Ethernet Monitoring

Ethernet monitor and its significance

If you have network connectivity issues on your device, the Ethernet port is probably the first place you should look because the cable might be unplugged or loosely plugged. Ethernet may be a small element in your network but it can be the single point which can make or break your entire network's connectivity. The availability and health of the LAN connection, uptime and status of a CPU or a server, internet availability and speed, bandwidth traffic status monitoring, VoIP monitoring, etc can be known by simply monitoring an Ethernet cable.

Monitor ethernet performance:OpManager

OpManager is an end-to-end, comprehensive, and highly informative, network performance, and an ethernet performance monitoring tool. Every element monitored by OpManager has it's own device snapshot page. This eliminates the need for networking teams to monitor ethernet and license separate Ethernet monitoring tool.

Ethernet interface snapshot page

OpManager's Interface Ethernet monitor Snapshot page shows interface availability and health of an interface. In the Interface Snapshot page displays more details such as Admin Status, Operational Status, Parent Name, IfName, IfAlias, Traffic Counter, Bandwidth, Utilization, Average Packet Size, etc. You can also view a Real time Graph of an interface. You are also provided an option to define Refresh Interval and Time Window for an interface graph.

Ethernet Monitoring Software - ManageEngine OpManager

Ethernet interface availability

The Availability dial shows the Ethernet Interface availability of the current day. Clicking on the availability dial will show an availability graph. You can get this as a report for a set of days. You can also schedule this report to be generated at a preset time. You will be able to track if the ethernet interface is up, down, not monitored, on maintenance, etc. You can also check if the availability of an interface depends on the availability status on a particular device, with OpManager's Ethernet Network monitoring.

Ethernet Performance Monitoring- ManageEngine OpManager

With OpManager's Ethernet performance monitor, it is possible to have severity based alarms to alert the network admin whenever there is an issue with any device in the network. OpManager also has a provision to set the consecutive number of times an event must occur or a threshold must be reached after which you will be alerted. You can also apply bulk settings and monitoring parameters to an individual ethernet cable, some, or all ethernet devices as you see fit for monitoring your IT infrastructure.

Interface Templates in OpManager

OpManager discovers and monitors over 230 different interface types in a network out-of-the-box, be it fast Ethernet interfaces or high-speed Fibre Channels. Over 230 different interface types are supported. As soon as an interface is discovered, OpManager's Ethernet monitoring software automatically associates a user-defined monitoring interval and optimized threshold limits. These values can be changed to match the user's monitoring needs as and when required. Moreover, OpManager's Ethernet monitoring allows you to apply and modify these configurations individually to an interface or in bulk to a number of interfaces using interface monitoring templates. OpManager also manages DS1, Serial, PPP, Frame Relay DTE, ATM, Frame Relay DCE, AAL5, ISDN, Fibre-Channel, IEEE802.11, ADSL, SDSL, MPLS and MPLS Tunnel interfaces with ease.

Related to ethernet network monitoring 

What is ethernet monitoring?

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OpManager Customer Videos
Michael Senatore, Operations Manager, Rojan Australia Pty Ltd.
  •  Venkatesan Veerappan, IT Consultant
     Mohd Jaffer Tawfiq Murtaja, Information Security officer from Al Ain sports club
  •  Jonathan ManageEngine Customer
     IT Admin from "Royal flying doctor service", Australia
  •  Michael Senatore, Operations Manager, Rojan Australia Pty Ltd.
     Michael - Network & Tech, ManageEngine Customer
  •  Altaleb Alshenqiti - Ministry of National Guard - Health Affairs
     Donald Stewart, IT Manager from Crest Industries
  •  John Rosser, MIS Manager - Yale Chase Equipment & Services
     David Tremont, Associate Directory of Infrastructure,USA
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