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Jira integration
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Help-desk-driven identity and access management with Jira

According to a WEF study, it is estimated that nearly 50% of IT help desk costs are allocated to password resets, with average annual spend for companies now at over $1 million for staffing alone. On top of this, it takes 30 minutes on average to provision a user account and almost nine days for a user account to be deprovisioned completely, including removing permissions on all servers and removing the user from all groups after all the verification and necessary approvals are obtained.

Put simply, all these responsibilities combined not only rack up quite a price tag, but they are time-consuming in the long run for any enterprise.

Imagine if all these tickets could be resolved right from your help desk console in a few clicks. That's exactly what the ADManager Plus-Jira integration accomplishes. The integration can empower help desk technicians to manage Active Directory (AD) from within their Jira console without having to struggle with tools like the ADUC or PowerShell every time a ticket is raised for an identity and access management task.

Click here for detailed steps on how to integrate Jira with ADManager Plus.

Why integrate Jira software with ADManager Plus?

Resource efficiency in AD management through help desk integration

With the ADManager Plus-Jira software integration in place, help desk technicians can perform vital AD management operations from the Jira console.

This integration provides a unified console for the following:

One-click user provisioning with role-based access controls

Seamless user provisioning through custom templates and role-based access controls ensures all employees have only the required access right from day one.

Single-window resolution of identity and access management tickets

Expedite user account management with options to manage group memberships, unlock user accounts, and enable or disable users, as and when tickets are raised, right from the help desk console.

One-click user deprovisioning

Deprovision user accounts instantly when employees leave to ensure that no dormant accounts are left behind for hackers to exploit.

Instant password reset without switching applications

Resolve password reset tickets instantly by allowing help desk technicians to reset users' AD passwords without leaving the help desk console. This increases the help desk’s productivity as well as the organization's as a whole.

Manage AD operations right from the tickets in the Jira console with ADManager Plus-Jira integration

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Other features

Active Directory Password Management

Reset password and set password propertied from a single web-based console, without compromising on the security of your AD! Delegate your password-reset powers to the helpdesk technicians too!

Active Directory Group Management

Manage your Active Directory Security Groups. Create, Delete and Modify Groups...all in a few clicks. Configure Exchange attributes of AD Groups and effect bulk group changes to your AD security groups.

Active Directory Logon Reports

Monitor logon activities of Active Directory users on your AD environment. Filter out Inactive Users. Reporting on hourly level. Generate reports for true last logon time & recently logged on users.

Active Directory Delegation

Unload some of your workload without losing your hold. Secure & non-invasive helpdesk delegation and management from ADManager Plus! Delegate powers for technician on specific tasks in specific OUs.

Microsoft Exchange Management

Create and manage Exchange mailboxes and configure mailbox rights using ADManager Plus's Exchange Management system. Now with support for Microsoft Exchange 2010!!

Active Directory Automation

A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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