ServiceDesk Plus Cloud integration with OpManager

ManageEngine OpManager is a reliable and affordable network monitoring solution that tracks performance and availability on any network consisting of different devices, such as routers, switches, firewall, VMs, storage devices, and more.

OpManager integrates with ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Cloud, the online help desk software that provides integrated asset management capabilities, and significantly enhances its fault resolution capabilities. OpManager simplifies the task for IT admins by identifying faults, and raising them as tickets in ServiceDesk Plus Cloud to accelerate the process of fault resolution.

Log alarms from OpManager as tickets

OpManager raises alarms when a device violates the defined severity threshold values.

As the devices monitored by OpManager are synced to the ServiceDesk Plus Cloud, whenever a fault occurs, an alarm raised in OpManager will be forwarded to ServiceDesk Plus Cloud as a ticket.

For instance, you can raise critical alarms in OpManager as tickets to resolve them quickly, and prevent sluggish network performance. Once a request is logged, a technician is assigned to resolve the issue before it causes downtime.

Note: OpManager follows the "Default Request" to convert and create alarms as tickets in ServiceDesk PlusCloud. While you can add custom fields to this template, it should not be made mandatory.

Also, include the fields of the Configuration Item (the devices on your network are collectively called Configuration Items/ CIs) in the "Default Request", so that OpManager could map the request to its corresponding CI.

Manage IT assets

Integrate ServiceDesk Plus Cloud with OpManager to sync all IT devices on your network with the help desk software.

OpManager, by default, classifies devices based on categories, and syncs them to ServiceDesk Plus Cloud in a specific hierarchy. Also, virtual devices under the Server category can be further sorted based on the virtualization types using Child CIs.

A list of all device categories and the respective fields that will be synced with your held desk software.

The ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Cloud integration with OpManager, automates the process of updating device values when new devices are added on your network. The device properties will be automatically updated when sync is enabled.

Syncing Layer2 relationships

With SDP OD integrated with OpManager, users can sync the device relationships to OpManager. Whenever an issue arises in OpManager, the same is logged as a ticket in SDP OD console. With device relationship sync, users can understand the scope of the issue and rectify them at the earliest. To know more about how to sync relationships from OpManager to SDP OD, click here.

How do you integrate OpManager with ServiceDesk Plus Cloud?

Follow the steps below to integrate OpManager with ServiceDesk Plus Cloud.

    1. Navigate to Settings --> General Settings --> Third Party Integrations.
    2. Choose ServiceDesk Plus Cloud, and a new page will open enabling you to access the grant token.
    3. To access the grant token, click on Get grant token from ServiceDesk Plus Cloud.
ServiceDesk Plus (SDP) Cloud Integration with OpManager - ManageEngine
    1. In the next page you will need to log into your Zoho account.
    2. After logging in, a page will open with the grant token.

ServiceDesk Plus (SDP) Cloud Integration with OpManager - ManageEngine

    1. Copy the grant token Auth code and paste it in the space provided in OpManager.
    2. Click the drop-down under Select Domain, and choose a particular domain.
    3. Click on Validate.
    4. Select a Portal.
    5. Configure the Ticket Settings.
      • Create new ticket - When a closed request is raised again, this option creates a new ticket for the request.
      • Re-open closed ticket - When a closed request is raised again, this option reopens the ticket that was previously closed.

ServiceDesk Plus (SDP) cloud Integration with OpManager - ManageEngine

Once you integrate OpManager with ServiceDesk Plus Cloud, you can begin to manage IT resources, as well as raise and resolve requests.

Configuring Notification Profile

Performed manually, raising tickets is time-consuming. But with the ServiceDesk Plus Cloud integration, the ticketing process is automated; OpManager raises an alarm as a ticket in ServiceDesk.

To automate the ticketing process, you need to specify the properties of the ticket by configuring Notification Profile in OpManager.


To accomplish this, enter the title for the issue, provide a brief description about it, and assign the priority level for the ticket. For instance, all critical alarms are given priority number 1. You can also assign a technician to a ticket, and select the category group from the dropdown.

Workflow configuration

OpManager's Workflow is a simple, code-free, and effective way to complete routine tasks. It checks whether the given condition is satisfied or not, and based on the result, performs an user-defined action enabling you to achieve common corrective actions.

You can accomplish an action in ServiceDesk Plus Cloud directly after a service failure is encountered by incorporating the action at an appropriate stage of the workflow. This resolves network issues very quickly before it can become a potential problem.

For instance, you can design a workflow for monitoring a critical server on your network and log a ticket if the server goes down. You can simply drag and drop that option from the External Actions tab on the left pane.

Benefits of SDP Cloud and OpManager integration

OpManager and ServiceDesk Plus Cloud combine to facilitate network operations without any lag. Here are some benefits gained from this integration:

  • Automatic ticket generation on failed network devices and when alerts are raised results in faster fault resolution.
  • Tickets immediately assigned to technicians enables the speedy recovery of issues and maintaining maximum uptime.
  • Easy device management.

Learn more about OpManager, and download a free 30-day trial version. You can also experience a free online demo, or schedule a free, personalized demo with our experts who can answer all your product questions.

If you haven't tried ServiceDesk Plus Cloud yet, you can do it now - Start your 30 day free trial / The easy to use ITIL-ready help desk software for your growing business. - Try ServiceDesk Plus free for a month.

Video Zone
OpManager Customer Videos
Michael Senatore, Operations Manager, Rojan Australia Pty Ltd.
  •  Venkatesan Veerappan, IT Consultant
     Mohd Jaffer Tawfiq Murtaja, Information Security officer from Al Ain sports club
  •  Jonathan ManageEngine Customer
     IT Admin from "Royal flying doctor service", Australia
  •  Michael Senatore, Operations Manager, Rojan Australia Pty Ltd.
     Michael - Network & Tech, ManageEngine Customer
  •  Altaleb Alshenqiti - Ministry of National Guard - Health Affairs
     Donald Stewart, IT Manager from Crest Industries
  •  John Rosser, MIS Manager - Yale Chase Equipment & Services
     David Tremont, Associate Directory of Infrastructure,USA
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