Adding New Users in OpManager MSP

Types of Users in OpManager MSP:

In OpManager MSP, users are bifurcated to ensure security of data and enforce access control mechanism. Following are the types of users,

1. MSP Administrator:

The MSP Administrator is the primary administrative user of the MSP. The MSP Administrator has access to the network details of all customers and can monitor/make changes to the network of any customer from the MSP central server.

2. MSP Operator:

MSP Operator is a secondary user of the MSP, who has Read Access in the product. MSP Operator can view all the customers data and Central data but restricted to view settings page. Access to the settings page and edit options are restricted.

3. Customer Administrator:

The Customer Administrator has the privilege to view, edit and delete data of selected customers. Adding Users, adding Customers and adding Probes are restricted. Also, the Customer Administrator is not allowed to do any operations in Central.

4. Customer Operator:

Customer Operator has Read Access for the selected Customers data, but is restricted from viewing the settings page and is not allowed to do any operations in Central. The Customer Operator is however, allowed to perform some write operations like Acknowledge, UnAcknowledge Alarms, Create Custom Dashboards, etc.

Privilege comparison matrix:

Here is a table for a better understanding of privileges offered to the previously mentioned user roles.

User roleAdd/edit/ remove users and probesSettings page accessOverall customer's data accessSpecific customer's data access
      Read Edit Delete Read Edit Delete
MSP Administrator                
MSP Operator                
Customer Administrator                
Customer Operator                

Note : With OpManager MSP, MSPs can create customer administrator and customer operator logins for clients. They can also add new dashboards whenever is needed.

Adding Users in OpManager MSP:

Step 1: To add users in OpManager MSP, launch the OpManager MSP Web Console and go to Settings -> User Management.

Step 2: Click on the 'Add User' button on the top right.

Step 3: Choose Role of the user - MSP Administrator/MSP Operator/Customer Administrator/Customer Operator.

Step 4: Select User Type - Local Authentication/ Radius Authentication/AD Authentication.

Step 5: Enter the desired 'User Name', 'Password' (Re-type Password), 'Email id' and click on 'Next'.

Step 6: Select 'All Customers' if the user needs to have control over all customers or select 'Selected Customers' if the user has to have access only a selected set of customers and select the desired customers.

Note: If the user role is MSP Administrator or MSP Operator then the 'All Customers' option is chosen by default. If the user role is Customer Administrator or Customer Operator, then the desired customers need to be selected.

Step 7: Click 'Save'.

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