Adding More Monitors

In OpManager, the following monitors will be associated by default according to the various device categories.


  • Servers: CPU, Memory, Disk Utilization, Partition Details
  • Routers: CPU, Memory, Buffer Hits/Misses, Temperature
  • Switches: CPU, Memory, BackPlane Utilization
  • Firewalls: CPU, Memory, and Connection Count.

Similarly, other categories also have few resources monitoring triggered by default. Apart from those, you can add more monitors for additional parameters.

Add more monitors

Follow the below steps to add more monitors,

  1. Go to Settings > ConfigurationDevice Templates
  2. From the list of templates, select the template for the device type to which you want to associate more monitors. Use the search bar to locate your device template quickly.
  3. In the device template, from the Monitors column, click the Add button.
  4. All the predefined monitors are listed. Select the required monitors from here and click OK
  5. To save this setup, press Save or press Save and Associate to directly associate the selected monitor to the devices mapped to the Device Template. Press Copy to copy the Device Template.
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