IP Restrictions

4 minutes to read

Note: This feature is accessible for Privileged Administrators only.

Password Manager Pro allows administrators to limit inbound connections to Password Manager Pro server by enforcing IP-based restrictions to minimize unwanted traffic. It provides an added layer of security by letting the administrator to choose exactly which systems should be allowed to or blocked from accessing and sending requests to the Password Manager Pro server. Allowing or restricting access can be done for an individual IP as well as a range of IP address(es).

Password Manager Pro offers three types of IP restrictions:

  1. Web Access
  2. API Access
  3. Agent Access

1. Web Access

You can enable IP based restrictions for access to Password Manager Pro web server. The IP restrictions can be set at various levels and combinations, such as defined IP ranges or individual IP addresses. 

To configure IP based restrictions, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin >> Configuration and select IP Restrictions.
  2. Under Web Access, you have two options to choose from:
    • Allowed IP Address(es): If this option is selected, only the IP addresses specified in this field will be allowed access and the rest of the IP addresses will be blocked from accessing the Password Manager Pro web server.
    • Blocked IP Address(es): This option can be used to block a specific IP address or an IP range and allow access to all other IP addresses.
  3. Note: The IP addresses must be entered in the text field as comma-separated values. Eg: -,, There is no limit to the number of IP addresses that can be defined in both the fields.

2. API Access

Password Manager Pro allows you to enable IP based restrictions for API calls as well as communication from native mobile apps and browser extensions to Password Manager Pro server. The IP restrictions can be set at various levels and combinations, such as defined IP ranges or individual IP addresses.

To configure IP based restrictions, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin >> Configuration and select IP Restrictions.
  2. Under API Access, you have two options to choose from:
    • Allowed IP Address(es): If this option is selected, only the IP addresses specified in this field will be allowed API access and the rest of the IP addresses will be blocked from sending and/or receiving API calls.
    • Blocked IP Address(es): This option can be used to block a specific IP address or an IP range and allow access to all other IP addresses.
  3. Note: The IP addresses must be entered in the text field as comma-separated values. Eg: -,, There is no limit to the number of IP addresses that can be defined in both the fields.

3. Agent Access

Password Manager Pro allows you to regulate agent communication from target machines to Password Manager Pro server with IP based restrictions. The IP restrictions can be set at various levels and combinations, such as defined IP ranges or individual IP addresses.

To configure IP based restrictions, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin >> Configuration and select IP Restrictions.
  2. Under Agent Access, you have two options to choose from:
    • Allowed IP Address(es): If this option is selected, only the IP addresses specified in this field will be allowed access and the rest of the IP addresses will be blocked from accessing the Password Manager Pro web server.
    • Blocked IP Address(es): This option can be used to block a specific IP address or an IP range and allow access to all other IP addresses.
  3. Note: The IP addresses must be entered in the text field as comma-separated values. Eg: -,, There is no limit to the number of IP addresses that can be defined in both the fields.

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