• Stop OpManager MSP.
  • Take a backup: cmd > OpManager MSP\bin\backup
  • Execute BackupDB.bat -targetdb pgsql (proceed to next step after the backup is completed).    
  • Since PGSQL was not bundled with earlier versions, take a complete OpManager MSP backup and save it on different location as folder backup.
  • Uninstall OpManager MSP completely and delete OpManager MSP folder.
  • Install same build of OpManager MSP with PGSQL database option and make sure OpManager MSP works fine.
  • Stop OpManager MSP service and copy the backup folder located under OpManager MSP from the backup folder to the newly installed folder under the same location.
  • Restore the database using RestoreDB.batpresent under OpManager MSP/bin/backup directory and restart OpManager MSP.

    For ex : C:\<OpManager MSP Home>\bin\backup>RestoreDB.bat "c:\OpManager MSP\backup\BackUp_APR3_2009_17_43_38_8100.zip"

    Note : For linux - please use BackupDB.sh 

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