Setting up Two-Factor Authentication - RADIUS Authenticator4 minutes to read
You can integrate RADIUS server or any RADIUS-compliant two-factor authentication system (like Vasco Digipass) with Password Manager Pro for the second factor authentication. Following is the sequence of events involved in using RADIUS-based authentication system as the second factor:
Summary of Steps
1. Configuring Two-Factor Authentication in Password Manager Pro
2. Enforcing Two-Factor Authentication for Required Users
3. Connecting to Password Manager Pro Web-Interface when TFA through RADIUS Authenticator is EnabledThe users for whom two-factor authentication is enabled, will have to authenticate twice successively. As explained above, the first level of authentication will be through the usual authentication. That is, the users have to authenticate through Password Manager Pro's local authentication or AD/LDAP authentication. If the administrator has chosen the TFA option "RADIUS Authenticator", the two-factor authentication will happen as detailed below:
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