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Unavailability API help users to mark their absence, so that the work is not assigned to them for that period.


id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the unavailability ( leave information ) of an user 

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



user (user)
User who is not available at work  

user (user)
User who is not available at work  


  "user": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "sample_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

from_date (datetime)
Indicates the start date & time of the User’s Unavailability

from_date (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

to_date (datetime)
Indicates the end date & time of the User’s Unavailability

to_date (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comments (string)
User’s comments on the unavailability added

comments (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user 

leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user 


  "leave_type": {
    "name": "casual_leave",
    "id": "1000000000000431213"

More Attributes Expand all

action (delegation_action)

Used to define backup user for the ticket & approvals of the user who is unavailable. 

action (delegation_action)
Used to define backup user for the ticket & approvals of the user who is on leave 


  "action": {
    "created_on": {
      "display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
      "value": "1663225565202"
    "for_approval": {
      "backup_approver": {
        "name": "Reporting To",
        "id": "2337000000091155"
      "approval_delegation_option": {
        "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_ROLE",
        "id": "2337000000131014"
    "for_technician": {
      "backup_technician": {
        "email_id": "",
        "name": "user_2",
        "id": "2337000000170001"
      "tech_delegation_option": {
        "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_USER",
        "id": "2337000000131011"
    "created_by": {
      "email_id": "",
      "name": "user_1",
      "id": "2337000000093172"

added_by (user)read only

Denotes the user who added the unavailability information 

added_by (user)
Denotes the user who added the unavailability information 

created_on (datetime)read only

Indicates the time when unavailability information was added

created_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

is_technician (boolean)read only

Indicates whether the unavailable user is a technician or requester

is_technician (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

Add Unavailability

This operation helps to add unavailability in the organization

Mandatory Fields :- user, from_date, to_date


<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability


id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the unavailability ( leave information ) of an user 

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



user (user)
User who is not available at work  

user (user)
User who is not available at work  


  "user": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "sample_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

from_date (datetime)
Indicates the start date & time of the User’s Unavailability

from_date (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

to_date (datetime)
Indicates the end date & time of the User’s Unavailability

to_date (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comments (string)
User’s comments on the unavailability added

comments (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user 

leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user 


  "leave_type": {
    "name": "casual_leave",
    "id": "1000000000000431213"

More Attributes Expand all

action (delegation_action)

Used to define backup user for the ticket & approvals of the user who is unavailable 

action (delegation_action)
Used to define backup user for the ticket & approvals of the user who is unavailable 


  "action": {
    "created_on": {
      "display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
      "value": "1663225565202"
    "for_approval": {
      "backup_approver": {
        "name": "Reporting To",
        "id": "2337000000091155"
      "approval_delegation_option": {
        "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_ROLE",
        "id": "2337000000131014"
    "for_technician": {
      "backup_technician": {
        "email_id": "",
        "name": "user_2",
        "id": "2337000000170001"
      "tech_delegation_option": {
        "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_USER",
        "id": "2337000000131011"
    "created_by": {
      "email_id": "",
      "name": "user_1",
      "id": "2337000000093172"

