WAN RTT: The WAN RTT Monitor in OpManager works according to the ICMP echo operation. It monitors the end to end response time (Rount Trip Time) between a Cisco router/switch and an IPv4/IPv6 destination device(s) and also helps in troubleshooting connectivity issues in a network.
VoIP: OpManager performs the UDP jitter operation to proactively monitor the VoIP quality between Cisco devices. The UDP jitter operation simulates continuous VoIP traffic to consistently monitor the voice quality scores between the source and the destination devices.
Note that this is supported from version 128398, only for VoIP and WAN RTT monitors
ip sla $operation_id icmp-echo $target_ip source-ip $source_ip request-data-size $data-size tos $tos owner $ownername threshold $rtt_threshold_millis timeout $timeout_millis ip sla schedule $operation_id life forever start-time now ageout $ageout_in_seconds
ip sla $operation_id udp-jitter $target_ip $target_port source-ip $source_ip source-port $source_port codec $codec_name advantage-factor $mos_value tos $tos owner $ownername timeout $timeout_millis ip sla schedule $operation_id life forever start-time now ageout $ageout_in_seconds
$operation_id -> Unique Operation ID for IP SLA Monitor $target_ip -> Target/Destination IP Used $source_ip -> Source IP Used $data_size -> Request Data Size i.e. payload $tos -> TOS Value $ownername -> Owner Name (Optional) $rtt_threshold_millis -> Time in Millis to Check Overthreshold $ageout_in_seconds -> Age out Value. $target_port -> Target Port used in VoIP Monitor $source_port -> Source Port used in VoIP Monitor $codec_name -> Codec Type supported in VoIP Monitor $mos_value -> MOS Value
To monitor the destination Cisco device, please enable the SLA responder. For detailed instructions on how to enable the SLA responder on Cisco devices, refer to the following documents.