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Release management includes processes, systems, and functions to package, build, test, and deploy a release into operation. The release process commences with the receipt of an approved request for a change to deploy a production-ready release package.


id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the release request, assigned at creation

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



title (string)
Title of the release. A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters are allowed.

title (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.



template (release_template)
Release templates help to create customized release template forms by defining its layout for the most frequently raised release. Thus the release can be created quickly with all the needed fields filled automatically.

template (release_template)
Indicates the release template used to create the release


  "template": {
    "name": "test_template",
    "id": "105678900111042007"

stage (release_stage)
Indicates the current stage of the release

stage (release_stage)
Indicates the current stage of the release


  "stage": {
    "name": "Submission_stage",
    "id": "100000000111042007"

status (release_status)
Indicates the current status of the release

status (release_status)
Indicates the current status of the release


  "status": {
    "name": "test_status",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

description (html)
Description of the release request

description (html)
Contains description of the release request



More Attributes Expand all

scheduled_start_time (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled start time of the release

scheduled_start_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled time to complete the release

scheduled_end_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

created_time (datetime)

Indicates the creation time of the release request

created_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

completed_time (datetime)

Indicates the completion time of the release request

completed_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comment (string)

Reason for status update. Whenever the user modifies the status, comment* is mandatoryNote : comment mandatory by default via template configuration, can be made non mandatory

comment (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.



next_review_on (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled date for next review.

next_review_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

workflow (workflow)

Describes the release workflow, along with stage wise approvals

workflow (workflow)
Defines the complete life cycle with appropriate approvals at various stages of the release request


  "workflow": {
    "name": "test_workflow",
    "id": "105678900111069003"

release_requester (user)

Initiator of the release request

release_requester (user)
Indicates the initiator of the release request


  "release_requester": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_requester",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

release_engineer (technician)

The owner of the release request

release_engineer (technician)
The owner of the release request


  "release_engineer": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_release_engineer",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

release_manager (technician)

User who manages the entire life cycle of the release request

release_manager (technician)
User who manages the entire life cycle of the release request


  "release_manager": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_release_manager",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

reason_for_release (reason_for_change)

Reasons why the release was initiated

reason_for_release (reason_for_change)
Indicates the reasons why the release was initiated


  "release_for_release": {
    "name": "test_reason_for_release",
    "id": "105678900111042007"

impact (impact)

Describes how this release will affect the business, department, group, or user

impact (impact)
Indicates the impact of the release on business, department, group, or user


  "impact": {
    "name": "test_impact",
    "id": "100000000111099077"

priority (priority)

Indicates whether the release is high, low, or medium priority

priority (priority)
Indicates priority of the release


  "priority": {
    "name": "test_priority",
    "id": "10033330011177799"

category (category)

Assign the Category of the CIs involved to this release, such as routers, switches, software etc

category (category)
Indicates the Category of the CIs involved to this release


  "category": {
    "name": "test_category",
    "id": "100333300111042000"

subcategory (subcategory)

Assign the Sub Category of the selected Category

subcategory (subcategory)
Assign the Sub Category of the selected Category


  "subcategory": {
    "name": "test_subcategory",
    "id": "106666600111042099"

item (item)

Assign the item to the selected Category and Sub Category.

item (item)
Indicates the item assigned to the selected Category and Sub Category.


  "item": {
    "name": "test_item",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

release_type (change_type)

Indicates whether it is a minor, major, significant, or standard release

release_type (change_type)
Indicates whether it is a minor, major, significant, or standard release


  "release_type": {
    "name": "test_release_type",
    "id": "100333300111042077"

urgency (urgency)

Indicates the urgency of the release request

urgency (urgency)
Indicates the urgency of the release request


  "urgency": {
    "name": "test-urgency",
    "id": "100670890127890"

services (service_category)

The services that might be affected due to this release

services (service_category)
Lists the services that might be affected due to this release


  "services": [
      "name": "test_service_1",
      "id": "122233390123003"
      "name": "test_service_2",
      "id": "122233390123011"
      "name": "test_service_3",
      "id": "122233390123015"

assets (asset)

Indicates the Affected or invloved assets

assets (asset)
Indicates the assets that might be affected or involved due to this release


  "assets": [
      "name": "test-asset_1",
      "id": "234567890120999"
      "name": "test-asset_2",
      "id": "234567890123001"

site (site)

Indicates the site of the release request

site (site)
Indicates the site of the release request


  "site": {
    "name": "test_site",
    "id": "100654320111042099"

group (group)

The assigned group of the release request

group (group)
Indicates the assigned group of the release request


  "group": {
    "name": "test_group",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

risk (change_risk)

Whether this involves high, low, or medium risk.

risk (change_risk)
Indicates whether this involves high, low, or medium risk.


  "risk": {
    "name": "test_risk",
    "id": "100333300111042001"

roles (roles)

Users assigned to each release roles

roles (roles)
Indicates the users assigned to each release roles


  "roles": {
    "mref_development_head": [
        "id": "100000000000033531"
    "mref_release_reviewer": [
        "id": "100000000000042007"
        "id": "100000000000042019"
    "mref_qa_manager": [
        "id": "100000000000033531"

attachments (release_attachment)

Files that are attached to the release. A Maximum of 10 attachments can be attached to a release

attachments (release_attachment)
Contains the files that are attached to the release. A Maximum of 10 attachments can be attached to a release.


  "attachments": [
      "content_type": "application/x-unknown-mime-type",
      "size": "36171",
      "file_id": "4001",
      "name": "test_file.txt"

udf_fields (udf_fields)

Contains user defined field values of the release

udf_fields (udf_fields)
Contains user defined field values associated to the release


  "udf_fields": {
    "udf_long2": "1459402730964",
    "udf_long1": "1225",
    "udf_date1": {
      "display_value": "Feb 26, 2016 11:00 AM",
      "value": "1456464639051"
    "udf_char1": "",
    "udf_char2": "Ned Stark"

configuration_items (configuration_item)

Critical items for which the release request has been raised

configuration_items (configuration_item)
Indicates Critical items for which the release request has been raised


  "configuration_items": [
      "name": "Floor 1 - Router",
      "id": "100000000000028792"
      "name": "Floor 12 - Router",
      "id": "100000000000028796"

roll_out_plan (JSONObject)

Describe how the release process will be implemented
show attribute

roll_out_plan (JSONObject)
Describe how the release process will be implemented


  "roll_out_plan": {
    "roll_out_plan_description": "Rollout plan"

roll_out_plan_description (html)

Describe in detail the release plan implementation

roll_out_plan_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

roll_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)

Indicated when the roll out plan was last implemented

roll_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

roll_out_plan_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the roll out plan

roll_out_plan_updated_by (user)
User who last updated the roll out plan


  "roll_out_plan_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

back_out_plan (JSONObject)

A Contingency plan to be implemented in case release technicians decide to back out of the release will be recorded/planned under the back out plan section
show attribute

back_out_plan (JSONObject)
Describes how the release process will proceed if the release request were to be cancelled.


  "back_out_plan": {
    "back_out_plan_description": "Backout plan"

back_out_plan_description (html)

Describes in detail the mitigation plans if the release implementation were to be backed out

back_out_plan_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

back_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)

Indicated when the back out plan was last implemented

back_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

back_out_plan_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the back out plan

back_out_plan_updated_by (user)
User who last updated the back out plan


  "back_out_plan_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

impact_details (JSONObject)

Describes how the release process will affect the business
show attribute

impact_details (JSONObject)
Describes how the release process will affect the business


  "impact_details": {
    "impact_details_description": "affects user"

impact_details_description (html)

Contains detailed information on how the release will affect the organization, including any expected business loss or downtime

impact_details_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

impact_details_updated_on (datetime)

Indicates when the impact details was last updated

impact_details_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

impact_details_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the impact details

impact_details_updated_by (user)
User who last updated the impact details


  "impact_details_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

checklist (JSONObject)

Lists the tasks involved in the release process
show attribute

checklist (JSONObject)
Lists the tasks involved in the release process


  "checklist": {
    "checklist_description": "check list"

checklist_description (html)

A to-do list listing the essential steps to be completed in order to verify whether the release implementation is completed with all requirements fulfilled.

checklist_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

checklist_updated_on (datetime)

Indicated when the checklist was last updated

checklist_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

checklist_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the checklist

checklist_updated_by (user)
Indicates the user who last updated the checklist


  "checklist_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

close_details (JSONObject)

Contains information about release closure
show attribute

close_details (JSONObject)
Contains information about release closure


  "close_details": {
    "close_details_description": "close details",
    "closure_code": {
      "name": "Closed - Cancelled",
      "id": "1791511763340999"

close_details_description (html)

Contains close description for the release

close_details_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

closure_code (closure_code)

Closure Code denotes the reason for closing a release request

closure_code (closure_code)
Closure Code denotes the reason for closing a release request


  "closure_code": {
    "name": "test_closure_code",
    "id": "10011139111798001"

close_details_updated_on (datetime)

Indicates the time at which close details has been updated on

close_details_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

close_details_updated_by (user)

The last user who updates close details

close_details_updated_by (user)
The last user who updates close details


  "close_details_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

display_id (sequence_number)read only

Sequence number of the release request

display_id (sequence_number)
Sequence number of the release request


  "display_id": {
    "display_value": "RL-1",
    "value": "1"

emergency (boolean)read only

Indicates emergency release, if true, or normal release, if false

emergency (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

notes_present (boolean)read only

Indicates if the release contains any notes

notes_present (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

deleted_time (datetime)read only

Indicates when the release request was sent to trash

deleted_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

workflow_instance_details (workflow_instance)read only

Indicates the workflow execution status

workflow_instance_details (workflow_instance)
Indicates the workflow execution status


  "workflow_instance_details": {
    "id": "36338920932885067",
    "status": {
      "name": "In Progress",
      "id": "6633543434595966"

Add Release

This operation helps you add a new release.