added_by (user)read only

Denotes the user who added the unavailability information 

added_by (user)
Denotes the user who added the unavailability information 

created_on (datetime)read only

Indicates the time when unavailability information was added

created_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

is_technician (boolean)read only

Indicates whether the unavailable user is a technician or requester

is_technician (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

$ curl <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability\
      -X POST\
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
      -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"\
      -d input_data='{
    "unavailability": {
        "user": {
            "id": "2337000000093172"
        "from_date": {
            "value": 1664303400000
        "to_date": {
            "value": 1664389799999
        "leave_type": {
            "id": "2337000000007933"
        "comments": "availing comp-off ",
        "action": {
            "for_approval": {
                "approval_delegation_option": {
                    "id": "2337000000131014"
                "backup_approver": {
                    "id": "2337000000091155"
            "for_technician": {
                "tech_delegation_option": {
                    "id": "2337000000131011"
                "backup_technician": {
                    "id": "2337000000170001"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
input_data = {
    "unavailability": {
        "user": {
            "id": "2337000000093172"
        "from_date": {
            "value": 1664303400000
        "to_date": {
            "value": 1664389799999
        "leave_type": {
            "id": "2337000000007933"
        "comments": "availing comp-off ",
        "action": {
            "for_approval": {
                "approval_delegation_option": {
                    "id": "2337000000131014"
                "backup_approver": {
                    "id": "2337000000091155"
            "for_technician": {
                "tech_delegation_option": {
                    "id": "2337000000131011"
                "backup_technician": {
                    "id": "2337000000170001"
params = {"input_data": input_data};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: POST
    parameters: params
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
    "unavailability": {
        "user": {
            "id": "2337000000093172"
        "from_date": {
            "value": 1664303400000
        "to_date": {
            "value": 1664389799999
        "leave_type": {
            "id": "2337000000007933"
        "comments": "availing comp-off ",
        "action": {
            "for_approval": {
                "approval_delegation_option": {
                    "id": "2337000000131014"
                "backup_approver": {
                    "id": "2337000000091155"
            "for_technician": {
                "tech_delegation_option": {
                    "id": "2337000000131011"
                "backup_technician": {
                    "id": "2337000000170001"
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method post -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{
    "unavailability": {
        "user": {
            "id": "2337000000093172"
        "from_date": {
            "value": 1664303400000
        "to_date": {
            "value": 1664389799999
        "leave_type": {
            "id": "2337000000007933"
        "comments": "availing comp-off ",
        "action": {
            "for_approval": {
                "approval_delegation_option": {
                    "id": "2337000000131014"
                "backup_approver": {
                    "id": "2337000000091155"
            "for_technician": {
                "tech_delegation_option": {
                    "id": "2337000000131011"
                "backup_technician": {
                    "id": "2337000000170001"
data = urlencode({"input_data":input_data}).encode()
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,data=data, method="POST")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "unavailability": {
        "is_technician": true,
        "comments": "availing comp-off",
        "from_date": {
            "display_value": "Sep 27, 2022",
            "value": "1664218800000"
        "to_date": {
            "display_value": "Sep 28, 2022",
            "value": "1664391599999"
        "leave_type": {
            "name": "Comp Off",
            "id": "2337000000007933"
        "added_by": {
            "email_id": "",
            "is_technician": true,
            "name": "user_1",
            "id": "2337000000093172",
            "first_name": "user_1"
        "created_on": {
            "display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
            "value": "1663225565175"
        "action": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "created_on": {
                "display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
                "value": "1663225565202"
            "updated_by": null,
            "for_approval": {
                "backup_approver": {
                    "name": "Reporting To",
                    "id": "2337000000091155"
                "approval_delegation_option": {
                    "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_ROLE",
                    "id": "2337000000131014"
            "for_technician": {
                "backup_technician": {
                    "email_id": "",
                    "is_technician": true,
                    "name": "user_2",
                    "id": "2337000000170001",
                    "first_name": "user_2"
                "tech_delegation_option": {
                    "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_USER",
                    "id": "2337000000131011"
            "created_by": {
                "email_id": "",
                "is_technician": true,
                "name": "user_1",
                "id": "2337000000093172",
                "first_name": "user_1"
        "id": "2337000001646025",
        "user": {
            "email_id": "",
            "is_technician": true,
            "name": "user_1",
            "id": "2337000000093172",
            "first_name": "user_1"

Edit Unavailability

This operation helps you to modify unavailability details of an user, to add/update backup for tickets & approvals assigned to the user during his leave period


<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}


id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the unavailability ( leave information ) of an user 

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



user (user)
User who is not available at work  

user (user)
User who is not available at work  


  "user": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "sample_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

from_date (datetime)
Indicates the start date & time of the User’s Unavailability

from_date (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

to_date (datetime)
Indicates the end date & time of the User’s Unavailability

to_date (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comments (string)
User’s comments on the unavailability added

comments (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user 

leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user 


  "leave_type": {
    "name": "casual_leave",
    "id": "1000000000000431213"

More Attributes Expand all

action (delegation_action)

Used to define backup user for the ticket & approvals of the user who is unavailable 

action (delegation_action)
Used to define backup user for the ticket & approvals of the user who is unavailable 


