Scheduling Downtime

Maintenance of network devices forms an integral part of network administration. You may want to perform a maintenance of specific device types at specific intervals. If such devices are removed from the network, or rebooted, then you will see alarms indicating that the device, or the applications in the device are unavailable. Since the devices are not available when polled for status during the maintenance period, unnecessary alarms are fired. To prevent the devices from being monitored for status during maintenance, you can schedule a maintenance task for such devices.

Following are the steps:

  1. Go to Settings -> Configuration -> Device Downtime Schedules.
  2. Click on Add Schedule.
  3. In the Add Schedule form, provide the following details:
    • Schedule Name
    • Schedule Description
    • Select the Status as Enabled, if you want the Scheduled task to take effect immediately. Else select Disabled, so that you can enable it when required.
    • Select the frequency at which the Task has to be scheduled/executed. It can be Once, Every Day, Every Week, and Every Month.
    • Specify the start and end time/day of the task in the corresponding fields.
    • If it is a schedule to be executed every day, then specify the date from which the task must be scheduled.
    • If it is a monthly schedule, select either the date or the day with the time window for the schedule.
    • You can assign the task to only one of the following options:
      • Category (switch, router, server, etc.)
      • Business view
      • Device
      • URL Monitors
  4. Click Save

The schedule will be executed as configured.

To disable a Device Downtime Schedule

If you wish to disable the device downtime schedule, Go to Settings > Configuration > Device Downtime Schedules and set the status as Disable for the corresponding device downtime schedule.

To stop the currently running Device Downtime Schedule

    • Go to Settings > Configuration > Device Downtime Schedules and select the one to be stopped.
    • In the Edit Schedule page, scroll to the bottom and click on Save.
    • A message stating 'This schedule is active. Click here to stop the schedule, or update the schedule details after the process is completed' will be displayed. You can stop the schedule or update it by doing so.
    • To delete a Device Downtime Schedule, click on the delete icon under Actions header of the respective schedule.

Points to remember:

      • If a device is added under multiple device downtime schedules, chances are that one of the device downtime schedules under which the device is specified may still be in running state. Hence, the specific device will continue to remain in downtime.
      • When the parent device is on maintenance, the child devices will not be monitored and their status will be shown as dependent unavailable
      • On Maintenance devices are also considered in the OpManager MSP license count.
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