Mandatory Fields :- title, template, stage, status


<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases


id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the release request, assigned at creation

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



title (string)
Title of the release. A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters are allowed.

title (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.



template (release_template)
Release templates help to create customized release template forms by defining its layout for the most frequently raised release. Thus the release can be created quickly with all the needed fields filled automatically.

template (release_template)
Indicates the release template used to create the release


  "template": {
    "name": "test_template",
    "id": "105678900111042007"

stage (release_stage)
Indicates the current stage of the release

stage (release_stage)
Indicates the current stage of the release


  "stage": {
    "name": "Submission_stage",
    "id": "100000000111042007"

status (release_status)
Indicates the current status of the release

status (release_status)
Indicates the current status of the release


  "status": {
    "name": "test_status",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

description (html)
Description of the release request

description (html)
Contains description of the release request



More Attributes Expand all

scheduled_start_time (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled start time of the release

scheduled_start_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled time to complete the release

scheduled_end_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

created_time (datetime)

Indicates the creation time of the release request

created_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

completed_time (datetime)

Indicates the completion time of the release request

completed_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comment (string)

Reason for status update. Whenever the user modifies the status, comment* is mandatoryNote : comment mandatory by default via template configuration, can be made non mandatory

comment (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.



next_review_on (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled date for next review.

next_review_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

workflow (workflow)

Describes the release workflow, along with stage wise approvals

workflow (workflow)
Defines the complete life cycle with appropriate approvals at various stages of the release request


  "workflow": {
    "name": "test_workflow",
    "id": "105678900111069003"

release_requester (user)

Initiator of the release request

release_requester (user)
Indicates the initiator of the release request


  "release_requester": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_requester",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

release_engineer (technician)

The owner of the release request

release_engineer (technician)
The owner of the release request


  "release_engineer": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_release_engineer",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

release_manager (technician)

User who manages the entire life cycle of the release request

release_manager (technician)
User who manages the entire life cycle of the release request


  "release_manager": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_release_manager",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

reason_for_release (reason_for_change)

Reasons why the release was initiated

reason_for_release (reason_for_change)
Indicates the reasons why the release was initiated


  "release_for_release": {
    "name": "test_reason_for_release",
    "id": "105678900111042007"

impact (impact)

Describes how this release will affect the business, department, group, or user

impact (impact)
Indicates the impact of the release on business, department, group, or user


  "impact": {
    "name": "test_impact",
    "id": "100000000111099077"

priority (priority)

Indicates whether the release is high, low, or medium priority

priority (priority)
Indicates priority of the release


  "priority": {
    "name": "test_priority",
    "id": "10033330011177799"

category (category)

Assign the Category of the CIs involved to this release, such as routers, switches, software etc

category (category)
Indicates the Category of the CIs involved to this release


  "category": {
    "name": "test_category",
    "id": "100333300111042000"

subcategory (subcategory)

Assign the Sub Category of the selected Category

subcategory (subcategory)
Assign the Sub Category of the selected Category


  "subcategory": {
    "name": "test_subcategory",
    "id": "106666600111042099"

item (item)

Assign the item to the selected Category and Sub Category.

item (item)
Indicates the item assigned to the selected Category and Sub Category.


  "item": {
    "name": "test_item",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

release_type (change_type)

Indicates whether it is a minor, major, significant, or standard release

release_type (change_type)
Indicates whether it is a minor, major, significant, or standard release


  "release_type": {
    "name": "test_release_type",
    "id": "100333300111042077"

urgency (urgency)

Indicates the urgency of the release request

urgency (urgency)
Indicates the urgency of the release request


  "urgency": {
    "name": "test-urgency",
    "id": "100670890127890"

services (service_category)

The services that might be affected due to this release

services (service_category)
Lists the services that might be affected due to this release


  "services": [
      "name": "test_service_1",
      "id": "122233390123003"
      "name": "test_service_2",
      "id": "122233390123011"
      "name": "test_service_3",
      "id": "122233390123015"

assets (asset)

Indicates the Affected or invloved assets

assets (asset)
Indicates the assets that might be affected or involved due to this release


  "assets": [
      "name": "test-asset_1",
      "id": "234567890120999"
      "name": "test-asset_2",
      "id": "234567890123001"

site (site)

Indicates the site of the release request

site (site)
Indicates the site of the release request


  "site": {
    "name": "test_site",
    "id": "100654320111042099"

group (group)

The assigned group of the release request

group (group)
Indicates the assigned group of the release request


  "group": {
    "name": "test_group",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

risk (change_risk)

Whether this involves high, low, or medium risk.

risk (change_risk)
Indicates whether this involves high, low, or medium risk.


  "risk": {
    "name": "test_risk",
    "id": "100333300111042001"

roles (roles)

Users assigned to each release roles

roles (roles)
Indicates the users assigned to each release roles


  "roles": {
    "mref_development_head": [
        "id": "100000000000033531"
    "mref_release_reviewer": [
        "id": "100000000000042007"
        "id": "100000000000042019"
    "mref_qa_manager": [
        "id": "100000000000033531"

attachments (release_attachment)

Files that are attached to the release. A Maximum of 10 attachments can be attached to a release

attachments (release_attachment)
Contains the files that are attached to the release. A Maximum of 10 attachments can be attached to a release.


  "attachments": [
      "content_type": "application/x-unknown-mime-type",
      "size": "36171",
      "file_id": "4001",
      "name": "test_file.txt"

udf_fields (udf_fields)

Contains user defined field values of the release

udf_fields (udf_fields)
Contains user defined field values associated to the release


  "udf_fields": {
    "udf_long2": "1459402730964",
    "udf_long1": "1225",
    "udf_date1": {
      "display_value": "Feb 26, 2016 11:00 AM",
      "value": "1456464639051"
    "udf_char1": "",
    "udf_char2": "Ned Stark"

configuration_items (configuration_item)

Critical items for which the release request has been raised

configuration_items (configuration_item)
Indicates Critical items for which the release request has been raised


  "configuration_items": [
      "name": "Floor 1 - Router",
      "id": "100000000000028792"
      "name": "Floor 12 - Router",
      "id": "100000000000028796"

roll_out_plan (JSONObject)

Describe how the release process will be implemented
show attribute

roll_out_plan (JSONObject)
Describe how the release process will be implemented


  "roll_out_plan": {
    "roll_out_plan_description": "Rollout plan"

roll_out_plan_description (html)

Describe in detail the release plan implementation

roll_out_plan_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

roll_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)

Indicated when the roll out plan was last implemented

roll_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

roll_out_plan_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the roll out plan

roll_out_plan_updated_by (user)
User who last updated the roll out plan


  "roll_out_plan_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

back_out_plan (JSONObject)

A Contingency plan to be implemented in case release technicians decide to back out of the release will be recorded/planned under the back out plan section
show attribute

back_out_plan (JSONObject)
Describes how the release process will proceed if the release request were to be cancelled.