  "action": {
    "created_on": {
      "display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
      "value": "1663225565202"
    "for_approval": {
      "backup_approver": {
        "name": "Reporting To",
        "id": "2337000000091155"
      "approval_delegation_option": {
        "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_ROLE",
        "id": "2337000000131014"
    "for_technician": {
      "backup_technician": {
        "email_id": "",
        "name": "user_2",
        "id": "2337000000170001"
      "tech_delegation_option": {
        "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_USER",
        "id": "2337000000131011"
    "created_by": {
      "email_id": "",
      "name": "user_1",
      "id": "2337000000093172"

added_by (user)read only

Denotes the user who added the unavailability information 

added_by (user)
Denotes the user who added the unavailability information 

created_on (datetime)read only

Indicates the time when unavailability information was added

created_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

is_technician (boolean)read only

Indicates whether the unavailable user is a technician or requester

is_technician (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

$ curl <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}\
      -X PUT\ 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
      -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"\
      -d input_data='{
    "unavailability": {
        "user": {
            "id": "2337000000093172"
        "from_date": {
            "value": "1664130600000"
        "to_date": {
            "value": "1664217000000"
        "leave_type": {
            "id": "2337000000007935"
        "comments": "On duty"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
input_data = {
    "unavailability": {
        "user": {
            "id": "2337000000093172"
        "from_date": {
            "value": "1664130600000"
        "to_date": {
            "value": "1664217000000"
        "leave_type": {
            "id": "2337000000007935"
        "comments": "On duty"
params = {"input_data": input_data};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: PUT
    parameters: params
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}"
$headers = @{"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
    "unavailability": {
        "user": {
            "id": "2337000000093172"
        "from_date": {
            "value": "1664130600000"
        "to_date": {
            "value": "1664217000000"
        "leave_type": {
            "id": "2337000000007935"
        "comments": "On duty"
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method put -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{
    "unavailability": {
        "user": {
            "id": "2337000000093172"
        "from_date": {
            "value": "1664130600000"
        "to_date": {
            "value": "1664217000000"
        "leave_type": {
            "id": "2337000000007935"
        "comments": "On duty"
data = urlencode({"input_data":input_data}).encode()
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,data=data, method="PUT")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "unavailability": {
        "is_technician": true,
        "comments": "On duty",
        "from_date": {
            "display_value": "Sep 25, 2022",
            "value": "1664046000000"
        "to_date": {
            "display_value": "Sep 26, 2022",
            "value": "1664218799999"
        "leave_type": {
            "name": "On Duty",
            "id": "2337000000007935"
        "added_by": {
            "email_id": "",
            "is_technician": true,
            "name": "user_1",
            "id": "2337000000093172",
            "first_name": "user_1"
        "created_on": {
            "display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
            "value": "1663225565175"
        "action": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "created_on": {
                "display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
                "value": "1663225565202"
            "updated_by": null,
            "for_approval": {
                "backup_approver": {
                    "name": "Reporting To",
                    "id": "2337000000091155"
                "approval_delegation_option": {
                    "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_ROLE",
                    "id": "2337000000131014"
            "for_technician": {
                "backup_technician": {
                    "email_id": "",
                    "is_technician": true,
                    "name": "user_2",
                    "id": "2337000000170001",
                    "first_name": "user_2"
                "tech_delegation_option": {
                    "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_USER",
                    "id": "2337000000131011"
            "created_by": {
                "email_id": "",
                "is_technician": true,
                "name": "user_1",
                "id": "2337000000093172",
                "first_name": "user_1"
        "id": "2337000001646025",
        "user": {
            "email_id": "",
            "is_technician": true,
            "name": "user_1",
            "id": "2337000000093172",
            "first_name": "user_1"

Get Unavailability

This operation helps to retrieve specific unavailability raised in the organization


<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}


id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the unavailability ( leave information ) of an user 

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



user (user)
User who is not available at work  

user (user)
User who is not available at work  


  "user": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "sample_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

from_date (datetime)
Indicates the start date & time of the User’s Unavailability

from_date (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

to_date (datetime)
Indicates the end date & time of the User’s Unavailability

to_date (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comments (string)
User’s comments on the unavailability added

comments (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user 

leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user 


  "leave_type": {
    "name": "casual_leave",
    "id": "1000000000000431213"

More Attributes Expand all

action (delegation_action)

