Email Templates
(Feature available only in Enterprise Edition)

2 minutes to read

Password Manager Pro facilitates sending email notifications on the occurrence of various password actions. By default, Password Manager Pro has a specific content for the email notification. If you want, you can customize the content and have your own content.

Steps Required

  1. Navigate to Admin >> Customization >> Email Templates.

  2. In the UI that opens, select the required category - User Management, Password Management & General Administration, shown on the right hand side of the UI. For each category, you will find a number of sub-categories with a dedicated email template for each action such as user addition, user modification, user account shared etc.
  3. You can preview the existing email content for each notification by clicking the respective "Preview" link.

  4. If you want to edit the content, click "Edit Template" against the desired template.
  5. In the Edit Template window, you can specify a customized message in the 'Subject' line.
  6. You can also modify the body content in the 'Message' field.
  7. While entering the content of the body, you can specify placeholders for certain values like user name. The exact user name will be replaced with the placeholders at runtime. The allowed placeholders for each template can be found at the bottom of its respective Edit Template window.
  8. Click "Save". The email notifications of the respective categories will now have the new content.


    Password Manager Pro facilitates customizing most of the email content in Password Manager Pro. However, email notifications on reports and alerts are not customizable.

    You can use html tags in your customized message with the restriction that only single quotes be used inside the html tags instead of double quote. For example: instead of <span style="padding-left:10px">, you need to use >span style='padding-left:10px'<

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