  "back_out_plan": {
    "back_out_plan_description": "Backout plan"

back_out_plan_description (html)

Describes in detail the mitigation plans if the release implementation were to be backed out

back_out_plan_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

back_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)

Indicated when the back out plan was last implemented

back_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

back_out_plan_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the back out plan

back_out_plan_updated_by (user)
User who last updated the back out plan


  "back_out_plan_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

impact_details (JSONObject)

Describes how the release process will affect the business
show attribute

impact_details (JSONObject)
Describes how the release process will affect the business


  "impact_details": {
    "impact_details_description": "affects user"

impact_details_description (html)

Contains detailed information on how the release will affect the organization, including any expected business loss or downtime

impact_details_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

impact_details_updated_on (datetime)

Indicates when the impact details was last updated

impact_details_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

impact_details_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the impact details

impact_details_updated_by (user)
User who last updated the impact details


  "impact_details_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

checklist (JSONObject)

Lists the tasks involved in the release process
show attribute

checklist (JSONObject)
Lists the tasks involved in the release process


  "checklist": {
    "checklist_description": "check list"

checklist_description (html)

A to-do list listing the essential steps to be completed in order to verify whether the release implementation is completed with all requirements fulfilled.

checklist_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

checklist_updated_on (datetime)

Indicated when the checklist was last updated

checklist_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

checklist_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the checklist

checklist_updated_by (user)
Indicates the user who last updated the checklist


  "checklist_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

close_details (JSONObject)

Contains information about release closure
show attribute

close_details (JSONObject)
Contains information about release closure


  "close_details": {
    "close_details_description": "close details",
    "closure_code": {
      "name": "Closed - Cancelled",
      "id": "1791511763340999"

close_details_description (html)

Contains close description for the release

close_details_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

closure_code (closure_code)

Closure Code denotes the reason for closing a release request

closure_code (closure_code)
Closure Code denotes the reason for closing a release request


  "closure_code": {
    "name": "test_closure_code",
    "id": "10011139111798001"

close_details_updated_on (datetime)

Indicates the time at which close details has been updated on

close_details_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

close_details_updated_by (user)

The last user who updates close details

close_details_updated_by (user)
The last user who updates close details


  "close_details_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

display_id (sequence_number)read only

Sequence number of the release request

display_id (sequence_number)
Sequence number of the release request


  "display_id": {
    "display_value": "RL-1",
    "value": "1"

emergency (boolean)read only

Indicates emergency release, if true, or normal release, if false

emergency (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

notes_present (boolean)read only

Indicates if the release contains any notes

notes_present (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

deleted_time (datetime)read only

Indicates when the release request was sent to trash

deleted_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

workflow_instance_details (workflow_instance)read only

Indicates the workflow execution status

workflow_instance_details (workflow_instance)
Indicates the workflow execution status


  "workflow_instance_details": {
    "id": "36338920932885067",
    "status": {
      "name": "In Progress",
      "id": "6633543434595966"

$ curl <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases\
      -X POST\
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
      -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"\
      -d input_data='{
    "release": {
        "workflow": {
            "id": "100000000000030023"
        "template": {
            "id": "100000000000030406"
        "release_requester": null,
        "release_type": {
            "id": "100000000000007257"
        "group": null,
        "impact": null,
        "release_engineer": {
            "id": "100000000000033531"
        "urgency": {
            "id": "100000000000007272"
        "release_manager": null,
        "stage": {
            "id": "100000000000029003"
        "priority": {
            "id": "100000000000005381"
        "status": {
            "id": "100000000000029381"
        "risk": null,
        "comment": "The above Stage/Status is set as part of 'Release' creation",
        "category": null,
        "subcategory": null,
        "item": null,
        "scheduled_start_time": null,
        "scheduled_end_time": null,
        "services": [{
            "id": "100000000000007251"
        }, {
            "id": "100000000000007242"
        "assets": [],
        "configuration_items": [],
        "reason_for_release": {
            "id": "100000000000026992"
        "title": "Trial Release",
        "description": null,
        "roles": {
            "mref_development_head": [{
                "id": "100000000000033531"
            "mref_release_reviewer": [{
                "id": "100000000000033531"
        "attachments": []
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
input_data = {
    "release": {
        "workflow": {
            "id": "100000000000030023"
        "template": {
            "id": "100000000000030406"
        "release_requester": null,
        "release_type": {
            "id": "100000000000007257"
        "group": null,
        "impact": null,
        "release_engineer": {
            "id": "100000000000033531"
        "urgency": {
            "id": "100000000000007272"
        "release_manager": null,
        "stage": {
            "id": "100000000000029003"
        "priority": {
            "id": "100000000000005381"
        "status": {
            "id": "100000000000029381"
        "risk": null,
        "comment": "The above Stage/Status is set as part of 'Release' creation",
        "category": null,
        "subcategory": null,
        "item": null,
        "scheduled_start_time": null,
        "scheduled_end_time": null,
        "services": [{
            "id": "100000000000007251"
        }, {
            "id": "100000000000007242"
        "assets": [],
        "configuration_items": [],
        "reason_for_release": {
            "id": "100000000000026992"
        "title": "Trial Release",
        "description": null,
        "roles": {
            "mref_development_head": [{
                "id": "100000000000033531"
            "mref_release_reviewer": [{
                "id": "100000000000033531"
        "attachments": []
params = {"input_data": input_data};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: POST
    parameters: params
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
    "release": {
        "workflow": {
            "id": "100000000000030023"
        "template": {
            "id": "100000000000030406"
        "release_requester": null,
        "release_type": {
            "id": "100000000000007257"
        "group": null,
        "impact": null,
        "release_engineer": {
            "id": "100000000000033531"
        "urgency": {
            "id": "100000000000007272"
        "release_manager": null,
        "stage": {
            "id": "100000000000029003"
        "priority": {
            "id": "100000000000005381"
        "status": {
            "id": "100000000000029381"
        "risk": null,
        "comment": "The above Stage/Status is set as part of 'Release' creation",
        "category": null,
        "subcategory": null,
        "item": null,
        "scheduled_start_time": null,
        "scheduled_end_time": null,
        "services": [{
            "id": "100000000000007251"
        }, {
            "id": "100000000000007242"
        "assets": [],
        "configuration_items": [],
        "reason_for_release": {
            "id": "100000000000026992"
        "title": "Trial Release",
        "description": null,
        "roles": {
            "mref_development_head": [{
                "id": "100000000000033531"
            "mref_release_reviewer": [{
                "id": "100000000000033531"
        "attachments": []
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method post -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{
    "release": {
        "workflow": {
            "id": "100000000000030023"
        "template": {
            "id": "100000000000030406"
        "release_requester": null,
        "release_type": {
            "id": "100000000000007257"
        "group": null,
        "impact": null,
        "release_engineer": {
            "id": "100000000000033531"
        "urgency": {
            "id": "100000000000007272"
        "release_manager": null,
        "stage": {
            "id": "100000000000029003"
        "priority": {
            "id": "100000000000005381"
        "status": {
            "id": "100000000000029381"
        "risk": null,
        "comment": "The above Stage/Status is set as part of 'Release' creation",
        "category": null,
        "subcategory": null,
        "item": null,
        "scheduled_start_time": null,
        "scheduled_end_time": null,
        "services": [{
            "id": "100000000000007251"
        }, {
            "id": "100000000000007242"
        "assets": [],
        "configuration_items": [],
        "reason_for_release": {
            "id": "100000000000026992"
        "title": "Trial Release",
        "description": null,
        "roles": {
            "mref_development_head": [{
                "id": "100000000000033531"
            "mref_release_reviewer": [{
                "id": "100000000000033531"
        "attachments": []
data = urlencode({"input_data":input_data}).encode()
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,data=data, method="POST")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": {
        "status_code": 2000,
        "status": "success"
    "release": {
        "template": {
            "inactive": false,
            "name": "General Template",
            "id": "100000000000030406"
        "attachments": [],
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "roll_out_plan_updated_on": null,
            "roll_out_plan_updated_by": null,
            "roll_out_plan_description": null
        "display_id": {
            "display_value": "RL-3",
            "value": "3"
        "roles": {
            "mref_development_head": [{
                "email_id": "",
                "is_technician": true,
                "sms_mail": null,
                "contact_info_id": "100000000000033529",
                "mobile": null,
                "last_name": "",
                "user_scope": "0",
                "phone": null,
                "name": "Test",
                "id": "100000000000033531",
                "photo_url": "",
                "is_vip_user": false,
                "department": null,
                "first_name": "Test",
                "job_title": null
            "mref_release_reviewer": [{
                "email_id": "",
                "is_technician": true,
                "sms_mail": null,
                "contact_info_id": "100000000000033529",
                "mobile": null,
                "last_name": "",
                "user_scope": "0",
                "phone": null,
                "name": "Test",
                "id": "100000000000033531",
                "photo_url": "",
                "is_vip_user": false,
                "department": null,
                "first_name": "Test",
                "job_title": null
            "mref_uat_owner": [],
            "mref_qa_manager": []
        "emergency": false,
        "release_requester": null,
        "description": null,
        "title": "Trial Release",
        "release_engineer": {
            "email_id": "",
            "cost_per_hour": "0",
            "phone": null,
            "name": "Test",
            "mobile": null,
            "last_name": "",
            "id": "100000000000033531",
            "photo_url": "",
            "sms_mail_id": null,
            "first_name": "Test"
        "next_review_on": null,
        "assets": [],
        "configuration_items": [],
        "urgency": {
            "name": "Normal",
            "id": "100000000000007272"
        "workflow_instance_details": {
            "id": "100000000000038019",
            "status": {
                "name": "Started",
                "id": "100000000000027827"
        "close_details": {
            "close_details_updated_on": null,
            "close_details_description": null,
            "closure_code": null,
            "close_details_updated_by": null
        "rel": {
            "projects": null,
            "changes": null
        "id": "100000000000038009",
        "group": null,
        "reason_for_release": {
            "name": "Anti virus,firewall upgrades",
            "id": "100000000000026992"
        "created_time": {
            "display_value": "Jan 25, 2022 06:52 PM",
            "value": "1643116944706"
        "item": null,
        "workflow": {
            "validated": true,
            "name": "General Release Workflow",
            "id": "100000000000030023",
            "allowed_stages_config": "APPLY_GLOBAL"
        "release_manager": null,
        "impact": null,
        "release_type": {
            "color": "#f7c4c4",
            "pre_approved": false,
            "name": "Major",
            "id": "100000000000007257"
        "checklist": {
            "checklist_description": null,
            "checklist_updated_on": null,
            "checklist_updated_by": null
        "services": [{
            "inactive": false,
            "name": "Internet Access",
            "id": "100000000000007242",
            "sort_index": 0
        }, {
            "inactive": false,
            "name": "Intranet",
            "id": "100000000000007251",
            "sort_index": 0
        "priority": {
            "color": "#006600",
            "name": "Normal",
            "id": "100000000000005381"
        "scheduled_end_time": null,
        "back_out_plan": {
            "back_out_plan_updated_by": null,
            "back_out_plan_updated_on": null,
            "back_out_plan_description": null
        "site": null,
        "completed_time": null,
        "stage": {
            "internal_name": "submission",
            "inactive": false,
            "stage_index": 1,
            "name": "Submission",
            "id": "100000000000029003"
        "risk": null,
        "impact_details": {
            "impact_details_updated_on": null,
            "impact_details_updated_by": null,
            "impact_details_description": null
        "category": null,
        "subcategory": null,
        "deleted_time": null,
        "notes_present": false,
        "scheduled_start_time": null,
        "status": {
            "in_progress": true,
            "internal_name": "requested",
            "inactive": false,
            "prominent": true,
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "submission",
                "inactive": false,
                "stage_index": 1,
                "name": "Submission",
                "id": "100000000000029003"
            "notification_template": {
                "push_notification": null,
                "subject": "New release with ID: ##${display_id.display_value}## requested.",
                "module": "Release",
                "id": "100000000000029378",
                "type": "ReleaseStatus_E-Mail_submission_requested",
                "display_name": null,
                "content": "<div>Release with ID: ${display_id.display_value} is requested.<br><\/div><div><br><\/div><div><b>User Comments:<\/b> ${comment} <br><\/div><div><br><\/div><div><i><b>Release Overview<\/b><\/i><br><\/div><div>--------------------------------------<br><\/div><div><br><\/div><div><b>Title:<\/b> ${title} <br><\/div><div><b>Requested by:<\/b> ${release_requester} <br><\/div><div><b>Current Phase:<\/b> ${} Stage with status as ${} <br><\/div><div><b>Category:<\/b> ${} <br><\/div><div><b>Sub-Category:<\/b> ${} <br><\/div><div><b>Item:<\/b> ${} <br><\/div><div><b>Scheduled Start:<\/b> ${scheduled_start_time} <br><\/div><div><b>Scheduled End:<\/b> ${scheduled_end_time} <br><\/div><div><b>Description:<\/b> ${description} <br><\/div><div><br><\/div><div><b>Roles and Ownership:<\/b><br><\/div><div>${release_roles}<br><\/div><div><br><\/div><div>For more details:<br><\/div><div>${release_link}<br><\/div>",
                "notify_to": {
                    "xpaths": [{
                        "xpath": "release.release_manager",
                        "display_name": "Release Manager"
                "isenabled": true
            "name": "Requested",
            "description": "Release of a service is requested.",
            "id": "100000000000029381"

