SAML Authentication

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based standard that exchanges authentication credentials between a service provider (SP) and an identity provider (IdP). It eliminates the need for multiple passwords and, with the help of single sign-on (SSO) functionality, offers a secure, easy way to access multiple applications with common login credentials.

Service provider: The SP is an application or a third-party entity that provides service to an end user. SPs need authentication from the IdP to facilitate authentication for the user. Examples: ManageEngine OpManager and ManageEngine Desktop Central.

Identity provider: The IdP is an entity that stores user identities or resources such as usernames, passwords, and SSH keys. Examples: Okta, Microsoft ADFS, Auth0, CyberArk, and Azure SSO.

SAML authentication in OpManager

Users can now log into OpManager with SAML. During sign-in, a request is sent to the IdP and checked for the necessary authentication credentials for that particular user. The response is then communicated back to OpManager, and the user gains access.

SAML authentication in OpManager 

For example, once SAML is configured, users will have an option on OpManager's login page to connect them to the SSO login page on the IdP side. Once signed in, the user will be redirected back to OpManager and logged in using the authentication given by the IdP, assuming the user account is available. If the user can’t be authenticated, their access will be denied and they will be returned to the OpManager login page.

Configuring SAML in OpManager

SAML requires two different configuration processes. The service provider i.e OpManager and the Identity provider should be configured in-order to successfully configure SAML. The SP and IdP can be configured in two ways, either manually by providing the necessary credentials, or automatically by uploading the XML metadata file. To know more about configuring IdP and SP for SAML in OpManager, visit our SAML help page.

Service provider details

The following Service provider details are required if you opt to configure SAML manually,

  • Entity ID
  • Assertion Consumer URL
  • SSO Logout URL
  • SP certificate file

This information is available in the OpManager UI, and can be used to add OpManager as a supported application in your IdP. You can also download the SP metadata file directly from OpManager and import it on the IdP side. This metadata file will have all the above-mentioned details in XML format.To learn more about SAML configuration in OpManager, click here.

Identity provider details

Similar to the SP details configuration, you can either configure the IdP details manually or upload the metadata file fetched from the IdP side.

Click the corresponding IdP name to see the steps to configure SAML between OpManager and that IdP.

Frequently asked questions

Can we configure more than one IdP?


What are all the different name identifier formats supported in OpManager?


Can we use both SAML authentication and the 2FA feature in OpManager?


Do we have the option to enable or disable AD and RADIUS authentication while using SAML?


How do I access the product’s web client if the IdP is not reachable?


How to configure SAML if the certificate is expired?

Video Zone
OpManager Customer Videos
Michael Senatore, Operations Manager, Rojan Australia Pty Ltd.
  •  Venkatesan Veerappan, IT Consultant
     Mohd Jaffer Tawfiq Murtaja, Information Security officer from Al Ain sports club
  •  Jonathan ManageEngine Customer
     IT Admin from "Royal flying doctor service", Australia
  •  Michael Senatore, Operations Manager, Rojan Australia Pty Ltd.
     Michael - Network & Tech, ManageEngine Customer
  •  Altaleb Alshenqiti - Ministry of National Guard - Health Affairs
     Donald Stewart, IT Manager from Crest Industries
  •  John Rosser, MIS Manager - Yale Chase Equipment & Services
     David Tremont, Associate Directory of Infrastructure,USA
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