Getting Started with Password Manager Pro16 minutes to read
Once you have done with the prerequisite check and Password Manager Pro setup installation, you can get started to work with the Password Manager Pro application. This document provide you a brief information about the initial operations of the Password Manager Pro application which includes,starting and shutting down Password Manager Pro in different operating systems, connecting to Password Manager Pro web client, run/manage services using group Managed Service Account (gMSA) and updating web server certificates. This also emphasis the importance of managing and rotating the Password Manager Pro encryption key to make it secure and unattainable to other users or scripts in your system environment. At the end of this document, you will have learned about:
1. Starting and Shutting Down Password Manager Pro1.1 In Windows1.2 In Linux
1.2.i Changing the Password Manager Pro Service to 'systemd' Software Suite
By default, from build 12420, the Password Manage Pro service will get installed in 'systemd' software suite for utilizing the parallel processing of services and other service capabilities. However, for existing users prior to build 12420, the service will remain the same in the 'initd' process control system unless they choose to change it. If you are an existing user and want to change the service to 'systemd' software suite, follow the procedure mentioned below.
2. Launching the Password Manager Pro Web ClientThere are different ways of connecting to the Password Manager Pro web client: 2.1 Automatic Browser LaunchOnce the server has started after the successful installation of Password Manager Pro, the Password Manager Pro Login screen shows up in a browser window. As Password Manager Pro uses the secured HTTPS connection, you will be prompted to accept the Security Certificate. Hit Yes, type the User name and Password in the login screen and press Enter. For an unconfigured setup, the default User name/Password is admin/admin. Every time you start the server, the browser will be automatically launched. 2.2 Launching the Web Client ManuallyWindows: Right-click the Password Manager Pro tray icon and click Password Manager Pro Web Console to launch the web client manually. The Password Manager Pro Login screen shows up in a browser window. As Password Manager Pro uses the secured HTTPS connection, you will be prompted to accept the Security Certificate. Hit Yes, type the User name and Password in the login screen and press Enter. For an unconfigured setup, the default User name/Password is admin/admin. Every time you start the server, the browser will be automatically launched. Linux: Open a browser and connect to the URL specified in the below box:
2.3 Connecting the Web Client in Remote HostsIf you want to connect to the Password Manager Pro web client in a remote machine (different from the one where Password Manager Pro is running), open a browser and connect to the below URL:
As Password Manager Pro uses the secured HTTPS connection, you will be prompted to accept the Security Certificate. Hit Yes, type the user name and password in the login screen and press Enter. For an unconfigured setup, the default user name and password is admin and admin, respectively. Every time you start the server, the browser will be automatically launched. 3. Running the Password Manager Pro service using a group Managed Service AccountPassword Manager Pro allows you to run/manage services using group Managed Service Account (gMSA). To learn about gMSA in detail, refer to Microsoft's documentation. To create a group Managed Service Account,
Troubleshooting Step:If you are unable to Install the Service Account, execute the below command before executing Install statement: Set-ADServiceAccount -Identity <MSA_AccountName> -KerberosEncryptionType AES128,AES256 4. Managing Password Manager Pro Encryption Key
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