Importing Users from LDAP8 minutes to read
Similar to importing users from file, AD and Azure AD, you can also import users from the LDAP directory. Steps RequiredThere are three steps involved in importing users from an LDAP directory. To begin, navigate to Admin >> Authentication >> LDAP. The LDAP Server Configuration page is displayed. Step 1 - Importing Users from LDAPThe first step is to provide the required credential details and import users from LDAP. To do this:
[Step applicable only if you have chosen SSL in the previous step] To enable the SSL mode, the LDAP server should be serving over SSL in port 636 and you will have to import the LDAP server's root certificate, LDAP server's certificate and all other certificates that are present in the respective root certificate chain into the Password Manager Pro's server machine's certificate store. To import certificates, open a command prompt and navigate to <PMP_SERVER_HOME>\bin directory and execute the following command: For Windows:
For Linux:
Restart Password Manager Pro server. Then, continue with the following steps. If your LDAP server belongs to types other than Microsoft Active Directory/Novell eDirectory/OpenLDAP, specify the following additional details to authenticate the users:
Configure Synchronization and Manage LDAP Server Details(Feature available only in Enterprise Edition)Whenever new users get added to the LDAP, there is provision to automatically add them to Password Manager Pro and keep the user database in sync. This can be done from the 'LDAP Server Details' page. Click the button 'LDAP Server Details' under Step 1 in the UI. This UI has been designed to serve as a one-stop place for managing all configurations pertaining to the LDAP servers integrated with Password Manager Pro.
Step 2 - Specifying Appropriate User RolesAll the users imported from LDAP will be assigned the 'Password User' role by default. To assign specific roles to specific users,
Step 3 - Enabling LDAP AuthenticationThe final step is to enable LDAP authentication. This will allow your users to use their LDAP directory password to log in to Password Manager Pro. Note that this scheme will work only for users who have been already imported to the local database from AD. Note: Make sure you have at least one user with the 'Administrator' role, among the users imported from LDAP. ©2025, ZOHO Corp. All Rights Reserved. | |