Third party JavaScript dependency:
Below is the list of third party code and libraries that OpUtils makes use of:
JS File Name | Version | License Type | License File | Module Name | Module |
jQuery-3.4.1 js | 3.4.1 | MIT | | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | jQuery Migration |
appcfg.js | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | Remote Desktop Connections | |
background.js | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | Remote Desktop Connections | |
calendar.js | | LGPL | LICENSE_JSCALENDAR.html | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | General - date picker |
canvg.js | MIT | MIT-LICENSE.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | Screenshot feedback dependency | |
colorpicker.js | 1.0 | MIT | LICENSE_COLORPICKER.txt | OPM | Business View |
cropper.min.js | 1.0 | MIT | _LICENSE.MD | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | User Management and Group chat |
d3.min.js | 3.4.8 | BSD | LICENSE_D3.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | For charts |
d3.tip.v0.6.3.js | 0.6.3 | MIT | MIT-LICENSE.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | For Charts - Tool tip |
ember-shortcuts.js | 0.0.3 | MIT | LICENSE_SHORTCUTS.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | For shortcuts |
ember.min.js | 1.9.1 | MIT | LICENSE_EMBERJS.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | General - UI |
filesaver.js | MIT | MIT-LICENSE.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | Export PDF | |
Fontello | 1.0 | SIL | LICENSE_FONTELLO.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | General - UI |
Google Fonts - Bitter-Regular.ttf | 1.1 | SIL Open Font License 1.1 | LICENSE_LATO_GOOGLE_FONTS.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | General - UI |
Google Fonts - Lato-Light.ttf, Lato-Regular.ttf, Lato-Bold.ttf | 1.1 | SIL Open Font License 1.1 | LICENSE_LATO_GOOGLE_FONTS.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | General - UI |
Google Fonts - RobotoSlab-Thin.ttf, RobotoSlab-Light.ttf, RobotoSlab-Regular.ttf | 2.0 | Apache 2.0 | LICENSE_LATO_GOOGLE_FONTS.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | General - UI |
gridstack.min.js | 0.2.5 | MIT | GRIDSTACK_LICENSE | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | Dashboard Grid |
handlebars.min.js | 2.0.0 | MIT | LICENSE_HANDLEBARS.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | Ember dependency |
hi5core_min.js | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | OPM,NFA | Remote Desktop Connections |
hi5_min.js | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | OPM,NFA | Remote Desktop Connections |
html2canvas.js | 0.5.0-beta3 | MIT | HTML2CANVAS_LICENSE | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | JS PDF |
intro.js | 2.3.0 | Commercial | INTROJS_LICENSE.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | For Site Tour |
jquery-1.9.0.min.js | 1.9.0 | MIT | LICENSE_JQUERY.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | Login Page |
jquery-2.1.1.min.js | 2.1.1 | MIT | LICENSE_JQUERY.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | General - UI |
jquery-3.5.1.min.js | 3.5.1 | MIT | LICENSE_JQUERY_3.5.1.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | jQuery |
jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js | 1.2.1 | MIT | LICENSE_JQUERY_MIGRATE.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | General - UI The minified version makes jQuery 1.9/2.0 compatible as possible with older versions, so you can run code in production without warning messages. |
jquery-ui-1.10.1.custom.min.js | 1.10.1 | MIT | LICENSE_JQUERY_UI_1_5_3.html | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | General UI |
jquery-ui.min.js | 2.1.1 | MIT | LICENSE_JQUERY_UI.txt | OPM | NOT IN USE .Need to Remove |
jquery.cookie.js | 1.0 | MIT | cm_license_info.html | OPM | OPM-Maps |
jQuery.dPassword.js | 0.1 | MIT | | OPM,NCM,OPU | Settings Credential Page Password hide |
jquery.easing.min.js | 1.3 | BSD | jQuery_Easing_Plugin_1.3_License | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | General - UI |