Edit Release

This operation helps you to edit or update a release.


<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}


id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the release request, assigned at creation

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



title (string)
Title of the release. A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters are allowed.

title (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.



template (release_template)
Release templates help to create customized release template forms by defining its layout for the most frequently raised release. Thus the release can be created quickly with all the needed fields filled automatically.

template (release_template)
Indicates the release template used to create the release


  "template": {
    "name": "test_template",
    "id": "105678900111042007"

stage (release_stage)
Indicates the current stage of the release

stage (release_stage)
Indicates the current stage of the release


  "stage": {
    "name": "Submission_stage",
    "id": "100000000111042007"

status (release_status)
Indicates the current status of the release

status (release_status)
Indicates the current status of the release


  "status": {
    "name": "test_status",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

description (html)
Description of the release request

description (html)
Contains description of the release request



More Attributes Expand all

scheduled_start_time (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled start time of the release

scheduled_start_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled time to complete the release

scheduled_end_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

created_time (datetime)

Indicates the creation time of the release request

created_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

completed_time (datetime)

Indicates the completion time of the release request

completed_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comment (string)

Reason for status update. Whenever the user modifies the status, comment* is mandatoryNote : comment mandatory by default via template configuration, can be made non mandatory

comment (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.



next_review_on (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled date for next review.

next_review_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

workflow (workflow)

Describes the release workflow, along with stage wise approvals

workflow (workflow)
Defines the complete life cycle with appropriate approvals at various stages of the release request


  "workflow": {
    "name": "test_workflow",
    "id": "105678900111069003"

release_requester (user)

Initiator of the release request

release_requester (user)
Indicates the initiator of the release request


  "release_requester": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_requester",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

release_engineer (technician)

The owner of the release request

release_engineer (technician)
The owner of the release request


  "release_engineer": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_release_engineer",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

release_manager (technician)

User who manages the entire life cycle of the release request

release_manager (technician)
User who manages the entire life cycle of the release request


  "release_manager": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_release_manager",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

reason_for_release (reason_for_change)

Reasons why the release was initiated

reason_for_release (reason_for_change)
Indicates the reasons why the release was initiated


  "release_for_release": {
    "name": "test_reason_for_release",
    "id": "105678900111042007"

impact (impact)

Describes how this release will affect the business, department, group, or user

impact (impact)
Indicates the impact of the release on business, department, group, or user


  "impact": {
    "name": "test_impact",
    "id": "100000000111099077"

priority (priority)

Indicates whether the release is high, low, or medium priority

priority (priority)
Indicates priority of the release


  "priority": {
    "name": "test_priority",
    "id": "10033330011177799"

category (category)

Assign the Category of the CIs involved to this release, such as routers, switches, software etc

category (category)
Indicates the Category of the CIs involved to this release


  "category": {
    "name": "test_category",
    "id": "100333300111042000"

subcategory (subcategory)

Assign the Sub Category of the selected Category

subcategory (subcategory)
Assign the Sub Category of the selected Category


  "subcategory": {
    "name": "test_subcategory",
    "id": "106666600111042099"

item (item)

Assign the item to the selected Category and Sub Category.

item (item)
Indicates the item assigned to the selected Category and Sub Category.


  "item": {
    "name": "test_item",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

release_type (change_type)

Indicates whether it is a minor, major, significant, or standard release

release_type (change_type)
Indicates whether it is a minor, major, significant, or standard release


  "release_type": {
    "name": "test_release_type",
    "id": "100333300111042077"

urgency (urgency)

Indicates the urgency of the release request

urgency (urgency)
Indicates the urgency of the release request


  "urgency": {
    "name": "test-urgency",
    "id": "100670890127890"

services (service_category)

The services that might be affected due to this release

services (service_category)
Lists the services that might be affected due to this release


  "services": [
      "name": "test_service_1",
      "id": "122233390123003"
      "name": "test_service_2",
      "id": "122233390123011"
      "name": "test_service_3",
      "id": "122233390123015"

assets (asset)

Indicates the Affected or invloved assets

assets (asset)
Indicates the assets that might be affected or involved due to this release


  "assets": [
      "name": "test-asset_1",
      "id": "234567890120999"
      "name": "test-asset_2",
      "id": "234567890123001"

site (site)

Indicates the site of the release request

site (site)
Indicates the site of the release request


  "site": {
    "name": "test_site",
    "id": "100654320111042099"

group (group)

The assigned group of the release request

group (group)
Indicates the assigned group of the release request


  "group": {
    "name": "test_group",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

risk (change_risk)

Whether this involves high, low, or medium risk.

risk (change_risk)
Indicates whether this involves high, low, or medium risk.


  "risk": {
    "name": "test_risk",
    "id": "100333300111042001"

roles (roles)

Users assigned to each release roles

roles (roles)
Indicates the users assigned to each release roles


  "roles": {
    "mref_development_head": [
        "id": "100000000000033531"
    "mref_release_reviewer": [
        "id": "100000000000042007"
        "id": "100000000000042019"
    "mref_qa_manager": [
        "id": "100000000000033531"

attachments (release_attachment)

Files that are attached to the release. A Maximum of 10 attachments can be attached to a release

attachments (release_attachment)
Contains the files that are attached to the release. A Maximum of 10 attachments can be attached to a release.


