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Monitoring mailbox traffic is one of the important tasks performed by an Exchange administrator. When properly performed, this task can help prevent most of the internal attacks and recurring server or email queue issues. Exchange Reporter Plus' mailbox traffic reports offer insights on mailbox traffic, in terms of number and size. It equips an Exchange administrator with the data required to make important decisions like:

  • Improving the Exchange server space for email communication.
  • Securing the Exchange server organization against spam.
  • Tracing and reporting on the mailbox traffic in the organization to ensure security.
  • Fixing email delivery issues.

Optimizing server space for emails

There might be instances where one server is handling considerably more load than another. In such cases, data gathered from mailbox traffic reports helps balance server loads and enables smoother operations in the Exchange environment. This helps to monitor Exchange server performance and plan future capacity needs.

Protecting the email server against spam

An abnormally high number of emails, either originating from or directed to a particular Exchange-user's mailbox, is a clear sign of malicious activity. While in rare cases this might be intentional, it is often malware that causes these anomalies. Using the data gathered from the Exchange mailbox traffic reports, an Exchange administrator can be promptly alerted to take necessary action.

Report on and audit Exchange Online using Exchange Reporter Plus, a Microsoft Exchange server reporting software.

Tracking mailbox traffic

Exchange Reporter plus offers a variety of pre-defined mailbox traffic reports, helping you track the traffic in your Exchange organization.

  • Number of Messages by Sender: Shows the number of emails sent by users during the specified period.
  • Size of Messages by Sender: Shows the size of emails sent by users during the specified period.
  • Number of Messages by Receiver: Shows the number of emails received by users during the specified period.
  • Size of Messages by Receiver: Shows the size of emails received by users during the specified period.
  • Sent Traffic for Users: Allows you to drill down into sent email traffic based on sender, time, and whether the recipient belongs to an internal or external domain.
  • Received Traffic for Users: Allows you to drill down into received email traffic based on recipient, period, and whether the sender belongs to an internal or external domain.
  • Number of Messages Sent and Received: Shows the number of emails sent and received by each mailbox.
  • Number of Messages by Sender Based on Recipient Status: Shows the number of emails sent based on the recipient (TO, CC, and BCC) details.

Tracing overall Exchange traffic in your organization

Exchange Reporter Plus, an email traffic monitoring tool, offers pre-configured reports under the Overall Organization Traffic reports category.

  • Organization Traffic Summary: Shows organization mail traffic summary for a specified period.
  • Sent Traffic by Messages: Shows organization's sent mail traffic by messages for a specified period.
  • Sent Traffic by Size: Shows organization's sent mail traffic by mail size for a specified period.
  • Received Traffic by Messages: Shows organization's received mail traffic by messages for a specified period.
  • Received Traffic by Size: Shows organization's received mail traffic by mail size for a specified period.

Understanding Exchange server traffic in your organization

Exchange Reporter Plus, a Microsoft Exchange reporting tool, provides various email traffic reports to learn more about the Exchange server traffic in your system.

  • Server to Server Traffic: Shows the server to server mail traffic for a specified period.
  • Server-based Delivery Time: Displays the server's delivery time for a specified period.
  • Number of Messages Sent by Server: Shows the server's sent mail traffic by the number of messages for a specified period.
  • Size of Messages Sent by Server: Presents the server's sent mail traffic by the size of messages for a specified period.
  • Number of Messages Received by Server: Generates the server's received mail traffic by the number of messages for a specified period.
  • Size of Messages Received by Server: Reports on the server's received mail traffic by the size of messages for a specified period.
  • Number of Messages Sent and Received: Displays the server's sent and received traffic for a specified period.

Report on intra-organizational mail traffic

Use pre-defined Intra-Organization Traffic reports from Exchange Reporter Plus, an email reporting software, to know more about the mail traffic in your organization.

  • Mails Exchanged Between Users: Shows the number and size of mails exchanged between the users in your organization.
  • Number of Mails Sent by a Specific User: Shows the number of internal mails sent by a specific user in the organization.
  • Size of Mails Sent by a Specific User: Shows the volume of internal mails sent by a specific user in the organization.
  • Number of Mails Received by a Specific User: Shows the number of internal mails received by a specific user in the organization.
  • Size of Mails Received by a Specific User: Shows the size of internal mails received by a specific user in the organization.
  • Traffic Between Two Specific Users: Shows the number of internal mails sent between two specific users.
  • Sent Traffic by Domains: Shows the number of internal mails sent by domains.
  • Received Traffic by Domains: Shows the number of internal mails received by domains.

Keep an eye on overall email traffic from and to the internet

It is necessary to understand the mail traffic from and to the internet and these Microsoft Exchange server reports can help you keep an eye on the traffic:

  • Number of Mails Sent to Internet: Shows the number of external mails sent.
  • Size of Mails Sent to Internet: Shows the size of the external mails sent.
  • Number of Mails Received from Internet: Shows the number of external mails received.
  • Size of Mails Received from Internet: Shows the size of the external mails received.

Exchange mail traffic from and to the internet by domain

Exchange Reporter Plus' email reporting capabilities provides you with various extensive reports to learn more about the traffic from and to the internet based on domains in your Exchange organization.

  • Number of Mails Sent to a Specific Domain: Shows the number of mails sent to a specific domain.
  • Size of Mails Sent to a Specific Domain: Shows the size of the mails sent to a specific domain.
  • Number of Mails Received from a Specific Domain: Shows the number of mails received from a specific domain.
  • Size of Mails Received from a Specific Domain: Shows the size of the mails received from a specific domain.

Exchange Reporter Plus also allows you to run reports on email delivery times in your Exchange environment. You can check the delivery time based on servers, emails, and average delivery time. Click here to learn more about the email delivery times reports.

Read more about Exchange sent and received mail reports that can help you keep track of the mail traffic of the users in your Exchange organization.

Filter details about email traffic over business and non-business hours effortlessly using the business hours configuration option in the tool. Mailbox traffic reports can be customized by the timeframe columns or other attributes. They can also be exported to standard formats like CSV, PDF, XLS, and HTML.

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