jquery.elastic.source.js | 1.6.11 | MIT | LICENSE_JQUERY_ELASTIC.txt | NCM,OPU | Group Chat |
jquery.event.drag-2.2.js | 2.2 | MIT | MIT-LICENSE.txt | OPM,FWA | Business View | | 2.2 | MIT | MIT-LICENSE.txt | OPM,FWA | Business View |
jquery.event.drop-2.2.js | 2.2 | MIT | MIT-LICENSE.txt | OPM | Business View | | 2.2 | MIT | MIT-LICENSE.txt | OPM | Business View |
jquery.flot.js | 0.8.1. | MIT | LICENSE_FLOT.txt | NFA | NFA Pie Chart |
jquery.flot.pie.js | 0.7 | MIT | LICENSE_FLOT.txt | FWA | FWA Pie Chart |
jquery.flot.tooltip.js | 0.6.1 | MIT | LICENSE_FLOT.txt | FWA | FWA Pie Chart |
jquery.gridster.min.js | v0.5.6 | MIT | DUCKSBOARD_GRIDSTER_JS_V0_5_6_0_G3140374_LICENSE.txt | NOT IN USE | |
jquery.inlineStyler.min.js | 1.0.1 | MIT | JQUERY.INLINESTYLER_LICENSE | Export PDF | |
jquery.jqGrid.src.js | 4.4.4 | MIT | MIT-LICENSE.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | Grid Table |
jquery.mCustomScrollbar.min.js | 3.1.5 | MIT | LICENSE_CUSTOM_SCROLLBAR_PLUGIN.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | Custom Scrollbar |
jquery.mentionsInput.js | 1.0.2 | MIT | LICENSE_JQUERY_MENTIONS_INPUT.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | Group Chat |
jquery.mousewheel.min.js | 3.1.12 | MIT | jquery_mousewheel_3_1_12jQuery_Mousewheel_3.1.12_License.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | Custom Scrollbar |
jquery.qrcode.min.js | 1.0 | MIT | JQUERY-QRCODE_MIT-LICENSE.TXT | OPM | NOT IN USE |
jquery.smooth-scroll.min.js | v1.3+ | MIT | LICENSE_NMAP.txt | OPM | NOT IN USE |
jscolor.js | 1.4.0 | LGPL | LICENSE_JSCOLOR.txt | OPM | 3D Floor View |
jspdf.js | 0.9.0 | MIT | MIT-LICENSE.txt | FWA | Export PDF |
jspdf.plugin.addimage.js | 0.9.0 | MIT | MIT-LICENSE.txt | FWA | Export PDF |
jsPlumb-1.7.10.js | 1.7.10 | MIT | LICENSE_JSPLUMB.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM | Workflow |
jstree.min.js | 3.0.8 | MIT | JSTREE_LICENSE-MIT | OPM | Dashboard |
lightbox.js | 2.51 | MIT | MIT-LICENSE.txt | OPM | NOT IN USE |
moment-timezone-with-data.min.js | 0.5.4 | MIT | MOMENT_TIMEZONE_LICENSE | OPM | TimeZone |
moment.min.js | 2.13.0 | MIT | MOMENT_LICENSE.txt | OPM | TimeZone |
morris.js | 0.5.0 | BSD | MORRIS_LICENSE.txt | OPM | Charts |
PointerLockControls.js | 1.0 | MIT | Threejs_License.txt | OPM | 3D Rack and Floor View Auto Rotation |
radialProgress.js | MIT | LICENSE_RADIALPROGRESS.txt | OPM | Dial charts | |
raphael-min.js | 2.1.0 | MIT | LICENSE_RAPHAEL.txt | OPM | Dial charts |
rdpcore_min.js | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | OPM | Remote Desktop Connections | | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | OPM | Remote Desktop Connections |
rdpworker_min.js | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | OPM | Remote Desktop Connections |
rdp_min.js | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | OPM | Remote Desktop Connections |
resource.js | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | Remote Desktop Connections | |
rgbcolor.js | 1.0 | MIT | CANVG_MIT-LICENSE.TXT | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | Canvg dependency |
rickshaw.js | MIT | LICENSE_RICKSHAW.txt | NOT IN USE | ||
select2.min.js | 4.0.3 | MIT | select2_LICENSE.html | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | DropDown select box |
ssh_min.js | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | OPM | CLI Terminal |
strings-en.js | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | OPM | Remote Desktop Connections |
surface_min.js | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | OPM | Remote Desktop Connections |
telnet_min.js | 5.0 | OEM License | LICENSE_SPARKGATEWAY | OPM | CLI Terminal |
Three.js | Revision 49 | MIT | LICENSE_THREE_JS.txt | OPM | 3D Rack & Floor View |
timeline.js | 3.3.10 | MPL | TIMELINEJS3_3_0_0_LICENSE.html | FWA | End User Snapshot |
underscore-min.js | 1.3.3 | MIT | LICENSE_JQUERY_UNDERSCORE.txt | OPM,NFA,NCM,FWA,OPU | Group Chat |
vis.min.js | 4.16.1 | Apache 2.0 | VISJS_LICENSE.html | OPM | Business View |