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File Share Import tool with Sharepoint Manager Plus

Manually copying files from file shares to SharePoint comes with many challenges. The native tool can only import one folder at a time, which makes importing multiple folders a tedious process. Uploading folders to different sites can also be difficult because only site administrators have permission to import file shares. Therefore, to perform this simple task, you either have to depend on the site admins or have access to all the sites.

SharePoint Manager Plus makes it easy for you to import files and folders from shared network drives or local machines to your SharePoint environment. You can import files easily across different sites from the SharePoint Manager Plus console without having to depend on site admins. This task can be easily delegated to a technician as well.

The solution lets you select multiple folders and create a task to incrementally upload them to any SharePoint environment at a scheduled time. SharePoint Manager Plus also provides a central dashboard from where you can track the progress of each import task.

File Share Import with SharePoint Manager Plus

Work with multiple folders at a time

SharePoint Manager Plus lets you select and upload multiple folders simultaneously.

File Share Import tool

Import files to any SharePoint environment

SharePoint Manager Plus lets you Import files to both on-premises and online SharePoint environments.

File Share Import tool

Schedule File Share Import tasks and synchronize changes made at specific time intervals

SharePoint Manager Plus lets you schedule File Share Import at a convenient time.

File Share Import tool

You can also import the files incrementally.

File Share Import tool

Set metadata values

SharePoint Manager Plus lets you set the metadata values in SharePoint while importing files.

File Share Import tool

Easy progress tracking

SharePoint Manager Plus lets you track File Share Import tasks from a common dashboard.

File Share Import tool

File Share Import tool

Importing local files and folders to SharePoint is now easy!

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