Key Manager Plus Agent9 minutes to read
Password Manager Pro allows users to discover the SSL Certificates deployed across their network through agents. The agent used to perform certificate management operations on remote machines is dynamically created by the Password Manager Pro.
1. Downloading the KMP AgentThe agent used to perform certificate management operations on remote machines is dynamically created by the Password Manager Pro server and is available for download from within the interface. To download the KMP Windows agent:
2. Installing the KMP AgentOnce you have downloaded the agent, follow the instructions below to install it in the target servers. The downloaded package already contains the configurations necessary to perform the required operations. Just make sure the account in the server in which the agent is installed has sufficient privileges to perform certificate discovery. Steps to Install KMP Agent as a Windows Service:
Steps to Start the Agent as a Windows Service:
On successful installation, you can find the KMP agent running as a service in the target server. Steps to Stop the Agent:
3. Managing the KMP AgentKey Manager Plus provides administrators insights about agent activity and allows management of agents installed on various target resources. To manage Key Manager Plus agents,
4. Discovering SSL Certificates using Agents
5. Signing Certificate(s) using Agent
Now the certificates are successfully signed and will be available to the repository. 6. Deploying Certificate(s) using Agent
7. Deploying Certificate(s) in Multiple Servers using Agent
Now, the certificates have been successfully deployed using agent. To know more about SSL certificate deployment click here. 8. Deleting Agent(s)
The certificate will be deleted from the list. ©2025, ZOHO Corp. All Rights Reserved. | |