Configuring Custom Fields for Devices or Interfaces

Configure additional properties of a device/interface by adding Custom Fields. This makes device management easy.

  1. Go to Settings → Configuration → Custom Fields. A list of pre-populated fields are shown.
  2. Choose between Device Fields or Interface Fields, click Add Field button on the top right corner and configure the following values.
    • Field Name: Configure the name of the additional
    • Field Type: Select the property type (text, numeric and date)
    • Field Length: Set the length of the field.
    • Description : Add a meaningful description for the field.
  3. Click Save.

Custom Fields OpManager 


You can also import custom field properties from a CSV file. To do this, go to SettingsConfigurationCustom FieldsImport Values. Click Browse and choose the CSV file containing the Custom Field properties for devices or interfaces. Map the field headers in the CSV with the corresponding custom fields available in OpManager and proceed with update.

OpManager custom fields import 

The properties added are applied to all the devices or interfaces. To view the Custom Fields, go to the respective Device or Interface snapshot page and check the Custom Field section.

In Enterprise edition, the 'Add Field' action can only be performed from the Central server. You cannot add new custom fields from the Probe servers.

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