<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability
Unavailability API help users to mark their absence, so that the work is not assigned to them for that period.
id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the unavailability ( leave information ) of an user
user (user)
User who is not available at work
from_date (datetime)
Indicates the start date & time of the User’s Unavailability
to_date (datetime)
Indicates the end date & time of the User’s Unavailability
comments (string)
User’s comments on the unavailability added
leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user
More Attributes Expand all
Add Unavailability
This operation helps to add unavailability in the organization
Mandatory Fields :- user, from_date, to_date
id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the unavailability ( leave information ) of an user
user (user)
User who is not available at work
from_date (datetime)
Indicates the start date & time of the User’s Unavailability
to_date (datetime)
Indicates the end date & time of the User’s Unavailability
comments (string)
User’s comments on the unavailability added
leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user
More Attributes Expand all
$ curl <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability\
-H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"\
-d input_data='{
"unavailability": {
"user": {
"id": "2337000000093172"
"from_date": {
"value": 1664303400000
"to_date": {
"value": 1664389799999
"leave_type": {
"id": "2337000000007933"
"comments": "availing comp-off ",
"action": {
"for_approval": {
"approval_delegation_option": {
"id": "2337000000131014"
"backup_approver": {
"id": "2337000000091155"
"for_technician": {
"tech_delegation_option": {
"id": "2337000000131011"
"backup_technician": {
"id": "2337000000170001"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
input_data = {
"unavailability": {
"user": {
"id": "2337000000093172"
"from_date": {
"value": 1664303400000
"to_date": {
"value": 1664389799999
"leave_type": {
"id": "2337000000007933"
"comments": "availing comp-off ",
"action": {
"for_approval": {
"approval_delegation_option": {
"id": "2337000000131014"
"backup_approver": {
"id": "2337000000091155"
"for_technician": {
"tech_delegation_option": {
"id": "2337000000131011"
"backup_technician": {
"id": "2337000000170001"
params = {"input_data": input_data};
response = invokeurl
url: url
type: POST
parameters: params
headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
"Authorization" = "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"
"Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
"unavailability": {
"user": {
"id": "2337000000093172"
"from_date": {
"value": 1664303400000
"to_date": {
"value": 1664389799999
"leave_type": {
"id": "2337000000007933"
"comments": "availing comp-off ",
"action": {
"for_approval": {
"approval_delegation_option": {
"id": "2337000000131014"
"backup_approver": {
"id": "2337000000091155"
"for_technician": {
"tech_delegation_option": {
"id": "2337000000131011"
"backup_technician": {
"id": "2337000000170001"
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method post -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
"Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx",
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{
"unavailability": {
"user": {
"id": "2337000000093172"
"from_date": {
"value": 1664303400000
"to_date": {
"value": 1664389799999
"leave_type": {
"id": "2337000000007933"
"comments": "availing comp-off ",
"action": {
"for_approval": {
"approval_delegation_option": {
"id": "2337000000131014"
"backup_approver": {
"id": "2337000000091155"
"for_technician": {
"tech_delegation_option": {
"id": "2337000000131011"
"backup_technician": {
"id": "2337000000170001"
data = urlencode({"input_data":input_data}).encode()
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,data=data, method="POST")
with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
"unavailability": {
"is_technician": true,
"comments": "availing comp-off",
"from_date": {
"display_value": "Sep 27, 2022",
"value": "1664218800000"
"to_date": {
"display_value": "Sep 28, 2022",
"value": "1664391599999"
"leave_type": {
"name": "Comp Off",
"id": "2337000000007933"
"added_by": {
"email_id": "sample_user_1@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_1",
"id": "2337000000093172",
"first_name": "user_1"
"created_on": {
"display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
"value": "1663225565175"
"action": {
"updated_on": null,
"created_on": {
"display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
"value": "1663225565202"
"updated_by": null,
"for_approval": {
"backup_approver": {
"name": "Reporting To",
"id": "2337000000091155"
"approval_delegation_option": {
"id": "2337000000131014"
"for_technician": {
"backup_technician": {
"email_id": "sample_user_2@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_2",
"id": "2337000000170001",
"first_name": "user_2"
"tech_delegation_option": {
"id": "2337000000131011"
"created_by": {
"email_id": "sample_user_1@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_1",
"id": "2337000000093172",
"first_name": "user_1"
"id": "2337000001646025",
"user": {
"email_id": "sample_user_1@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_1",
"id": "2337000000093172",
"first_name": "user_1"
Edit Unavailability
This operation helps you to modify unavailability details of an user, to add/update backup for tickets & approvals assigned to the user during his leave period
<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}
id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the unavailability ( leave information ) of an user
user (user)
User who is not available at work
from_date (datetime)
Indicates the start date & time of the User’s Unavailability
to_date (datetime)
Indicates the end date & time of the User’s Unavailability
comments (string)
User’s comments on the unavailability added
leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user
More Attributes Expand all
$ curl <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}\
-H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"\
-d input_data='{
"unavailability": {
"user": {
"id": "2337000000093172"
"from_date": {
"value": "1664130600000"
"to_date": {
"value": "1664217000000"
"leave_type": {
"id": "2337000000007935"
"comments": "On duty"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
input_data = {
"unavailability": {
"user": {
"id": "2337000000093172"
"from_date": {
"value": "1664130600000"
"to_date": {
"value": "1664217000000"
"leave_type": {
"id": "2337000000007935"
"comments": "On duty"
params = {"input_data": input_data};
response = invokeurl
url: url
type: PUT
parameters: params
headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}"
$headers = @{"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
"Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx",
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
"unavailability": {
"user": {
"id": "2337000000093172"
"from_date": {
"value": "1664130600000"
"to_date": {
"value": "1664217000000"
"leave_type": {
"id": "2337000000007935"
"comments": "On duty"
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method put -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
"Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx",
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{
"unavailability": {
"user": {
"id": "2337000000093172"
"from_date": {
"value": "1664130600000"
"to_date": {
"value": "1664217000000"
"leave_type": {
"id": "2337000000007935"
"comments": "On duty"
data = urlencode({"input_data":input_data}).encode()
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,data=data, method="PUT")
with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
"unavailability": {
"is_technician": true,
"comments": "On duty",
"from_date": {
"display_value": "Sep 25, 2022",
"value": "1664046000000"
"to_date": {
"display_value": "Sep 26, 2022",
"value": "1664218799999"
"leave_type": {
"name": "On Duty",
"id": "2337000000007935"
"added_by": {
"email_id": "sample_user_1@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_1",
"id": "2337000000093172",
"first_name": "user_1"
"created_on": {
"display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
"value": "1663225565175"
"action": {
"updated_on": null,
"created_on": {
"display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
"value": "1663225565202"
"updated_by": null,
"for_approval": {
"backup_approver": {
"name": "Reporting To",
"id": "2337000000091155"
"approval_delegation_option": {
"id": "2337000000131014"
"for_technician": {
"backup_technician": {
"email_id": "sample_user_2@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_2",
"id": "2337000000170001",
"first_name": "user_2"
"tech_delegation_option": {
"id": "2337000000131011"
"created_by": {
"email_id": "sample_user_1@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_1",
"id": "2337000000093172",
"first_name": "user_1"
"id": "2337000001646025",
"user": {
"email_id": "sample_user_1@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_1",
"id": "2337000000093172",
"first_name": "user_1"
Get Unavailability
This operation helps to retrieve specific unavailability raised in the organization
<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}
id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the unavailability ( leave information ) of an user
user (user)
User who is not available at work
from_date (datetime)
Indicates the start date & time of the User’s Unavailability
to_date (datetime)
Indicates the end date & time of the User’s Unavailability
comments (string)
User’s comments on the unavailability added
leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user
More Attributes Expand all
$ curl -G <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}\
-H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
response = invokeurl
url: url
type: GET
headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
"Authorization" = "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"
"Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method get -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.8
#This script requires requests module installed in python.
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
"Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx",
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers)
with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
"unavailability": {
"is_technician": true,
"comments": null,
"from_date": {
"display_value": "Jun 26, 2020",
"value": "1593196200000"
"to_date": {
"display_value": "Jun 27, 2020",
"value": "1593282599999"
"leave_type": {
"name": "Comp Off",
"id": "2337000000007933"
"added_by": {
"email_id": "sample_user_1@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_1",
"id": "2337000000093172",
"first_name": "user_1"
"created_on": {
"display_value": "Jun 19, 2020 11:38 AM",
"value": "1592548735068"
"action": {
"updated_on": null,
"created_on": {
"display_value": "Jun 19, 2020 11:38 AM",
"value": "1592548735105"
"updated_by": null,
"for_approval": {
"backup_approver": null,
"approval_delegation_option": {
"name": "APPLY_GLOBAL",
"id": "2337000000131017"
"id": "2337000000360025",
"for_technician": {
"backup_technician": null,
"tech_delegation_option": {
"name": "APPLY_GLOBAL",
"id": "2337000000131017"
"created_by": {
"email_id": "sample_user_1@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_1",
"id": "2337000000093172",
"first_name": "user_1"
"id": "2337000000360023",
"user": {
"email_id": "sample_user_3@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_3",
"id": "2337000000233049",
"department": {
"site": null,
"name": "Finance",
"id": "2337000000006629"
"first_name": "user_3"
Get List Unavailability
This operation helps to retrieve all the unavailability raised in the organization.