  "attachments": [
      "content_type": "application/x-unknown-mime-type",
      "size": "36171",
      "file_id": "4001",
      "name": "test_file.txt"

udf_fields (udf_fields)

Contains user defined field values of the release

udf_fields (udf_fields)
Contains user defined field values associated to the release


  "udf_fields": {
    "udf_long2": "1459402730964",
    "udf_long1": "1225",
    "udf_date1": {
      "display_value": "Feb 26, 2016 11:00 AM",
      "value": "1456464639051"
    "udf_char1": "",
    "udf_char2": "Ned Stark"

configuration_items (configuration_item)

Critical items for which the release request has been raised

configuration_items (configuration_item)
Indicates Critical items for which the release request has been raised


  "configuration_items": [
      "name": "Floor 1 - Router",
      "id": "100000000000028792"
      "name": "Floor 12 - Router",
      "id": "100000000000028796"

roll_out_plan (JSONObject)

Describe how the release process will be implemented
show attribute

roll_out_plan (JSONObject)
Describe how the release process will be implemented


  "roll_out_plan": {
    "roll_out_plan_description": "Rollout plan"

roll_out_plan_description (html)

Describe in detail the release plan implementation

roll_out_plan_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

roll_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)

Indicated when the roll out plan was last implemented

roll_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

roll_out_plan_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the roll out plan

roll_out_plan_updated_by (user)
User who last updated the roll out plan


  "roll_out_plan_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

back_out_plan (JSONObject)

A Contingency plan to be implemented in case release technicians decide to back out of the release will be recorded/planned under the back out plan section
show attribute

back_out_plan (JSONObject)
Describes how the release process will proceed if the release request were to be cancelled.


  "back_out_plan": {
    "back_out_plan_description": "Backout plan"

back_out_plan_description (html)

Describes in detail the mitigation plans if the release implementation were to be backed out

back_out_plan_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

back_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)

Indicated when the back out plan was last implemented

back_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

back_out_plan_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the back out plan

back_out_plan_updated_by (user)
User who last updated the back out plan


  "back_out_plan_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

impact_details (JSONObject)

Describes how the release process will affect the business
show attribute

impact_details (JSONObject)
Describes how the release process will affect the business


  "impact_details": {
    "impact_details_description": "affects user"

impact_details_description (html)

Contains detailed information on how the release will affect the organization, including any expected business loss or downtime

impact_details_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

impact_details_updated_on (datetime)

Indicates when the impact details was last updated

impact_details_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

impact_details_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the impact details

impact_details_updated_by (user)
User who last updated the impact details


  "impact_details_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

checklist (JSONObject)

Lists the tasks involved in the release process
show attribute

checklist (JSONObject)
Lists the tasks involved in the release process


  "checklist": {
    "checklist_description": "check list"

checklist_description (html)

A to-do list listing the essential steps to be completed in order to verify whether the release implementation is completed with all requirements fulfilled.

checklist_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

checklist_updated_on (datetime)

Indicated when the checklist was last updated

checklist_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

checklist_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the checklist

checklist_updated_by (user)
Indicates the user who last updated the checklist


  "checklist_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

close_details (JSONObject)

Contains information about release closure
show attribute

close_details (JSONObject)
Contains information about release closure


  "close_details": {
    "close_details_description": "close details",
    "closure_code": {
      "name": "Closed - Cancelled",
      "id": "1791511763340999"

close_details_description (html)

Contains close description for the release

close_details_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

closure_code (closure_code)

Closure Code denotes the reason for closing a release request

closure_code (closure_code)
Closure Code denotes the reason for closing a release request


  "closure_code": {
    "name": "test_closure_code",
    "id": "10011139111798001"

close_details_updated_on (datetime)

Indicates the time at which close details has been updated on

close_details_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

close_details_updated_by (user)

The last user who updates close details

close_details_updated_by (user)
The last user who updates close details


  "close_details_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

display_id (sequence_number)read only

Sequence number of the release request

display_id (sequence_number)
Sequence number of the release request


  "display_id": {
    "display_value": "RL-1",
    "value": "1"

emergency (boolean)read only

Indicates emergency release, if true, or normal release, if false

emergency (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

notes_present (boolean)read only

Indicates if the release contains any notes

notes_present (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

deleted_time (datetime)read only

Indicates when the release request was sent to trash

deleted_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

workflow_instance_details (workflow_instance)read only

Indicates the workflow execution status

workflow_instance_details (workflow_instance)
Indicates the workflow execution status


  "workflow_instance_details": {
    "id": "36338920932885067",
    "status": {
      "name": "In Progress",
      "id": "6633543434595966"

$ curl <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}\
      -X PUT\ 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
      -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"\
      -d input_data='{
    "release": {
        "risk": {
            "id": "100000000000026968"
        "category": {
            "id": "100000000000005229"
        "subcategory": {
            "id": "100000000000005275"
        "roles": {
            "mref_development_head": []
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
input_data = {
    "release": {
        "risk": {
            "id": "100000000000026968"
        "category": {
            "id": "100000000000005229"
        "subcategory": {
            "id": "100000000000005275"
        "roles": {
            "mref_development_head": []
params = {"input_data": input_data};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: PUT
    parameters: params
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}"
$headers = @{"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
    "release": {
        "risk": {
            "id": "100000000000026968"
        "category": {
            "id": "100000000000005229"
        "subcategory": {
            "id": "100000000000005275"
        "roles": {
            "mref_development_head": []
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method put -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{
    "release": {
        "risk": {
            "id": "100000000000026968"
        "category": {
            "id": "100000000000005229"
        "subcategory": {
            "id": "100000000000005275"
        "roles": {
            "mref_development_head": []
data = urlencode({"input_data":input_data}).encode()
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,data=data, method="PUT")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": {
        "status_code": 2000,
        "status": "success"
    "release": {
        "template": {
            "inactive": false,
            "name": "General Template",
            "id": "100000000000030406"
        "attachments": [],
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "roll_out_plan_updated_on": null,
            "roll_out_plan_updated_by": null,
            "roll_out_plan_description": null
        "display_id": {
            "display_value": "RL-3",
            "value": "3"
        "roles": {
            "mref_development_head": [],
            "mref_release_reviewer": [{
                "email_id": "",
                "is_technician": true,
                "sms_mail": null,
                "contact_info_id": "100000000000033529",
                "mobile": null,
                "last_name": "",
                "user_scope": "0",
                "phone": null,
                "name": "Test",
                "id": "100000000000033531",
                "photo_url": "",
                "is_vip_user": false,
                "department": null,
                "first_name": "Test",
                "job_title": null
            "mref_uat_owner": [],
            "mref_qa_manager": []
        "emergency": false,
        "release_requester": null,
        "description": null,
        "title": "Trial Release",
        "release_engineer": {
            "email_id": "",
            "cost_per_hour": "0",
            "phone": null,
            "name": "Test",
            "mobile": null,
            "last_name": "",
            "id": "100000000000033531",
            "photo_url": "",
            "sms_mail_id": null,
            "first_name": "Test"
        "next_review_on": null,
        "assets": [],
        "configuration_items": [],
        "urgency": {
            "name": "Normal",
            "id": "100000000000007272"
        "workflow_instance_details": {
            "id": "100000000000038019",
            "status": {
                "name": "In Progress",
                "id": "100000000000027830"
        "close_details": {
            "close_details_updated_on": null,
            "close_details_description": null,
            "closure_code": null,
            "close_details_updated_by": null
        "rel": {
            "projects": null,
            "changes": null
        "id": "100000000000038009",
        "group": null,
        "reason_for_release": {
            "name": "Anti virus,firewall upgrades",
            "id": "100000000000026992"
        "created_time": {
            "display_value": "Jan 25, 2022 06:52 PM",
            "value": "1643116944706"
        "item": null,
        "workflow": {
            "validated": true,
            "name": "General Release Workflow",
            "id": "100000000000030023",
            "allowed_stages_config": "APPLY_GLOBAL"
        "release_manager": null,
        "impact": null,
        "release_type": {
            "color": "#f7c4c4",
            "pre_approved": false,
            "name": "Major",
            "id": "100000000000007257"
        "checklist": {
            "checklist_description": null,
            "checklist_updated_on": null,
            "checklist_updated_by": null
        "services": [{
            "inactive": false,
            "name": "Internet Access",
            "id": "100000000000007242",
            "sort_index": 0
        }, {
            "inactive": false,
            "name": "Intranet",
            "id": "100000000000007251",
            "sort_index": 0
        "priority": {
            "color": "#006600",
            "name": "Normal",
            "id": "100000000000005381"
        "scheduled_end_time": null,
        "back_out_plan": {
            "back_out_plan_updated_by": null,
            "back_out_plan_updated_on": null,
            "back_out_plan_description": null
        "site": null,
        "completed_time": null,
        "stage": {
            "internal_name": "submission",
            "inactive": false,
            "stage_index": 1,
            "name": "Submission",
            "id": "100000000000029003"
        "risk": {
            "name": "Low",
            "id": "100000000000026968"
        "impact_details": {
            "impact_details_updated_on": null,
            "impact_details_updated_by": null,
            "impact_details_description": null
        "category": {
            "deleted": false,
            "name": "Operating System",
            "id": "100000000000005229"
        "subcategory": {
            "name": "Windows Server 2000",
            "id": "100000000000005275"
        "deleted_time": null,
        "notes_present": false,
        "scheduled_start_time": null,
        "status": {
            "in_progress": true,
            "internal_name": "requested",
            "stage": {
                "id": "100000000000029003"
            "name": "Requested",
            "id": "100000000000029381"

Get Release

This operation helps to get a single release.