Used to define backup user for the ticket & approvals of the user who is unavailable 

action (delegation_action)
Used to define backup user for the ticket & approvals of the user who is unavailable


  "action": {
    "created_on": {
      "display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
      "value": "1663225565202"
    "for_approval": {
      "backup_approver": {
        "name": "Reporting To",
        "id": "2337000000091155"
      "approval_delegation_option": {
        "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_ROLE",
        "id": "2337000000131014"
    "for_technician": {
      "backup_technician": {
        "email_id": "",
        "name": "user_2",
        "id": "2337000000170001"
      "tech_delegation_option": {
        "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_USER",
        "id": "2337000000131011"
    "created_by": {
      "email_id": "",
      "name": "user_1",
      "id": "2337000000093172"

added_by (user)read only

Denotes the user who added the unavailability information 

added_by (user)
Denotes the user who added the unavailability information 

created_on (datetime)read only

Indicates the time when unavailability information was added

created_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

is_technician (boolean)read only

Indicates whether the unavailable user is a technician or requester

is_technician (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

$ curl -G <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}\
      -X GET\
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
      -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};          
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: GET
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}  
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method get -Headers $headers 
#Python version - 3.8
#This script requires requests module installed in python.
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability/{unavailability_id}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers)
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "unavailability": {
        "is_technician": true,
        "comments": null,
        "from_date": {
            "display_value": "Jun 26, 2020",
            "value": "1593196200000"
        "to_date": {
            "display_value": "Jun 27, 2020",
            "value": "1593282599999"
        "leave_type": {
            "name": "Comp Off",
            "id": "2337000000007933"
        "added_by": {
            "email_id": "",
            "is_technician": true,
            "name": "user_1",
            "id": "2337000000093172",
            "first_name": "user_1"
        "created_on": {
            "display_value": "Jun 19, 2020 11:38 AM",
            "value": "1592548735068"
        "action": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "created_on": {
                "display_value": "Jun 19, 2020 11:38 AM",
                "value": "1592548735105"
            "updated_by": null,
            "for_approval": {
                "backup_approver": null,
                "approval_delegation_option": {
                    "name": "APPLY_GLOBAL",
                    "id": "2337000000131017"
            "id": "2337000000360025",
            "for_technician": {
                "backup_technician": null,
                "tech_delegation_option": {
                    "name": "APPLY_GLOBAL",
                    "id": "2337000000131017"
            "created_by": {
                "email_id": "",
                "is_technician": true,
                "name": "user_1",
                "id": "2337000000093172",
                "first_name": "user_1"
        "id": "2337000000360023",
        "user": {
            "email_id": "",
            "is_technician": true,
            "name": "user_3",
            "id": "2337000000233049",
            "department": {
                "site": null,
                "name": "Finance",
                "id": "2337000000006629"
            "first_name": "user_3"

Get List Unavailability

This operation helps to retrieve all the unavailability raised in the organization.


<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability


id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the unavailability ( leave information ) of an user 

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



user (user)
User who is not available at work  

user (user)
User who is not available at work  


  "user": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "sample_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

from_date (datetime)
Indicates the start date & time of the User’s Unavailability

from_date (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

to_date (datetime)
Indicates the end date & time of the User’s Unavailability

to_date (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comments (string)
User’s comments on the unavailability added

comments (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user 

leave_type (leave_type)
Type of unavailability which is configured by the user 


  "leave_type": {
    "name": "casual_leave",
    "id": "1000000000000431213"

More Attributes Expand all

action (delegation_action)

Used to define backup user for the ticket & approvals of the user who is unavailable

action (delegation_action)
Used to define backup user for the ticket & approvals of the user who is unavailable 


