What are the prerequisites for adding an IP SLA (VoIP/WAN RTT/Video) monitor?

WAN RTT: The WAN RTT Monitor in OpManager works according to the ICMP echo operation. It monitors the end to end response time (Rount Trip Time) between a Cisco router/switch and an IPv4/IPv6 destination device(s) and also helps in troubleshooting connectivity issues in a network. 

VoIP: OpManager performs the UDP jitter operation to proactively monitor the VoIP quality between Cisco devices. The UDP jitter operation simulates continuous VoIP traffic to consistently monitor the voice quality scores between the source and the destination devices. 

Table of Contents

Pre-requisites to add VOIP/WAN RTT monitors to OpManager

  1. The source should be an IP SLA enabled Cisco device, added/discovered in OpManager
  2. SNMP credentials with 'Read' and 'Write' permissions should be properly configured and associated to the source device. OpManager supports SNMP v1/v2c for configuration and SNMP v1/v2c/v3 for data collection of an IP SLA monitor.
  3. The source and the destination devices should be reachable from the OpManager Server. (Check the reachability of the device by using the 'ping' function)
  4. Destination device: 
    • a. WAN RTT: The destination device(s) can be any networking device with a valid IP address that supports RFC 862 or Echo protocols or an IP SLA Responder enabled Cisco device.
    • b. VoIP: The destination device(s) should always be a Cisco device with IP SLA Responder enabled.

Prerequisites for retrieving VOIP and WAN RTT monitors from the source device and adding them to OpManager:

Note that this is supported from version 128398, only for VoIP and WAN RTT monitors

  1. SNMP credentials with 'Read Only' permission should be properly configured and associated with the source device.
  2. Monitors should be added in the source device via CLI, in the format given below, or its equivalent,
    • WAN RTT Monitor
      ip sla $operation_id
      icmp-echo $target_ip source-ip $source_ip
      request-data-size $data-size
      tos $tos
      owner $ownername
      threshold $rtt_threshold_millis
      timeout $timeout_millis
      ip sla schedule $operation_id life forever start-time now ageout $ageout_in_seconds
    • VOIP Monitor:
      ip sla $operation_id
      udp-jitter $target_ip $target_port source-ip $source_ip source-port $source_port codec $codec_name advantage-factor $mos_value
      tos $tos
      owner $ownername
      timeout $timeout_millis
      ip sla schedule $operation_id life forever start-time now ageout $ageout_in_seconds
    • Dynamic Parameter Details:
      $operation_id -> Unique Operation ID for IP SLA Monitor
      $target_ip -> Target/Destination IP Used
      $source_ip -> Source IP Used
      $data_size -> Request Data Size i.e. payload
      $tos -> TOS Value
      $ownername -> Owner Name (Optional)
      $rtt_threshold_millis -> Time in Millis to Check Overthreshold
      $ageout_in_seconds -> Age out Value.
      $target_port -> Target Port used in VoIP Monitor
      $source_port -> Source Port used in VoIP Monitor
      $codec_name -> Codec Type supported in VoIP Monitor
      $mos_value -> MOS Value

    To enable IP SLA Responder

    To monitor the destination Cisco device, please enable the SLA responder. For detailed instructions on how to enable the SLA responder on Cisco devices, refer to the following documents.

Video Zone
OpManager Customer Videos
Michael Senatore, Operations Manager, Rojan Australia Pty Ltd.
  •  Venkatesan Veerappan, IT Consultant
     Mohd Jaffer Tawfiq Murtaja, Information Security officer from Al Ain sports club
  •  Jonathan ManageEngine Customer
     IT Admin from "Royal flying doctor service", Australia
  •  Michael Senatore, Operations Manager, Rojan Australia Pty Ltd.
     Michael - Network & Tech, ManageEngine Customer
  •  Altaleb Alshenqiti - Ministry of National Guard - Health Affairs
     Donald Stewart, IT Manager from Crest Industries
  •  John Rosser, MIS Manager - Yale Chase Equipment & Services
     David Tremont, Associate Directory of Infrastructure,USA
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