<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}


id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the release request, assigned at creation

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



title (string)
Title of the release. A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters are allowed.

title (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.



template (release_template)
Release templates help to create customized release template forms by defining its layout for the most frequently raised release. Thus the release can be created quickly with all the needed fields filled automatically.

template (release_template)
Indicates the release template used to create the release


  "template": {
    "name": "test_template",
    "id": "105678900111042007"

stage (release_stage)
Indicates the current stage of the release

stage (release_stage)
Indicates the current stage of the release


  "stage": {
    "name": "Submission_stage",
    "id": "100000000111042007"

status (release_status)
Indicates the current status of the release

status (release_status)
Indicates the current status of the release


  "status": {
    "name": "test_status",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

description (html)
Description of the release request

description (html)
Contains description of the release request



More Attributes Expand all

scheduled_start_time (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled start time of the release

scheduled_start_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled time to complete the release

scheduled_end_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

created_time (datetime)

Indicates the creation time of the release request

created_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

completed_time (datetime)

Indicates the completion time of the release request

completed_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comment (string)

Reason for status update. Whenever the user modifies the status, comment* is mandatoryNote : comment mandatory by default via template configuration, can be made non mandatory

comment (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.



next_review_on (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled date for next review.

next_review_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

workflow (workflow)

Describes the release workflow, along with stage wise approvals

workflow (workflow)
Defines the complete life cycle with appropriate approvals at various stages of the release request


  "workflow": {
    "name": "test_workflow",
    "id": "105678900111069003"

release_requester (user)

Initiator of the release request

release_requester (user)
Indicates the initiator of the release request


  "release_requester": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_requester",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

release_engineer (technician)

The owner of the release request

release_engineer (technician)
The owner of the release request


  "release_engineer": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_release_engineer",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

release_manager (technician)

User who manages the entire life cycle of the release request

release_manager (technician)
User who manages the entire life cycle of the release request


  "release_manager": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_release_manager",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

reason_for_release (reason_for_change)

Reasons why the release was initiated

reason_for_release (reason_for_change)
Indicates the reasons why the release was initiated


  "release_for_release": {
    "name": "test_reason_for_release",
    "id": "105678900111042007"

impact (impact)

Describes how this release will affect the business, department, group, or user

impact (impact)
Indicates the impact of the release on business, department, group, or user


  "impact": {
    "name": "test_impact",
    "id": "100000000111099077"

priority (priority)

Indicates whether the release is high, low, or medium priority

priority (priority)
Indicates priority of the release


  "priority": {
    "name": "test_priority",
    "id": "10033330011177799"

category (category)

Assign the Category of the CIs involved to this release, such as routers, switches, software etc

category (category)
Indicates the Category of the CIs involved to this release


  "category": {
    "name": "test_category",
    "id": "100333300111042000"

subcategory (subcategory)

Assign the Sub Category of the selected Category

subcategory (subcategory)
Assign the Sub Category of the selected Category


  "subcategory": {
    "name": "test_subcategory",
    "id": "106666600111042099"

item (item)

Assign the item to the selected Category and Sub Category.

item (item)
Indicates the item assigned to the selected Category and Sub Category.


  "item": {
    "name": "test_item",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

release_type (change_type)

Indicates whether it is a minor, major, significant, or standard release

release_type (change_type)
Indicates whether it is a minor, major, significant, or standard release


  "release_type": {
    "name": "test_release_type",
    "id": "100333300111042077"

urgency (urgency)

Indicates the urgency of the release request

urgency (urgency)
Indicates the urgency of the release request


  "urgency": {
    "name": "test-urgency",
    "id": "100670890127890"

services (service_category)

The services that might be affected due to this release

services (service_category)
Lists the services that might be affected due to this release


  "services": [
      "name": "test_service_1",
      "id": "122233390123003"
      "name": "test_service_2",
      "id": "122233390123011"
      "name": "test_service_3",
      "id": "122233390123015"

assets (asset)

Indicates the Affected or invloved assets

assets (asset)
Indicates the assets that might be affected or involved due to this release


  "assets": [
      "name": "test-asset_1",
      "id": "234567890120999"
      "name": "test-asset_2",
      "id": "234567890123001"

site (site)

Indicates the site of the release request

site (site)
Indicates the site of the release request


  "site": {
    "name": "test_site",
    "id": "100654320111042099"

group (group)

The assigned group of the release request

group (group)
Indicates the assigned group of the release request


  "group": {
    "name": "test_group",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

risk (change_risk)

Whether this involves high, low, or medium risk.

risk (change_risk)
Indicates whether this involves high, low, or medium risk.


  "risk": {
    "name": "test_risk",
    "id": "100333300111042001"

roles (roles)

Users assigned to each release roles

roles (roles)
Indicates the users assigned to each release roles


  "roles": {
    "mref_development_head": [
        "id": "100000000000033531"
    "mref_release_reviewer": [
        "id": "100000000000042007"
        "id": "100000000000042019"
    "mref_qa_manager": [
        "id": "100000000000033531"

attachments (release_attachment)

Files that are attached to the release. A Maximum of 10 attachments can be attached to a release

attachments (release_attachment)
Contains the files that are attached to the release. A Maximum of 10 attachments can be attached to a release.


  "attachments": [
      "content_type": "application/x-unknown-mime-type",
      "size": "36171",
      "file_id": "4001",
      "name": "test_file.txt"

udf_fields (udf_fields)

Contains user defined field values of the release

udf_fields (udf_fields)
Contains user defined field values associated to the release


  "udf_fields": {
    "udf_long2": "1459402730964",
    "udf_long1": "1225",
    "udf_date1": {
      "display_value": "Feb 26, 2016 11:00 AM",
      "value": "1456464639051"
    "udf_char1": "",
    "udf_char2": "Ned Stark"

configuration_items (configuration_item)

Critical items for which the release request has been raised

configuration_items (configuration_item)
Indicates Critical items for which the release request has been raised


  "configuration_items": [
      "name": "Floor 1 - Router",
      "id": "100000000000028792"
      "name": "Floor 12 - Router",
      "id": "100000000000028796"

roll_out_plan (JSONObject)

Describe how the release process will be implemented
show attribute

roll_out_plan (JSONObject)
Describe how the release process will be implemented


  "roll_out_plan": {
    "roll_out_plan_description": "Rollout plan"

roll_out_plan_description (html)

Describe in detail the release plan implementation

roll_out_plan_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

roll_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)

Indicated when the roll out plan was last implemented

roll_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

roll_out_plan_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the roll out plan

roll_out_plan_updated_by (user)
User who last updated the roll out plan


  "roll_out_plan_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

back_out_plan (JSONObject)

A Contingency plan to be implemented in case release technicians decide to back out of the release will be recorded/planned under the back out plan section
show attribute

back_out_plan (JSONObject)
Describes how the release process will proceed if the release request were to be cancelled.


  "back_out_plan": {
    "back_out_plan_description": "Backout plan"

back_out_plan_description (html)

Describes in detail the mitigation plans if the release implementation were to be backed out

back_out_plan_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

back_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)

Indicated when the back out plan was last implemented

back_out_plan_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

back_out_plan_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the back out plan

back_out_plan_updated_by (user)
User who last updated the back out plan


  "back_out_plan_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

impact_details (JSONObject)

Describes how the release process will affect the business
show attribute

impact_details (JSONObject)
Describes how the release process will affect the business


  "impact_details": {
    "impact_details_description": "affects user"

impact_details_description (html)

Contains detailed information on how the release will affect the organization, including any expected business loss or downtime

impact_details_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

impact_details_updated_on (datetime)

Indicates when the impact details was last updated

impact_details_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

impact_details_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the impact details

impact_details_updated_by (user)
User who last updated the impact details


  "impact_details_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

checklist (JSONObject)

Lists the tasks involved in the release process
show attribute

checklist (JSONObject)
Lists the tasks involved in the release process


  "checklist": {
    "checklist_description": "check list"

checklist_description (html)

A to-do list listing the essential steps to be completed in order to verify whether the release implementation is completed with all requirements fulfilled.

checklist_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

checklist_updated_on (datetime)

Indicated when the checklist was last updated

checklist_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

checklist_updated_by (user)

User who last updated the checklist

checklist_updated_by (user)
Indicates the user who last updated the checklist


  "checklist_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

close_details (JSONObject)

Contains information about release closure
show attribute

close_details (JSONObject)
Contains information about release closure


  "close_details": {
    "close_details_description": "close details",
    "closure_code": {
      "name": "Closed - Cancelled",
      "id": "1791511763340999"

close_details_description (html)

Contains close description for the release

close_details_description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

closure_code (closure_code)

Closure Code denotes the reason for closing a release request

closure_code (closure_code)
Closure Code denotes the reason for closing a release request


  "closure_code": {
    "name": "test_closure_code",
    "id": "10011139111798001"

close_details_updated_on (datetime)

Indicates the time at which close details has been updated on

close_details_updated_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

close_details_updated_by (user)

