IIS App Pool Account Password Reset10 minutes to read
Windows Domain accounts are used as identities to run IIS App Pools. Whenever the password of a domain account is changed in the domain controller, the new password has to be updated individually in all associated App Pools for web applications to run without any hindrance. With each domain account running numerous App Pools, changing all the passwords manually becomes tedious. Password Manager Pro identifies the IIS App Pools that are run using a specific Windows domain account stored in the Password Manager Pro vault. While resetting the password of the domain accounts, Password Manager Pro will find out the IIS App Pools that run using that particular domain account and will automatically update the password change in the IIS App Pool identities too, immediately after the domain account password is reset. (Applicable from build 10404 onwards) Password Manager Pro identifies IIS App Pools that run using Windows Domain accounts by initiating a remote connection to the Windows Domain resources. To allow Password Manager Pro to do that, complete the below steps: 1. Download the .zip folder from this link and extract the remcom.exe file from the .zip folder. Steps RequiredTo add IIS App Pool accounts to Password Manager Pro and to achieve automated password resets, carry out the following steps:
Notes: For a quicker understanding of the procedure, the following references are used in the steps: 1. Adding a Domain Controller as a Resource
![]() 2. Adding a Domain Admin Account and IIS App Pool Accounts
Using the above procedure, add more member servers of the domain such as Win1, Win2, Win3, and Win4 as new resources in Password Manager Pro and add their respective local accounts. 3. Creating a Resource GroupAfter adding all member servers as resources and their respective local accounts, follow the below steps to create a resource group:
![]() Instead of manual addition explained in Step 3, you can also discover the required resources and groups in your domain by following the steps given below:
4. Configuring Remote Password Reset for the IIS App Pool AccountFollow the below steps to configure remote password reset for the IIS App Pool account:
![]() 5. Associating Resource Groups to the IIS App Pool Account
6. Verifying Supported IIS App Pool Accounts
7. Changing the App Pool Account Password
7.1 Scheduling Periodic Password Resets for IIS App Pool AccountsThe aforementioned steps are adequate to carry out password resets for App Pool accounts any time on demand. If you would like to configure automatic password resets on a periodic basis, execute the additional steps given below:
Once the schedule for periodic password reset is set, Password Manager Pro will continue to automatically reset the App Pool account passwords as per the schedule. ©2025, ZOHO Corp. All Rights Reserved. | |