<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability
id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the unavailability ( leave information ) of an user
user (user)
User who is not available at work
from_date (datetime)
Indicates the start date & time of the User’s Unavailability
to_date (datetime)
Indicates the end date & time of the User’s Unavailability
comments (string)
User’s comments on the unavailability added
leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user
More Attributes Expand all
$ curl -G <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability\
-H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"\
--data-urlencode input_data='{}'
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
input_data = {};
params = {"input_data":input_data};
response = invokeurl
url: url
type: GET
headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
"Authorization" = "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"
"Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'{}'@
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method get -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.8
#This script requires requests module installed in python.
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
"Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx",
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{}'''
url += "?" + urlencode({"input_data":input_data})
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers)
with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
"unavailability": [
"is_technician": true,
"comments": null,
"from_date": {
"display_value": "Jun 26, 2020",
"value": "1593196200000"
"to_date": {
"display_value": "Jun 27, 2020",
"value": "1593282599999"
"leave_type": {
"name": "Comp Off",
"id": "2337000000007933"
"added_by": {
"email_id": "sample_user_1@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_1",
"id": "2337000000093172",
"first_name": "user_1"
"created_on": {
"display_value": "Jun 19, 2020 11:38 AM",
"value": "1592548735068"
"action": {
"updated_on": null,
"created_on": {
"display_value": "Jun 19, 2020 11:38 AM",
"value": "1592548735105"
"updated_by": null,
"for_approval": {
"backup_approver": null,
"approval_delegation_option": {
"name": "APPLY_GLOBAL",
"id": "2337000000131017"
"id": "2337000000360025",
"for_technician": {
"backup_technician": null,
"tech_delegation_option": {
"name": "APPLY_GLOBAL",
"id": "2337000000131017"
"created_by": {
"email_id": "sample_user_1@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_1",
"id": "2337000000093172",
"first_name": "user_1"
"id": "2337000000360023",
"user": {
"email_id": "sample_user_3@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_3",
"id": "2337000000233049",
"department": {
"site": null,
"name": "Finance",
"id": "2337000000006629"
"first_name": "user_3"
"is_technician": true,
"comments": null,
"from_date": {
"display_value": "Jul 6, 2021",
"value": "1625596200000"
"to_date": {
"display_value": "Jul 7, 2021",
"value": "1625682599999"
"leave_type": {
"name": "Casual Leave",
"id": "2337000000007929"
"added_by": {
"email_id": "sample_user_1@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_1",
"id": "2337000000093172",
"first_name": "user_1"
"created_on": {
"display_value": "Jul 7, 2021 05:05 PM",
"value": "1625659544315"
"action": {
"updated_on": null,
"created_on": {
"display_value": "Jul 7, 2021 05:13 PM",
"value": "1625660032256"
"updated_by": null,
"for_approval": {
"backup_approver": null,
"approval_delegation_option": {
"name": "APPLY_GLOBAL",
"id": "2337000000131017"
"id": "2337000000715055",
"for_technician": {
"backup_technician": null,
"tech_delegation_option": {
"name": "APPLY_GLOBAL",
"id": "2337000000131017"
"created_by": {
"email_id": "sample_user_1@test.com",
"is_technician": true,
"name": "user_1",
"id": "2337000000093172",
"first_name": "user_1"
Delete Unavailability
This operation helps to cancel the unavailability raised
<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability?ids={unavailability_ids}
$ curl <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability?ids={unavailability_ids}\
-H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability?ids={unavailability_ids}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
response = invokeurl
url: url
type: DELETE
headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability?ids={unavailability_ids}"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
"Authorization" = "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"
"Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method delete -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability?ids={unavailability_ids}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
"Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx",
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,method="DELETE")
with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
"response_status": {
"status_code": 2000,
"status": "success"