The last user who updates close details

close_details_updated_by (user)
The last user who updates close details


  "close_details_updated_by": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_user",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

display_id (sequence_number)read only

Sequence number of the release request

display_id (sequence_number)
Sequence number of the release request


  "display_id": {
    "display_value": "RL-1",
    "value": "1"

emergency (boolean)read only

Indicates emergency release, if true, or normal release, if false

emergency (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

notes_present (boolean)read only

Indicates if the release contains any notes

notes_present (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

deleted_time (datetime)read only

Indicates when the release request was sent to trash

deleted_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

workflow_instance_details (workflow_instance)read only

Indicates the workflow execution status

workflow_instance_details (workflow_instance)
Indicates the workflow execution status


  "workflow_instance_details": {
    "id": "36338920932885067",
    "status": {
      "name": "In Progress",
      "id": "6633543434595966"

$ curl -G <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}\
      -X GET\
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
      -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};          
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: GET
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}  
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method get -Headers $headers 
#Python version - 3.8
#This script requires requests module installed in python.
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers)
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": {
        "status_code": 2000,
        "status": "success"
    "release": {
        "template": {
            "inactive": false,
            "name": "General Template",
            "id": "100000000000030406"
        "attachments": [],
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "roll_out_plan_updated_on": null,
            "roll_out_plan_updated_by": null,
            "roll_out_plan_description": null
        "display_id": {
            "display_value": "RL-3",
            "value": "3"
        "roles": {
            "mref_development_head": [],
            "mref_release_reviewer": [{
                "email_id": "",
                "is_technician": true,
                "sms_mail": null,
                "contact_info_id": "100000000000033529",
                "mobile": null,
                "last_name": "",
                "user_scope": "0",
                "phone": null,
                "name": "Test",
                "id": "100000000000033531",
                "photo_url": "",
                "is_vip_user": false,
                "department": null,
                "first_name": "Test",
                "job_title": null
            "mref_uat_owner": [],
            "mref_qa_manager": []
        "emergency": false,
        "release_requester": null,
        "description": null,
        "title": "Trial Release",
        "release_engineer": {
            "email_id": "",
            "cost_per_hour": "0",
            "phone": null,
            "name": "Test",
            "mobile": null,
            "last_name": "",
            "id": "100000000000033531",
            "photo_url": "",
            "sms_mail_id": null,
            "first_name": "Test"
        "next_review_on": null,
        "assets": [],
        "configuration_items": [],
        "urgency": {
            "name": "Normal",
            "id": "100000000000007272"
        "workflow_instance_details": {
            "id": "100000000000038019",
            "status": {
                "name": "In Progress",
                "id": "100000000000027830"
        "close_details": {
            "close_details_updated_on": null,
            "close_details_description": null,
            "closure_code": null,
            "close_details_updated_by": null
        "rel": {
            "projects": null,
            "changes": null
        "id": "100000000000038009",
        "group": null,
        "reason_for_release": {
            "name": "Anti virus,firewall upgrades",
            "id": "100000000000026992"
        "created_time": {
            "display_value": "Jan 25, 2022 06:52 PM",
            "value": "1643116944706"
        "item": null,
        "workflow": {
            "validated": true,
            "name": "General Release Workflow",
            "id": "100000000000030023",
            "allowed_stages_config": "APPLY_GLOBAL"
        "release_manager": null,
        "impact": null,
        "release_type": {
            "color": "#f7c4c4",
            "pre_approved": false,
            "name": "Major",
            "id": "100000000000007257"
        "checklist": {
            "checklist_description": null,
            "checklist_updated_on": null,
            "checklist_updated_by": null
        "services": [{
                "inactive": false,
                "name": "Internet Access",
                "id": "100000000000007242",
                "sort_index": 0
                "inactive": false,
                "name": "Intranet",
                "id": "100000000000007251",
                "sort_index": 0
        "priority": {
            "color": "#006600",
            "name": "Normal",
            "id": "100000000000005381"
        "scheduled_end_time": null,
        "back_out_plan": {
            "back_out_plan_updated_by": null,
            "back_out_plan_updated_on": null,
            "back_out_plan_description": null
        "site": null,
        "completed_time": null,
        "stage": {
            "internal_name": "submission",
            "inactive": false,
            "stage_index": 1,
            "name": "Submission",
            "id": "100000000000029003"
        "risk": {
            "name": "Low",
            "id": "100000000000026968"
        "impact_details": {
            "impact_details_updated_on": null,
            "impact_details_updated_by": null,
            "impact_details_description": null
        "category": {
            "deleted": false,
            "name": "Operating System",
            "id": "100000000000005229"
        "subcategory": {
            "name": "Windows Server 2000",
            "id": "100000000000005275"
        "deleted_time": null,
        "notes_present": false,
        "scheduled_start_time": null,
        "status": {
            "in_progress": true,
            "internal_name": "requested",
            "stage": {
                "id": "100000000000029003"
            "name": "Requested",
            "id": "100000000000029381"

Get List Release

This operation helps to get a list of releases.


<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases


id (long)
Unique identifier to identify the release request, assigned at creation

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



title (string)
Title of the release. A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters are allowed.

title (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.



template (release_template)
Release templates help to create customized release template forms by defining its layout for the most frequently raised release. Thus the release can be created quickly with all the needed fields filled automatically.

template (release_template)
Indicates the release template used to create the release


  "template": {
    "name": "test_template",
    "id": "105678900111042007"

stage (release_stage)
Indicates the current stage of the release

stage (release_stage)
Indicates the current stage of the release


  "stage": {
    "name": "Submission_stage",
    "id": "100000000111042007"

status (release_status)
Indicates the current status of the release

status (release_status)
Indicates the current status of the release


  "status": {
    "name": "test_status",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

description (html)
Description of the release request

description (html)
Contains description of the release request



More Attributes Expand all

scheduled_start_time (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled start time of the release

scheduled_start_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled time to complete the release

scheduled_end_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

created_time (datetime)

Indicates the creation time of the release request

created_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

completed_time (datetime)

Indicates the completion time of the release request

completed_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comment (string)

Reason for status update. Whenever the user modifies the status, comment* is mandatoryNote : comment mandatory by default via template configuration, can be made non mandatory

comment (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.



next_review_on (datetime)

Indicates the scheduled date for next review.

next_review_on (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

workflow (workflow)

Describes the release workflow, along with stage wise approvals

workflow (workflow)
Defines the complete life cycle with appropriate approvals at various stages of the release request


  "workflow": {
    "name": "test_workflow",
    "id": "105678900111069003"

release_requester (user)

Initiator of the release request

release_requester (user)
Indicates the initiator of the release request


  "release_requester": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_requester",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

release_engineer (technician)

The owner of the release request

release_engineer (technician)
The owner of the release request


  "release_engineer": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_release_engineer",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

release_manager (technician)

User who manages the entire life cycle of the release request

release_manager (technician)
User who manages the entire life cycle of the release request


  "release_manager": {
    "email_id": "",
    "name": "test_release_manager",
    "id": "100000000000042013"

reason_for_release (reason_for_change)

Reasons why the release was initiated

reason_for_release (reason_for_change)
Indicates the reasons why the release was initiated


  "release_for_release": {
    "name": "test_reason_for_release",
    "id": "105678900111042007"

impact (impact)

Describes how this release will affect the business, department, group, or user

impact (impact)
Indicates the impact of the release on business, department, group, or user


  "impact": {
    "name": "test_impact",
    "id": "100000000111099077"

priority (priority)

Indicates whether the release is high, low, or medium priority

priority (priority)
Indicates priority of the release


  "priority": {
    "name": "test_priority",
    "id": "10033330011177799"

category (category)

Assign the Category of the CIs involved to this release, such as routers, switches, software etc

category (category)
Indicates the Category of the CIs involved to this release


  "category": {
    "name": "test_category",
    "id": "100333300111042000"

subcategory (subcategory)

Assign the Sub Category of the selected Category

subcategory (subcategory)
Assign the Sub Category of the selected Category


  "subcategory": {
    "name": "test_subcategory",
    "id": "106666600111042099"

item (item)

Assign the item to the selected Category and Sub Category.

item (item)
Indicates the item assigned to the selected Category and Sub Category.


  "item": {
    "name": "test_item",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

release_type (change_type)

Indicates whether it is a minor, major, significant, or standard release

release_type (change_type)
Indicates whether it is a minor, major, significant, or standard release


  "release_type": {
    "name": "test_release_type",
    "id": "100333300111042077"

urgency (urgency)

Indicates the urgency of the release request

urgency (urgency)
Indicates the urgency of the release request


  "urgency": {
    "name": "test-urgency",
    "id": "100670890127890"

services (service_category)

The services that might be affected due to this release

services (service_category)
Lists the services that might be affected due to this release


  "services": [
      "name": "test_service_1",
      "id": "122233390123003"
      "name": "test_service_2",
      "id": "122233390123011"
      "name": "test_service_3",
      "id": "122233390123015"

assets (asset)

Indicates the Affected or invloved assets

assets (asset)
Indicates the assets that might be affected or involved due to this release


  "assets": [
      "name": "test-asset_1",
      "id": "234567890120999"
      "name": "test-asset_2",
      "id": "234567890123001"

site (site)

Indicates the site of the release request

site (site)
Indicates the site of the release request


  "site": {
    "name": "test_site",
    "id": "100654320111042099"

group (group)

The assigned group of the release request

group (group)
Indicates the assigned group of the release request


  "group": {
    "name": "test_group",
    "id": "100333300111042099"

risk (change_risk)

Whether this involves high, low, or medium risk.

risk (change_risk)
Indicates whether this involves high, low, or medium risk.


