The term 'Discovery' in OpManager MSP refers to the addition of devices or interfaces for monitoring its various parameters.
OpManager MSP uses ICMP (ping) to check the reachability of the device and for device addition. You can further configure access credentials with protocols such as SNMP, Telnet/SSH, WMI, SMI which will be used for the proper classification and performance monitoring of the discovered devices. OpManager MSP also comes with over 10000 device templates that carry the initial configurations to classify the devices into the pre-defined device types. You can also create custom templates that is suitable for your device prior device discovery.
Devices can be imported or added into OpManager MSP by various methods. OpManager MSP provides individual discovery options specific to the device type and also allows discovery of devices in bulk.
To discover a selected range of devices,
Discover devices in your domain by importing them from the Active Directory.
With OpManager MSP, you can discover interfaces associated with your network devices and monitor its availability and overall performance. By default, automatic discovery of interfaces will be disabled. To enable it, go to Settings -> Discovery -> Discovery Settings and enable the Interface Discovery option. This will let OpManager MSP automatically discover the interfaces associated with the discovered devices (when discovery is performed from 'Add Device' page). For deviecs that are already discovered in OpManager MSP, you can perform interface discovery directly from their respective device snapshot page. To perform this,
For versions 125174 and above, OpManager MSP offers a dedicated feature to discover interfaces for devices in bulk.