the page of the first result that is displayed.

- Similarly, if you wish to search for a particular compliance mandate, you can type the name in the Search field, then click on the result to navigate to the required regulation.
Recent Searches:
The Recent Searches section displays recent searches for each tab in the Global Search feature.
Frequent Searches:
The Frequent Searches section displays the most searched queries in Log360.
What's New in Log360:
This section shows the most recently added features in Log360. Clicking on the features will redirect you to the particular feature section.

Note: The Reports tab will only appear in Global Search if Log360's Reports page has been accessed before.