  "risk": {
    "name": "test_risk",
    "id": "100333300111042001"

roles (roles)

Users assigned to each release roles

roles (roles)
Indicates the users assigned to each release roles


  "roles": {
    "mref_development_head": [
        "id": "100000000000033531"
    "mref_release_reviewer": [
        "id": "100000000000042007"
        "id": "100000000000042019"
    "mref_qa_manager": [
        "id": "100000000000033531"

attachments (release_attachment)

Files that are attached to the release. A Maximum of 10 attachments can be attached to a release

attachments (release_attachment)
Contains the files that are attached to the release. A Maximum of 10 attachments can be attached to a release.


  "attachments": [
      "content_type": "application/x-unknown-mime-type",
      "size": "36171",
      "file_id": "4001",
      "name": "test_file.txt"

udf_fields (udf_fields)

Contains user defined field values of the release

udf_fields (udf_fields)
Contains user defined field values associated to the release


  "udf_fields": {
    "udf_long2": "1459402730964",
    "udf_long1": "1225",
    "udf_date1": {
      "display_value": "Feb 26, 2016 11:00 AM",
      "value": "1456464639051"
    "udf_char1": "",
    "udf_char2": "Ned Stark"

configuration_items (configuration_item)

Critical items for which the release request has been raised

configuration_items (configuration_item)
Indicates Critical items for which the release request has been raised


  "configuration_items": [
      "name": "Floor 1 - Router",
      "id": "100000000000028792"
      "name": "Floor 12 - Router",
      "id": "100000000000028796"

display_id (sequence_number)read only

Sequence number of the release request

display_id (sequence_number)
Sequence number of the release request


  "display_id": {
    "display_value": "RL-1",
    "value": "1"

emergency (boolean)read only

Indicates emergency release, if true, or normal release, if false

emergency (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

notes_present (boolean)read only

Indicates if the release contains any notes

notes_present (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

deleted_time (datetime)read only

Indicates when the release request was sent to trash

deleted_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

workflow_instance_details (workflow_instance)read only

Indicates the workflow execution status

workflow_instance_details (workflow_instance)
Indicates the workflow execution status


  "workflow_instance_details": {
    "id": "36338920932885067",
    "status": {
      "name": "In Progress",
      "id": "6633543434595966"

$ curl -G <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases\
      -X GET\ 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
      -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"\
      --data-urlencode input_data='{}'
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
input_data = {};
params = {"input_data":input_data};           
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: GET
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'{}'@
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}    
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method get -Body $data -Headers $headers 
#Python version - 3.8
#This script requires requests module installed in python.
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{}'''       
url += "?" + urlencode({"input_data":input_data})
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers)
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": [{
        "status_code": 2000,
        "status": "success"
    "list_info": {
        "has_more_rows": false,
        "row_count": 3
    "releases": [{
            "template": {
                "inactive": false,
                "name": "General Template",
                "id": "100000000000030406"
            "display_id": {
                "display_value": "RL-1",
                "value": "1"
            "emergency": false,
            "release_requester": null,
            "description": null,
            "title": "R11",
            "release_engineer": null,
            "next_review_on": null,
            "urgency": null,
            "workflow_instance_details": {
                "id": "100000000000034003",
                "status": {
                    "name": "Started",
                    "id": "100000000000027827"
            "id": "100000000000034001",
            "group": null,
            "reason_for_release": null,
            "created_time": {
                "display_value": "Jan 22, 2022 01:20 PM",
                "value": "1642837811798"
            "item": null,
            "workflow": {
                "validated": true,
                "name": "General Release Workflow",
                "id": "100000000000030023",
                "allowed_stages_config": "APPLY_GLOBAL"
            "release_manager": null,
            "impact": null,
            "release_type": null,
            "priority": null,
            "scheduled_end_time": null,
            "site": null,
            "completed_time": null,
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "submission",
                "inactive": false,
                "stage_index": 1,
                "name": "Submission",
                "id": "100000000000029003"
            "risk": null,
            "category": null,
            "subcategory": null,
            "deleted_time": null,
            "notes_present": false,
            "scheduled_start_time": null,
            "status": {
                "in_progress": true,
                "internal_name": "requested",
                "stage": {
                    "id": "100000000000029003"
                "name": "Requested",
                "id": "100000000000029381"
            "template": {
                "inactive": false,
                "name": "General Template",
                "id": "100000000000030406"
            "display_id": {
                "display_value": "RL-2",
                "value": "2"
            "emergency": false,
            "release_requester": null,
            "description": null,
            "title": "PN",
            "release_engineer": null,
            "next_review_on": null,
            "urgency": null,
            "workflow_instance_details": {
                "id": "100000000000034033",
                "status": {
                    "name": "In Progress",
                    "id": "100000000000027830"
            "id": "100000000000034031",
            "group": null,
            "reason_for_release": null,
            "created_time": {
                "display_value": "Jan 22, 2022 10:19 PM",
                "value": "1642870199680"
            "item": null,
            "workflow": {
                "validated": true,
                "name": "General Release Workflow",
                "id": "100000000000030023",
                "allowed_stages_config": "APPLY_GLOBAL"
            "release_manager": null,
            "impact": null,
            "release_type": null,
            "priority": null,
            "scheduled_end_time": null,
            "site": null,
            "completed_time": null,
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "submission",
                "inactive": false,
                "stage_index": 1,
                "name": "Submission",
                "id": "100000000000029003"
            "risk": null,
            "category": null,
            "subcategory": null,
            "deleted_time": null,
            "notes_present": false,
            "scheduled_start_time": null,
            "status": {
                "in_progress": true,
                "internal_name": "requested",
                "stage": {
                    "id": "100000000000029003"
                "name": "Requested",
                "id": "100000000000029381"
            "template": {
                "inactive": false,
                "name": "General Template",
                "id": "100000000000030406"
            "display_id": {
                "display_value": "RL-3",
                "value": "3"
            "emergency": false,
            "release_requester": null,
            "description": null,
            "title": "Trial Release",
            "release_engineer": {
                "email_id": "",
                "cost_per_hour": "0",
                "phone": null,
                "name": "Test",
                "mobile": null,
                "last_name": "",
                "id": "100000000000033531",
                "photo_url": "",
                "sms_mail_id": null,
                "first_name": "Test"
            "next_review_on": null,
            "urgency": {
                "name": "Normal",
                "id": "100000000000007272"
            "workflow_instance_details": {
                "id": "100000000000038019",
                "status": {
                    "name": "In Progress",
                    "id": "100000000000027830"
            "id": "100000000000038009",
            "group": null,
            "reason_for_release": {
                "name": "Anti virus,firewall upgrades",
                "id": "100000000000026992"
            "created_time": {
                "display_value": "Jan 25, 2022 06:52 PM",
                "value": "1643116944706"
            "item": null,
            "workflow": {
                "validated": true,
                "name": "General Release Workflow",
                "id": "100000000000030023",
                "allowed_stages_config": "APPLY_GLOBAL"
            "release_manager": null,
            "impact": null,
            "release_type": {
                "color": "#f7c4c4",
                "pre_approved": false,
                "name": "Major",
                "id": "100000000000007257"
            "priority": {
                "color": "#006600",
                "name": "Normal",
                "id": "100000000000005381"
            "scheduled_end_time": null,
            "site": null,
            "completed_time": null,
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "submission",
                "inactive": false,
                "stage_index": 1,
                "name": "Submission",
                "id": "100000000000029003"
            "risk": {
                "name": "Low",
                "id": "100000000000026968"
            "category": {
                "deleted": false,
                "name": "Operating System",
                "id": "100000000000005229"
            "subcategory": {
                "name": "Windows Server 2000",
                "id": "100000000000005275"
            "deleted_time": null,
            "notes_present": false,
            "scheduled_start_time": null,
            "status": {
                "in_progress": true,
                "internal_name": "requested",
                "stage": {
                    "id": "100000000000029003"
                "name": "Requested",
                "id": "100000000000029381"

Delete Release

This operation helps you to delete a release


<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}

$ curl <service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}\
      -X DELETE\ 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"\
      -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"\
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: DELETE
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method delete -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "<service domain|custom domain>/app/<portal>/api/v3/releases/{release_id}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.7xxx98976ab0xxxxxx19901e7551be57.bxxxx921ed64c04f79622bebcfxxxxxx", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,method="DELETE")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
  "response_status": {
    "status_code": 2000,
    "status": "success"