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The Exchange mailbox is a repository of email communications, which can often contain confidential business information. It may contain details about bank transactions, account numbers, credit cards, bid quotations, and much more. Mailboxes are a highly vulnerable source of information theft and insider attacks.

Exchange's native tools allow you to look for items like emails, documents, and instant message conversations using queries with specific keywords. However, this method is not comprehensive and does not help in cases where you need to search for a specific piece of information across the numerous emails sent and received by your organization every day.

Exchange Reporter Plus offers a simple content search solution using which you can create attribute-, pattern-, or keyword-based criteria. Using multiple condition filters, you can narrow down results quickly and accurately. You can create and schedule content search profiles to be generated and sent to stakeholders as and when required.

To carry out instant searches in your organization's mailboxes using Exchange Reporter Plus:

  • Click the Content Search tab.
  • Navigate to Exchange Server → Content Search Reports → Mail Content Profiles → Instant Search.
  • Choose a suitable Exchange organization in the left-side panel.
  • Select the Mailboxes and Folders in which you would like to perform the search.
  • In the Keywords field, add as many condition filters as you want. Learn more.
  • Click Save.
Exchange mailbox content search

You can also save this profile for future reference. All you have to do is look for the saved profile in the left side of the Content Search tab and click on it to run the report. The generated report can be exported in four formats: CSV, HTML, PDF, and XLS. Learn more

Exchange Reporter Plus allows filtering of email content using one or all of the below mentioned fields. You can create one or many criteria in order to filter the required content.

The list of fields that can be used to configure such criteria are: Message Subject, Bcc Recipient, Is ReadReceipt Requested, Sensitivity, Message Size, Is Read, Internet Message ID, Internet Message Headers, From Recipient, To Recipient, Message Class, In Reply to, Conversation ID, Conversation Topic, Is Draft, Is From Me, Is Resend, Is Submitted, Is Associated, Is Modified, Has Attachment, Importance, Message Received Date, Message Created Date, Message Sent Date, and Body.

With Exchange Reporter Plus' content search feature, you can:

  • Search multiple mailboxes: Search across all or selected mailboxes in your Exchange organization.
  • Carry out condition-based searches: Set multiple conditions to filter out the emails you need to view.
  • Carry out pattern-based searches: Use the RegEx and Matches RegEx conditions along with commonly used phrases to identify emails with personal information.
  • Automate searches: Create search profiles to look through mailboxes at specified intervals automatically.
  • Implement flexible polling intervals: Choose and modify the polling intervals as and when required.
  • Delegate permissions to technicians: Provide content search permissions only to the selected technicians without elevating their access levels.
  • View content and download attachments: View the email content in HTML format and download attachments to keep an eye on them.

As mandated by the GDPR, HIPAA, FISMA, and other regulatory and compliance policies, users are not allowed to share Social Security numbers, login credentials, and other personal information through email. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

The advantage of having a content search feature is that you can easily trace the leak of sensitive information and keep a close eye on possible attackers. You can also ensure that security and compliance standards are met by your employees, and keep regular tabs on the type of information being transferred through multiple employee mailboxes.

Keep an eye on your mailbox content using Exchange Reporter Plus.

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