  "action": {
    "created_on": {
      "display_value": "Sep 15, 2022 12:06 PM",
      "value": "1663225565202"
    "for_approval": {
      "backup_approver": {
        "name": "Reporting To",
        "id": "2337000000091155"
      "approval_delegation_option": {
        "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_ROLE",
        "id": "2337000000131014"
    "for_technician": {
      "backup_technician": {
        "email_id": "",
        "name": "user_2",
        "id": "2337000000170001"
      "tech_delegation_option": {
        "name": "ASSIGNED_TO_USER",
        "id": "2337000000131011"
    "created_by": {
      "email_id": "",
      "name": "user_1",
      "id": "2337000000093172"

added_by (user)read only

Denotes the user who added the unavailability information 

added_by (user)
Denotes the user who added the unavailability information 

created_on (datetime)read only

Indicates the time when unavailability information was added

created_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

is_technician (boolean)read only

Indicates whether the unavailable user is a technician or requester

is_technician (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

$ curl -G <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability\
      -X GET\ 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
      -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"\
      --data-urlencode input_data='{}'
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
input_data = {};
params = {"input_data":input_data};           
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: GET
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'{}'@
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}    
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method get -Body $data -Headers $headers 
#Python version - 3.8
#This script requires requests module installed in python.
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{}'''       
url += "?" + urlencode({"input_data":input_data})
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers)
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "unavailability": [
            "is_technician": true,
            "comments": null,
            "from_date": {
                "display_value": "Jun 26, 2020",
                "value": "1593196200000"
            "to_date": {
                "display_value": "Jun 27, 2020",
                "value": "1593282599999"
            "leave_type": {
                "name": "Comp Off",
                "id": "2337000000007933"
            "added_by": {
                "email_id": "",
                "is_technician": true,
                "name": "user_1",
                "id": "2337000000093172",
                "first_name": "user_1"
            "created_on": {
                "display_value": "Jun 19, 2020 11:38 AM",
                "value": "1592548735068"
            "action": {
                "updated_on": null,
                "created_on": {
                    "display_value": "Jun 19, 2020 11:38 AM",
                    "value": "1592548735105"
                "updated_by": null,
                "for_approval": {
                    "backup_approver": null,
                    "approval_delegation_option": {
                        "name": "APPLY_GLOBAL",
                        "id": "2337000000131017"
                "id": "2337000000360025",
                "for_technician": {
                    "backup_technician": null,
                    "tech_delegation_option": {
                        "name": "APPLY_GLOBAL",
                        "id": "2337000000131017"
                "created_by": {
                    "email_id": "",
                    "is_technician": true,
                    "name": "user_1",
                    "id": "2337000000093172",
                    "first_name": "user_1"
            "id": "2337000000360023",
            "user": {
                "email_id": "",
                "is_technician": true,
                "name": "user_3",
                "id": "2337000000233049",
                "department": {
                    "site": null,
                    "name": "Finance",
                    "id": "2337000000006629"
                "first_name": "user_3"
            "is_technician": true,
            "comments": null,
            "from_date": {
                "display_value": "Jul 6, 2021",
                "value": "1625596200000"
            "to_date": {
                "display_value": "Jul 7, 2021",
                "value": "1625682599999"
            "leave_type": {
                "name": "Casual Leave",
                "id": "2337000000007929"
            "added_by": {
                "email_id": "",
                "is_technician": true,
                "name": "user_1",
                "id": "2337000000093172",
                "first_name": "user_1"
            "created_on": {
                "display_value": "Jul 7, 2021 05:05 PM",
                "value": "1625659544315"
            "action": {
                "updated_on": null,
                "created_on": {
                    "display_value": "Jul 7, 2021 05:13 PM",
                    "value": "1625660032256"
                "updated_by": null,
                "for_approval": {
                    "backup_approver": null,
                    "approval_delegation_option": {
                        "name": "APPLY_GLOBAL",
                        "id": "2337000000131017"
                "id": "2337000000715055",
                "for_technician": {
                    "backup_technician": null,
                    "tech_delegation_option": {
                        "name": "APPLY_GLOBAL",
                        "id": "2337000000131017"
                "created_by": {
                    "email_id": "",
                    "is_technician": true,
                    "name": "user_1",
                    "id": "2337000000093172",
                    "first_name": "user_1"

Delete Unavailability

This operation helps to cancel the unavailability raised 


<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability?ids={unavailability_ids}

$ curl <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability?ids={unavailability_ids}\
      -X DELETE\ 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
      -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability?ids={unavailability_ids}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: DELETE
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability?ids={unavailability_ids}"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method delete -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/unavailability?ids={unavailability_ids}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,method="DELETE")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
  "response_status": {
    "status_code": 2000,
    "status": "success"