Forecast Reports

Organizations today rely on their networks, including their business-critical resources and equipment. The wide landscape of such network infrastructure necessitates effective network monitoring. Maintaining optimal network health in terms of maximized performance and minimized downtime comes down to how well the network operators can meet resource demands.

This is where forecasting comes into play. It is based on predictive analysis that uses historical data to predict future events. Owing to the advance in supporting technologies such as AI, ML, and big data, predictive analysis has become more powerful over the years. Insights generated by prediction create tangible business value. As such, in the context of network monitoring, forecasting can help network operations teams identify potential network failures and performance issues well in advance so they can address the bottlenecks before they impact network operations

Forecast Reports: What do they do?

OpManager's Forecast Reports track the current resource utilization within the network and predict the statuses of the respective resources in the near future. This helps IT admins stay informed of the approximate time remaining until a resource is potentially exhausted. With near-accurate predictions about capacity problems, operations teams can act preemptively to rebalance the resource utilization within the network and provision the network with more capacity.

OpManager Forecast Reports 

Forecast Reports: How do they work?

OpManager employs advanced prediction algorithms to track metrics and predict likely values based on a set of historical data. Currently, the only metrics that can be tracked and predicted are memory utilization, CPU utilization, and disk usage. Data for each of these metrics over a period of the last 14 days is used to create a data model that, based on current utilization trends, can estimate the approximate time remaining until full utilization is reached. This is, in effect, an early warning for a device reaching a critical threshold.

Forecast Data

The forecast report pages give you insights into the statuses of all your network devices, regardless of the make and type. As of version 124054, OpManager supports the tracking and prediction of the following three metrics:

  1. CPU Forecast: This report predicts the approximate time remaining until the network devices reach maximum CPU utilization.

OpManager CPU Forecast Page 

  1. Memory Forecast: This report predicts the time remaining until your network devices reach maximum memory utilization.

OpManager Memory Forecast Page 

  1. Disk Forecast by Usage: This report lets you know the approximate time remaining until the physical storage drives in your network devices run out of space.

OpManager Disk Forecast Page 

The reports classify data into columns that show the current utilization status and the future status in terms of how much time remains until certain thresholds are reached. The data will fall under three categories:

  • No Growth: This signifies that there is no considerable growth in the utilization and that the resource usage is stable.
  • Already Reached: This means that the threshold limit has already been reached.
  • Insufficient Data: This means that there is not enough data to predict the usage trend effectively.

Scheduling reports on forecasts

Our automated forecast reporting tool allows you to always stay a step ahead of your resource demands. By letting you schedule the generation of Forecast Reports on a regular basis, OpManager helps you get frequent updates about your resources. This allows you to take control and effectively improve your resource planning strategy.

OpManager Forecast Report Scheduling  

How accurate are the reports?

Thanks to the development of sophisticated, intelligent systems, people can make highly accurate predictions of the probability of an occurrence. The ML techniques used today to find patterns in data and build predictive models are far more sophisticated in their predictive learning capabilities than ever before. The combination of a wide range of ML algorithms and good computational power results in robust AI systems that are limited only by the quality and detail of the data set used for training. As such, the only prerequisite for near-perfect predictions is high-quality data.

How much data does OpManager require for forecasting reports?

OpManager requires continuous, linear data from the past three days for the Forecast Reports to generate predictions. However, if there is data available over an extended period of time, all the data across a 14-day period is taken into consideration for training the models.

OpManager's next-gen network monitoring capabilities

The IT world is increasingly leaning towards AI and ML. As enterprise networks become more complex and sophisticated, it is imperative that monitoring strategies and techniques do the same. To combat the dynamics of an ever-changing network landscape, OpManager uses powerful, modern technologies that help you circumvent network monitoring bottlenecks. From adaptive thresholds to performance trends forecasting and Forecast Reports, OpManager has you covered.

Download ManageEngine OpManager to experience these powerful capabilities hands on. Or learn more about how OpManager helps you proactively avoid network downtime.

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OpManager Customer Videos
Michael Senatore, Operations Manager, Rojan Australia Pty Ltd.
  •  Venkatesan Veerappan, IT Consultant
     Mohd Jaffer Tawfiq Murtaja, Information Security officer from Al Ain sports club
  •  Jonathan ManageEngine Customer
     IT Admin from "Royal flying doctor service", Australia
  •  Michael Senatore, Operations Manager, Rojan Australia Pty Ltd.
     Michael - Network & Tech, ManageEngine Customer
  •  Altaleb Alshenqiti - Ministry of National Guard - Health Affairs
     Donald Stewart, IT Manager from Crest Industries
  •  John Rosser, MIS Manager - Yale Chase Equipment & Services
     David Tremont, Associate Directory of Infrastructure,USA
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